Quiz 13 of 50 -- GRE word definitions

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 n. The right or act of purchasing before others. 1 inexperience
2 exemplary
3 drainage
4 invective
5 preemption
2 n. Love and devotion to one's country. 1 turgid
2 lieu
3 gentile
4 latent
5 patriotism
3 n. Modification. 1 resurrection
2 devise
3 linear
4 variation
5 whine
4 adj. Improvident. 1 linguistics
2 happy-go-lucky
3 intrinsic
4 laud
5 linear
5 n. A placing opposite. 1 constrict
2 contraposition
3 dolesome
4 heptagon
5 homonym
6 adj. Mentally sound. 1 vicissitude
2 lucid
3 discord
4 regicide
5 interpolation
7 adj. Foolishly headless of danger. 1 undue
2 allotment
3 breech
4 reckless
5 plumb
8 adj. Supernatural. 1 epidemic
2 supramundane
3 forby
4 introversion
5 rhetorician
9 v. To repay evil with a similar evil. 1 presage
2 retaliate
3 paradox
4 demented
5 omnipotence
10 n. The writing-paper of the ancient Egyptians, and later of the Romans. 1 Parisian
2 papyrus
3 buffoonery
4 decamp
5 obdurate
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 n. Rich supply. 1 exuberance
2 nettle
3 recollect
4 virago
5 captivate
12 n. A sudden and violent breaking forth, as of something that has been pent up or restrained. 1 veracious
2 regress
3 seduce
4 shuffle
5 outbreak
13 n. That which is to be subtracted. 1 advert
2 fungus
3 amphibious
4 subtrahend
5 convalescence
14 n. A state of balance. 1 principality
2 eradicate
3 excel
4 rectitude
5 equilibrium
15 adj. Characteristic of dwelling in the country. 1 domineer
2 rustic
3 cursory
4 venial
5 efface
16 n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. 1 arrear
2 Pantheon
3 sophism
4 convalescence
5 abdomen
17 n. A college student. 1 collegian
2 conflagration
3 peccant
4 barring
5 intolerance
18 n. An emergency legislation authorizing a government suspend some action temporarily. 1 moratorium
2 despond
3 depositor
4 blase
5 covey
19 n. A morbid condition, due to obstructed excretion of bile or characterized by yellowing of the skin. 1 profuse
2 prologue
3 encourage
4 jaundice
5 deflect
20 n. the death of part of the body. 1 deciduous
2 sapience
3 solstice
4 immaculate
5 necrosis
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 adj. Two-sided. 1 prototype
2 dilemma
3 emancipate
4 crematory
5 bilateral
22 adj. Lacking some element, part, or adjunct necessary or required. 1 conjunction
2 incomplete
3 phlegmatic
4 frigidarium
5 sycophant
23 n. A writer on ethics. 1 immerse
2 stupendous
3 preestablish
4 ambiguous
5 moralist
24 n. The act or process of making dense or denser. 1 grotesque
2 peccable
3 condensation
4 monogram
5 inference
25 n. A sign (^) placed below a line, indicating where omitted words, etc., should be inserted. 1 foreordination
2 caret
3 telescope
4 ripplet
5 cranium
26 n. A doer of kindly and charitable acts. 1 philosophy
2 tendency
3 cosmography
4 flora
5 benefactor
27 adv. In progress. 1 afoot
2 protuberate
3 gestation
4 stifle
5 ultimate
28 n. A series of illustrative or explanatory notes on any important work. 1 circumlocution
2 separatist
3 whimsical
4 evidential
5 commentary
29 n. A bold, impudent, turbulent woman. 1 impure
2 virago
3 abnormal
4 massive
5 syndicate
30 n. Hard coal. 1 upheave
2 ministry
3 anthracite
4 optician
5 meliorate
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 n. Gross wrong or injustice. 1 sensorium
2 gastritis
3 fervent
4 fundamental
5 iniquity
32 adj. Situated on the other side of the Alps. 1 remiss
2 odoriferous
3 transalpine
4 bacterium
5 generic
33 v. To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects. 1 preoccupy
2 scurrilous
3 tortious
4 alley
5 alliance
34 v. To infuriate. 1 enrage
