Quiz 4 of 50 -- GRE word definitions

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1 adj. Vacillating. 1 prim
2 accordion
3 hesitant
4 fluctuate
5 transcript
2 n. Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear. 1 solicitude
2 penultimate
3 sacrifice
4 deport
5 carrion
3 adj. Knowing and understanding only the ordinary and the obvious. 1 superficial
2 extricate
3 irrepressible
4 feudalism
5 treacherous
4 v. To refuse to have anything to do with. 1 admissible
2 projection
3 repudiate
4 claimant
5 rein
5 n. One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions. 1 mockery
2 apothecary
3 emulate
4 arrival
5 sediment
6 n. Line of motion or direction. 1 course
2 constituent
3 arrant
4 guzzle
5 leaven
7 v. To make more sharp, severe, or virulent. 1 harbinger
2 vapid
3 jocular
4 exacerbate
5 alleviate
8 adj. Easily set on fire or excited. 1 homogeneous
2 hibernal
3 inflammable
4 investigator
5 armory
9 n. Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade. 1 underwrite
2 calorie
3 Occident
4 stanza
5 bric-a-brac
10 n. Courage. 1 optician
2 actionable
3 mettle
4 sarcasm
5 alderman
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 n. A grass cultivated for forage and cereal. 1 enamor
2 moralist
3 millet
4 disinterested
5 mealy-mouthed
12 n. Foolish daring. 1 pellucid
2 monosyllable
3 consonance
4 encomium
5 hardihood
13 v. To describe by distinctive marks or peculiarities. 1 characterize
2 deport
3 equivocal
4 alienable
5 penultimate
14 adj. Small in quantity or importance. 1 bureau
2 abstruse
3 inconsiderable
4 excitable
5 tarnish
15 n. Any small engraved or carved work in relief. 1 comport
2 light-hearted
3 cameo
4 fervor
5 hypodermic
16 n. The act of giving for a common purpose. 1 reflector
2 diacritical
3 immigrant
4 contribution
5 timorous
17 adj. Impudent. 1 fanciless
2 insolent
3 vortex
4 scope
5 forth
18 n. The act or state or conforming. 1 monastery
2 recognizance
3 autocracy
4 foreigner
5 conformance
19 adj. Easy to manage. 1 irrefrangible
2 effervescent
3 ligature
4 docile
5 oaken
20 n. Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro-organisms. 1 nowadays
2 physiocracy
3 overstride
4 garrote
5 antiseptic
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 adj. Humble. 1 reverent
2 reestablish
3 impassive
4 repugnance
5 merciful
22 n. A villain. 1 perusal
2 mollify
3 miscreant
4 omission
5 statuette
23 v. To preserve from extinction or oblivion. 1 peccable
2 perpetuate
3 diffusible
4 seer
5 indescribable
24 v. To yield. 1 garrote
2 redolent
3 impermissible
4 relent
5 privilege
25 v. To deaden the sound of, as by wraps. 1 herbaceous
2 divisor
3 muffle
4 incongruous
5 maniac
26 n. A mule-driver. 1 isle
2 melodrama
3 discover
4 efface
5 muleteer
27 n. Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars. 1 perennial
2 lattice
3 outright
4 resurrection
5 vegetation
28 n. Superstitious devotion to one's religion. 1 unaffected
2 demonstrate
3 cabalism
4 mythology
5 undulate
29 adj. Veracious. 1 portend
2 truthful
3 allotment
4 emit
5 adieu
30 n. Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor. 1 convalescence
2 acquisition
3 innovate
4 blaze
5 comparative
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 n. Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water. 1 bulrush
2 legible
3 cabal
4 avalanche
5 light-hearted
32 n. The quality of curving in and out. 1 dearth
2 misdeed
3 sinuosity
4 modification
5 mandatory
33 n. A stringed instrument held between the player's knees. 1 infallible
2 bilateral
3 itinerary
4 paralyze
5 violoncello
34 v. To deny oneself. 1 disarrange
2 emblem
3 forgo
4 ridicule
5 loiterer
