Quiz 42 of 50 -- GRE word definitions

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1 n. Anything intended or calculated to deceive or mislead. 1 maxim
2 humbug
3 stringent
4 leonine
5 retention
2 n. The physical structure or organization of a person. 1 anode
2 prodigious
3 antonym
4 physique
5 tincture
3 v. To sell at a lower price than. 1 Augustinian
2 exclusion
3 undersell
4 decipher
5 calorie
4 adj. Milky. 1 magnitude
2 supercilious
3 lacteal
4 monocracy
5 comparison
5 adj. Containing gold. 1 wee
2 abeyance
3 auriferous
4 precede
5 centenary
6 n. A small shrill trumpet or bugle. 1 elucidate
2 libel
3 clarion
4 ennoble
5 usurp
7 v. To cause to be loved. 1 memorable
2 prevalent
3 perpendicular
4 instance
5 endear
8 n. Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege. 1 injunction
2 proscription
3 materialize
4 biennial
5 portent
9 v. To add in addition to what has been added. 1 superadd
2 estrange
3 interpose
4 retort
5 sepulcher
10 n. A detailed account or diary of a journey. 1 itinerary
2 cursive
3 expectancy
4 collector
5 outcast
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 v. To spread abroad or from person to person. 1 soprano
2 propagate
3 pauperism
4 bustle
5 darkling
12 v. To swing back and forth. 1 ineffable
2 oscillate
3 errant
4 juridical
5 altar
13 n. A place in which ferns are grown. 1 fernery
2 console
3 emphasize
4 perpetrator
5 perforate
14 n. The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation. 1 lexicographer
2 geology
3 abscission
4 intercessor
5 magician
15 n. One who agrees with others to cooperate in accomplishing some unlawful purpose. 1 concerto
2 sear
3 convalescence
4 exodus
5 conspirator
16 n. A group of seven governments. 1 acute
2 guileless
3 infrequence
4 stanchion
5 heptarchy
17 v. To ward off. 1 buttress
2 forfend
3 sinuosity
4 capitulate
5 disunion
18 v. To imitate with intent to equal or surpass. 1 eureka
2 missal
3 emulate
4 alternative
5 siren
19 n. An opinion or doctrine subversive of settled beliefs or accepted principles. 1 evoke
2 ligneous
3 endanger
4 heresy
5 bawl
20 n. Simultaneousness. 1 temerity
2 synchronism
3 wile
4 exorbitant
5 livelihood
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 v. To make manifest or evident. 1 distend
2 evince
3 airy
4 epic
5 unconscious
22 n. A model, pattern, or original to be copied or imitated. 1 narrow-minded
2 adamant
3 exemplar
4 untoward
5 misadventure
23 adj. Noting a genus or kind; opposed to specific. 1 benison
2 covert
3 panegyric
4 generic
5 grief
24 n. Incentive. 1 embark
2 conversion
3 interrupt
4 stimulus
5 overpower
25 n. Oppressive drowsiness. 1 penetration
2 sarcophagus
3 somnolence
4 dissertation
5 cynosure
26 v. To execute clumsily. 1 bungle
2 emanate
3 insentient
4 transmission
5 preservation
27 adj. Sharing the same views or sentiments. 1 unanimous
2 participate
3 semicircle
4 pantheism
5 percolate
28 adj. Powerless. 1 terrify
2 proletarian
3 scruple
4 resistless
5 antagonism
29 n. A lawgiver. 1 adoration
2 injunction
3 dentifrice
4 legislator
5 corps
30 n. The branch of zoology that treats of insects. 1 rebellious
2 symphony
3 entomology
4 posterior
5 befriend
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 adj. Being in a state of or resembling sleep. 1 sear
2 dormant
3 termagant
4 microscopic
5 indiscriminate
32 adj. Nimble. 1 conductible
2 fanatic
3 lithesome
4 modernity
5 effete
33 adj. Sweetly or smoothly flowing. 1 preamble
2 mellifluous
3 transitory
4 congeal
5 intrepid
34 v. To win confidence or good graces for oneself. 1 employer