2 intimacy
3 panorama
4 forego
5 spheroid
35 n. An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding officer. 1 darkling
2 instigator
3 sergeant-at-arms
4 panorama
5 vendible
36 v. To subject to punitive measures. 1 concur
2 diplomatist
3 levy
4 chastise
5 solar
37 v. To surrender. 1 inestimable
2 lackadaisical
3 concede
4 tempter
5 insecure
38 adj. Exempt from error of judgment, as in opinion or statement. 1 inceptive
2 reiterate
3 ante
4 infallible
5 acquire
39 v. To trouble with importunities, cares, or annoyances. 1 harass
2 deist
3 leniency
4 corporeal
5 prolix
40 adj. Poverty-stricken. 1 interact
2 destitute
3 secede
4 journalize
5 ambulance
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 v. To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything. 1 dissension
2 pare
3 facet
4 exposure
5 sapiential
42 n. That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. 1 ossify
2 colloquial
3 foresight
4 superlative
5 frivolity
43 adj. So large or furnishing so great a supply as not to be emptied, wasted, or spent. 1 inexhaustible
2 telescope
3 magnificence
4 somniferous
5 cornucopia
44 n. Malice. 1 Gordian knot
2 cynosure
3 rancor
4 magnet
5 conduce
45 adj. Having a tendency to change. 1 variable
2 caricature
3 mawkish
4 deficient
5 cull
46 adj. Having a tendency to go back. 1 stagy
2 desiccant
3 forfend
4 recessive
5 flora
47 adj. Edible. 1 eatable
2 defer
3 congest
4 syllabication
5 demerit
48 adj. Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications. 1 theoretical
2 expulsion
3 indignant
4 doleful
5 absorption
49 v. To endow with life or energy. 1 vitalize
2 providential
3 graceless
4 inaudible
5 efficacious
50 v. To bind. 1 termination
2 gratify
3 halcyon
4 constrict
5 handwriting
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 adj. Suitable for the occasion or circumstances. 1 decorous
2 embezzle
3 hypocrisy
4 importune
5 flagrant
52 n. A pithy phrasing of a shrewd observation. 1 collaborate
2 sedulous
3 epigram
4 monsieur
5 chronology
53 v. To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error. 1 nude
2 sublingual
3 retrospect
4 nocturnal
5 accuse
54 v. To be the ground or support of. 1 extinct
2 divagation
3 underlie
4 unnatural
5 ostracize
55 n. The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle. 1 mileage
2 evict
3 retrieve
4 hypotenuse
5 auditory
56 v. To apportion. 1 offshoot
2 earnest
3 mete
4 indulgent
5 inborn
57 n. A token fee or payment to a professional man for services. 1 lordling
2 infirmity
3 rapacious
4 honorarium
5 superabundance
58 n. A covering for the leg. 1 laureate
2 inestimable
3 legging
4 heritage
5 equitable
59 adj. Capable of being grasped. 1 landholder
2 juridical
3 solar
4 mandate
5 prehensible
60 n. Frequency. 1 deport
2 regality
3 disfigure
4 insatiable
5 prevalence
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 v. To superintend. 1 gibe
2 oversee
3 impend
4 gregarious
5 competitive
62 v. To diminish the gravity or importance of. 1 garrison
2 melodious
3 impetuous
4 extenuate
5 estuary
63 n. Uninterrupted connection in space, time, operation, or development. 1 datum
2 mutiny
3 malevolence
4 alley
5 continuity
64 n. Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction. 1 disobedience
2 ordnance
3 magistracy
4 boorish
5 predict
65 adj. Attractive. 1 intestine
2 winsome
3 entwine
4 hypnotism
5 confluence
66 n. One who believes in the theory that man's food should be exclusively vegetable. 1 conversant
2 vegetarian
3 alternative
4 initiate
5 cataclysm
67 v. To cure again. 1 recure
2 Omnipotent
3 underman
4 indolent
5 federate
68 n. Forcible ejection. 1 Canaanite
2 benefit
3 preempt
4 expulsion