35 n. A first appearance in society or on the stage. 1 mismanage
2 debut
3 denominate
4 supplementary
5 consonance
36 n. Sleeplessness. 1 levee
2 arrange
3 edible
4 preface
5 insomnia
37 n. The union of a man and a woman in marriage. 1 contagious
2 perversity
3 submersion
4 matrimony
5 investigator
38 adv. With knowledge and by design. 1 equilibrium
2 midwife
3 carnal
4 transfer
5 wittingly
39 n. An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet. 1 fancier
2 competent
3 lingua
4 impulsive
5 overture
40 n. The right, power, or liberty of choosing. 1 option
2 potency
3 resistive
4 pitiful
5 extempore
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 adj. Quinqeuvalent. 1 pentavalent
2 laggard
3 concerto
4 sequel
5 trepidation
42 adj. Perceptible by touch. 1 retrograde
2 ulterior
3 tangible
4 liturgy
5 appellate
43 adj. Supreme in authority. 1 fumigate
2 betrothal
3 antiquate
4 circumnavigate
5 paramount
44 n. A levy, by government, of a fixed contribution. 1 bereave
2 abstinence
3 violation
4 wrest
5 taxation
45 n. One of a class of persons or things regarded as representative of the class. 1 rapine
2 specimen
3 pillage
4 trestle
5 merciful
46 v. To turn the front or principal side of (a thing) toward any person or object. 1 irritancy
2 obvert
3 nettle
4 arborescent
5 interrupt
47 adj. Of excellence and splendor. 1 hideous
2 dexterity
3 humanize
4 transcribe
5 glorious
48 v. To return to a former place or condition. 1 octagon
2 grievous
3 interdict
4 regress
5 sorcery
49 adj. A temporary discontinuance. 1 blithe
2 intermittent
3 hypocrisy
4 verify
5 fez
50 n. A complete series of connected military operations. 1 equivalent
2 campaign
3 monocracy
4 supplementary
5 vehement
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 n. A figure of speech that consists in the naming of a thing by one of its attributes. 1 anarchy
2 metonymy
3 depreciation
4 vegetation
5 devise
52 n. A monastic house. 1 priory
2 naturally
3 confiscate
4 outright
5 naphtha
53 adj. Involving the moving of water, of the force exerted by water in motion. 1 optician
2 missive
3 hydraulic
4 ennoble
5 irksome
54 v. To show by example. 1 capitulate
2 perspicacity
3 exemplify
4 metaphysician
5 blithesome
55 n. Self-distrust. 1 misrepresent
2 hindmost
3 diffidence
4 indiscriminate
5 jaundice
56 v. To eject. 1 oust
2 nonpareil
3 inception
4 buoyant
5 subjection
57 n. The study and collection of stamps. 1 eliminate
2 philately
3 gratuitous
4 specie
5 sibilant
58 adj. Pertaining to ships, seamen, or navigation. 1 felonious
2 posit
3 hoard
4 votive
5 nautical
59 adj. Convulsive. 1 chaos
2 mausoleum
3 spasmodic
4 insignificance
5 louse
60 n. A wooden hammer. 1 mallet
2 antitoxin
3 pamphleteer
4 vociferance
5 misapprehend
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 n. Want of power to apprehend, understand, and manage. 1 eatable
2 iridescence
3 absence
4 blaspheme
5 incapacity
62 n. An open pan or basin for holding live coals. 1 Neolithic
2 brazier
3 evanesce
4 prohibitory
5 theological
63 n. A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book. 1 aqueous
2 stanza
3 inadvertent
4 preface
5 sear
64 v. To unfold or expand. 1 evolve
2 profession
3 divagation
4 desert
5 heterogeneous
65 n. A vivid glowing flame. 1 simplify
2 aspirant
3 blaze
4 disown
5 pugnacious
66 n. The passion for collecting books. 1 ailment
2 bursar
3 devious
4 onslaught
5 bibliomania
67 v. To mar or disfigure the face or external surface of. 1 ennoble
2 felicitate
3 deface
4 inquisitive
5 perfunctory
68 n. A servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence. 1 triplicity
2 sycophant
3 ornate
4 repressible