2 demobilize
3 commodity
4 vituperable
5 ingratiate
35 v. To ride faster than. 1 ostracize
2 outride
3 contender
4 serviceable
5 ode
36 n. An instrument for measuring. 1 duplex
2 gauge
3 homogeneous
4 licentious
5 ocular
37 adj. Able to discern and distinguish with wise perception. 1 anthracite
2 excursion
3 inexcusable
4 sagacious
5 defalcate
38 v. To pour or cause to pass, as a fluid, from one vessel to another. 1 reprobate
2 forth
3 carnage
4 distiller
5 transfuse
39 n. Spare time. 1 animalcule
2 punctual
3 psychopathic
4 Neolithic
5 leisure
40 adj. Spongy. 1 poise
2 comport
3 interpolation
4 fungous
5 effective
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 adj. Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression. 1 contusion
2 curt
3 gossamer
4 reck
5 omnivorous
42 adj. Interchangeable. 1 editorial
2 indicant
3 mishap
4 convertible
5 extremist
43 n. The act or power of moving from one place to another. 1 hypnosis
2 probate
3 locomotion
4 futurist
5 prefer
44 v. To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. 1 enlist
2 acknowledgment
3 Stoicism
4 clearance
5 procrastination
45 n. A salt of acetic acid. 1 hard-hearted
2 acetate
3 crag
4 overstride
5 refute
46 adj. Conceited. 1 tack
2 volatile
3 priggish
4 possession
5 severely
47 v. To annihilate. 1 paroxysm
2 irascible
3 foliage
4 demolish
5 obliterate
48 n. A small flag. 1 exasperate
2 overpay
3 pennant
4 seer
5 discreet
49 adj. Possessing distinguished merit. 1 recidivist
2 malediction
3 verily
4 free trade
5 excellent
50 v. To pull or force away by or as by violent twisting or wringing. 1 exorbitant
2 irreligious
3 generate
4 wrest
5 generality
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 adj. Pertaining to Mars, either the Roman god of war or the planet. 1 undersized
2 optimism
3 Martian
4 taut
5 perforate
52 adj. Not relating to a particular person or thing. 1 convertible
2 glimpse
3 dendroid
4 ado
5 impersonal
53 n. Opposition to conservatism. 1 reluctance
2 subservient
3 appreciable
4 adduce
5 liberalism
54 n. Refined or elegant courtesy. 1 diacritical
2 feudal
3 urbanity
4 extremity
5 degenerate
55 n. A building designed for systematic astronomical observations. 1 accessible
2 upcast
3 observatory
4 donator
5 meddlesome
56 v. To give a name or epithet to. 1 abrupt
2 drachma
3 reticent
4 nondescript
5 denominate
57 adj. Unceasing. 1 tricolor
2 addendum
3 incessant
4 academy
5 intrigue
58 adj. Done as an experiment. 1 tentative
2 aberration
3 batten
4 infest
5 overreach
59 n. The science of the nervous system. 1 foretell
2 observance
3 stimulate
4 neurology
5 virtual
60 adj. Intrinsic. 1 lapse
2 fete
3 enlist
4 faction
5 inherent
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 adj. Pertaining to the body or the physical senses. 1 fixture
2 tarnish
3 outskirt
4 urbanity
5 sensual
62 n. That upon which the mind is set. 1 circulate
2 writing
3 matrimony
4 intention
5 qualm
63 n. A trifling act, thought, saying, or practice. 1 navigate
2 ashen
3 frivolity
4 specie
5 meander
64 n. Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form. 1 ballad
2 ingratitude
3 assent
4 ingenuous
5 intersect
65 n. One who works in a coal-mine. 1 afire
2 rudimentary
3 rhetorician
4 eugenic
5 collier
66 n. Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs. 1 prejudice
2 outright
3 parse
4 felonious
5 bronchus
67 adj. capable of influencing to action by entreaty, statement, or anything that moves the feelings. 1 left-handed
2 persuadable
3 dissentious
4 repulsive
5 munificence
68 n. The greatest possible extent. 1 quackery