5 impromptu
69 v. To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances. 1 henpeck
2 collective
3 competitor
4 suspense
5 septennial
70 adj. Having the color of blood. 1 precedent
2 kiln
3 autobiography
4 inveterate
5 sanguine
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 n. A reaching or stretching out, as in space, time or scope. 1 espy
2 extension
3 course
4 metronome
5 consignee
72 n. An act or exercise of will. 1 adroit
2 polysyllable
3 volition
4 indefinitely
5 denounce
73 n. A group of rimed lines, usually forming one of a series of similar divisions in a poem. 1 disservice
2 sirocco
3 stanza
4 stringent
5 undulous
74 n. An utterly trivial distinction or objection. 1 illegitimate
2 illegal
3 wizen
4 humanitarian
5 quibble
75 v. To deprive of any right privilege or power 1 disenfranchise
2 ingredient
3 intervale
4 liking
5 anthropology
76 n. The meaning conveyed by language, actions, or signs. 1 signification
2 anemometer
3 contusion
4 incident
5 penitence
77 v. To hold and exercise sovereign power. 1 scintillate
2 jugular
3 reign
4 diffident
5 macrocosm
78 v. To withdraw formally one's belief (in something previously believed or maintained). 1 dictum
2 faulty
3 propeller
4 bequeath
5 recant
79 adj. Spoken with any special impressiveness laid upon an act, word, or set of words. 1 zealot
2 irritable
3 emphatic
4 transcribe
5 pennant
80 n. An argument to obtain some desired action. 1 onerous
2 unlimited
3 plea
4 donate
5 hesitation
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 v. To render ludicrous by imitating the language of. 1 parody
2 mane
3 diagnose
4 crustacean
5 subsequent
82 n. Any opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine that a person believes or maintains as true. 1 abhorrence
2 operate
3 genealogist
4 ripplet
5 tenet
83 adj. Mutually interchangeable or convertible. 1 reciprocal
2 emanate
3 disbeliever
4 aboveboard
5 famish
84 adj. Irregular. 1 merciless
2 conducive
3 erratic
4 pretext
5 sufficiency
85 n. A hereditary nobility 1 indignant
2 duplex
3 inert
4 aristocracy
5 theocracy
86 adj. Light and quick in motion or action. 1 reminiscence
2 impunity
3 nimble
4 guinea
5 decapod
87 v. To cease from action. 1 off
2 antiphony
3 spheroid
4 desist
5 onus
88 n. A dark reddish-brown, non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor. 1 laudation
2 disapprove
3 anode
4 infidel
5 bromine
89 v. To restore to a former status, capacity, right rank, or privilege. 1 paronymous
2 inquire
3 nocturnal
4 vortex
5 rehabilitate
90 n. Any impulse or incentive. 1 dragnet
2 veracious
3 stupor
4 impetus
5 migrant
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 n. A tomb of more than ordinary size or architectural pretensions. 1 grisly
2 mausoleum
3 energetic
4 intestine
5 impartial
92 n. A burden or responsibility. 1 statuette
2 amorous
3 diatribe
4 onus
5 sepulcher
93 n. Banter. 1 encore
2 freethinker
3 opposite
4 persiflage
5 deportment
94 n. A lad. 1 emit
2 syllable
3 laddie
4 usurious
5 nostrum
95 n. Opacity of the lens of the eye resulting in complete or partial blindness. 1 polyarchy
2 squalid
3 declension
4 cataract
5 octavo
96 n. Inequality. 1 temporal
2 tenacious
3 amusement
4 shriek
5 disparity
97 adj. Becoming raw or sore again. 1 correlate
2 whereabouts
3 icily
4 recrudescent
5 commotion
98 v. To indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs. 1 portend
2 surmise
3 superintend
4 volatile
5 triplicate
99 adj. Not moving. 1 vaccinate
2 preestablish
3 stationary
4 definite
5 finery
100 adj. Ten-footed or ten-armed. 1 archaism
2 subtle
3 decapod
4 prototype
5 insecure
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