5 avocation
69 n. Any strong fortress. 1 transient
2 citadel
3 albeit
4 accusation
5 persuadable
70 v. To get first sight or knowledge of, as something previously unknown or unperceived. 1 baize
2 brigand
3 angular
4 discover
5 regnant
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 n. A small dagger. 1 pageant
2 eatable
3 stiletto
4 believe
5 tangency
72 v. To summon or cause to assemble. 1 corrosion
2 convene
3 spurious
4 venerable
5 metropolis
73 adj. Connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption of sequence. 1 abase
2 altruist
3 continuous
4 courageous
5 bombast
74 n. A spoken or written laudation of a person's life or character. 1 defendant
2 eulogy
3 regality
4 anode
5 immortalize
75 n. Dweller. 1 conveyance
2 indiscreet
3 extraordinary
4 profligate
5 habitant
76 v. To handle tenderly and lovingly. 1 fondle
2 liturgy
3 anagram
4 ductile
5 magnitude
77 n. A place or structure dangerous to human life. 1 persuade
2 panel
3 incomprehensible
4 man-trap
5 purloin
78 adv. Without preparation. 1 eject
2 vivisection
3 anemia
4 gourmand
5 offhand
79 n. The poisonous fluid that certain animals secrete. 1 pervert
2 Nemesis
3 askance
4 gaily
5 venom
80 adj. Observant and exact in points of time. 1 termagant
2 punctual
3 phosphorescence
4 obnoxious
5 extensor
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 n. A musical composition during which the first part or subject is repeated several times. 1 masterpiece
2 bleak
3 rondo
4 flag-officer
5 wholly
82 v. To walk about. 1 midsummer
2 contumacy
3 perambulate
4 fallible
5 blaspheme
83 v. To free from deception, as by apprising of the real state of affairs. 1 descent
2 undeceive
3 weal
4 profligate
5 surrogate
84 n. A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States. 1 judgment
2 entirety
3 intromit
4 nowadays
5 Americanism
85 adj. Cutting, especially into two parts. 1 burnish
2 entail
3 laudatory
4 shuffle
5 secant
86 adj. Neglecting or refusing to obey. 1 disputation
2 indefinitely
3 preeminence
4 conservatism
5 disobedient
87 n. The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best. 1 spectrum
2 irradiate
3 optimism
4 ascendant
5 trebly
88 n. That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms. 1 foreshore
2 theology
3 blockade
4 ardor
5 anatomy
89 n. Paralysis. 1 convulsion
2 palsy
3 rue
4 compulsory
5 alcoholism
90 n. A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension. 1 admonish
2 shrinkage
3 grimace
4 detrude
5 outrigger
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 v. To regard with inordinate love or admiration. 1 idolize
2 detract
3 hemorrhoids
4 debut
5 foolery
92 n. A critical judge of art, especially one with thorough knowledge and sound judgment of art. 1 replica
2 connote
3 momentary
4 connoisseur
5 besmear
93 n. Exactness. 1 autocracy
2 accuracy
3 egotist
4 sapid
5 gregarious
94 v. To give and take mutually. 1 resonate
2 prelude
3 console
4 reciprocate
5 inaccessible
95 n. The character &; and. 1 pentathlon
2 ampersand
3 novellette
4 secretive
5 entomology
96 adj. Full to the uttermost. 1 pollute
2 sophisticate
3 mastery
4 auspice
5 replete
97 n. One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins. 1 arraign
2 perpetuate
3 introgression
4 auricle
5 excellency
98 n. The branch of physics that treats the phenomena caused by the action of forces. 1 suspension
2 fixture
3 Christ
4 mechanics
5 trebly
99 n. Congruity of the members or elements or parts. 1 corruption
2 revisal
3 preestablish
4 homogeneity
5 abdominal
100 adj. Spasmodic. 1 asperity
2 untimely
3 troublesome
4 mendacious
5 fitful
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