2 utmost
3 outskirt
4 breaker
5 folk-lore
69 adj. Having the character of a reproof. 1 remonstrant
2 corrosion
3 becalm
4 suasion
5 impersuadable
70 adj. Unpremeditated. 1 egotist
2 ill-natured
3 impulsive
4 subterfuge
5 batter
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 n. The egg of a louse or some other insect. 1 tutelar
2 nit
3 efface
4 ampere
5 aliment
72 n. An abstract. 1 hideous
2 primer
3 summary
4 underman
5 assessor
73 n. A solution, usually alcoholic, of some principle used in medicine. 1 referable
2 aggravation
3 tincture
4 renovate
5 actionable
74 n. Ascendancy or preponderance. 1 defiant
2 expostulate
3 begrudge
4 predominance
5 arbiter
75 n. A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock. 1 pendulum
2 retch
3 subservient
4 moat
5 pervert
76 n. Hatred of marriage. 1 efficacy
2 foppish
3 telepathy
4 zenith
5 misogamy
77 n. General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general. 1 metaphysics
2 brigadier
3 wiry
4 counter-claim
5 operetta
78 adj. Happening out of court. 1 granular
2 estrange
3 extrajudicial
4 convulse
5 forth
79 n. A beleaguerment. 1 transcendent
2 siege
3 dislocate
4 acquittal
5 postscript
80 adj. Exhibiting or indicating omission. 1 tyro
2 decent
3 spontaneous
4 neglectful
5 pedestal
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 adj. Despondent. 1 pediatrics
2 protomartyr
3 low-spirited
4 irradiate
5 enormous
82 v. To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate. 1 loch
2 beneficial
3 dispossess
4 archaic
5 baste
83 adj. Thoroughly penetrating or permeating. 1 leeward
2 pervasive
3 revisal
4 sacrifice
5 salutatory
84 n. One who is disabled by illness or injury. 1 isothermal
2 immersion
3 interlocutor
4 negotiable
5 invalid
85 v. To be in collusion. 1 connive
2 photometer
3 fabricate
4 enjoin
5 immune
86 adj. Capable of being inferred. 1 votary
2 pestilence
3 neocracy
4 impliable
5 somnolence
87 n. The arrangements or combination of the parts of which anything is composed. 1 makeup
2 hypnotic
3 normalcy
4 parlor
5 ambidextrous
88 adj. Characteristic of the devil. 1 dragoon
2 significant
3 diabolic
4 functionary
5 impassible
89 adj. Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. 1 fraudulent
2 infirmary
3 occult
4 Unitarian
5 enthusiastic
90 n. One who retails small wares. 1 huckster
2 brittle
3 correlative
4 deficiency
5 parallel
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 v. To pay out or expend, as money from a fund. 1 alderman
2 inwardly
3 disburse
4 imitation
5 syllabus
92 adj. Struck with terror and amazement. 1 fungus
2 corpuscle
3 monetary
4 aghast
5 nausea
93 n. Dead and putrefying flesh. 1 diplomatic
2 skeptic
3 circumference
4 forth
5 carrion
94 v. To be full to overflowing. 1 teem
2 pioneer
3 monotony
4 foppish
5 eminence
95 v. To implore. 1 countercharge
2 physics
3 inadmissible
4 pathos
5 beseech
96 n. A going forth or departure from a place or country, especially of many people. 1 sequence
2 liquefy
3 exodus
4 overhang
5 transcript
97 n. Lassitude of body or depression. 1 preempt
2 overtone
3 demagogue
4 languor
5 colloquial
98 adj. Speaking two languages. 1 confidence
2 predominate
3 rampart
4 Epicurean
5 bilingual
99 n. Tendency towards a former, or opposite state of things, as after reform, revolution, or inflation. 1 reaction
2 ameliorate
3 tangent
4 adumbrate
5 deride
100 n. One chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters. 1 profligate
2 retinue
3 jubilation
4 arbiter
5 inhibit
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