Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | A God who rules over feces and dung |
1 cypridophobia 2 sterculius 3 matronolagnia 4 pentapopemptic 5 hypnophobia | |
2 | A fear of joint immobility |
1 cainotophobia 2 illeism 3 theriolater 4 ankylophobia 5 platyopic | |
3 | Speaking senselessly or babbling idiotically |
1 androphobia 2 remontado 3 sarcophagic 4 stultiloquent 5 divitiphobia | |
4 | Infested with fleas |
1 alopeciaphobia 2 didine 3 hypselotimophobia 4 pulicose 5 tycolosis | |
5 | Describing a bird (or other animal) with a straight beak |
1 cacohydrophobia 2 rectirostal 3 ophiophobia 4 illyngophobia 5 thelyotokous | |
6 | Being slender and thin |
1 enochlophobia 2 phanerolagniast 3 alphamegamia 4 cypripareuniaphile 5 ectomorphic | |
7 | The process of making something soft and pliable |
1 philodespot 2 malacissation 3 cherophobia 4 ponophobia 5 steatopygic | |
8 | A fear of shellfish |
1 concilliabule 2 partheniad 3 parasitophobia 4 carcinophobia 5 ostraconophobia | |
9 | Something or someone which expels smoke |
1 felinophobia 2 joola 3 fumifugist 4 passulation 5 verbigerate | |
10 | 2. Being covered in scales like a reptile |
1 alterocentric 2 fuscoferuginous 3 snuzzle 4 radiophobia 5 scutiferous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | Either cattle manure or the grass that grows in dung |
1 genuphobia 2 tath 3 chionophobia 4 wanweird 5 papyrocracy | |
12 | Any building which is either 100 feet long or wide |
1 molysomophobia 2 misopedist 3 hecatompedon 4 oneirocritic 5 momiology | |
13 | The study and construction of puzzles |
1 molysomophobia 2 aichurophobia 3 enigmatology 4 polyphobia 5 sorocide | |
14 | Extremely long-winded |
1 dolichprosopic 2 brimborion 3 oligophagous 4 longiloquent 5 supernaculum | |
15 | A fear of sermons |
1 misoxeny 2 coenesthesis 3 nidorosity 4 tachophobia 5 homilophobia | |
16 | The people who stole clothing from a public bath in ancient Rome |
1 patroiophobia 2 balnearil 3 myctophobia 4 bronteum 5 doraphobia | |
17 | A condition in which a person has a large red nose |
1 autovoxiphillia 2 misomath 3 rosacea 4 xeniatrophobia 5 koimetrophobia | |
18 | Having both male and female offspring |
1 gerasophobia 2 carnophobia 3 wlatsome 4 ampherotokous 5 radiophobia | |
19 | A fear of fish |
1 gambrinous 2 grinagog 3 icthyophobia 4 parateresiomania 5 sophrosyne | |
20 | A fear of pigeons |
1 septemplicate 2 tegestologist 3 peristerophobia 4 xerophilous 5 philematophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | One who hates the smell of tobacco smoke |
1 hordarian 2 scotomaphobia 3 misocapnist 4 silential 5 odynophobia | |
22 | A kidnapping by a foreign government for political gain |
1 tycolosis 2 androlepsia 3 sgriob 4 solfeggio 5 witzelsucht | |
23 | A person who studies through the night |
1 pernoctator 2 catagelophobia 3 megamalophile 4 gephyrophobia 5 ceilidh | |
24 | One who loves hearing harsh sounds |
1 cenogamy 2 cacophonophilist 3 croosle 4 lachanophobia 5 ceilidh | |
25 | 1. A fear of knowledge or wisdom |
1 ovivorous 2 misotramontanist 3 tropoclastics 4 sophophobia 5 hederate | |
26 | A fear of defecation |
1 obstipation 2 astrophobia 3 tibialoconcupiscent 4 defecalgesiophobia 5 silential | |
27 | A fear of choking or suffocating |
1 incunabula 2 fumifugist 3 ecdysiophile 4 necromancy 5 anginophobia | |
28 | Milk which has become thick due to being sour |
1 skiaphobia 2 salutatorian 3 philotherian 4 erotographophobia 5 bonnyclabber | |
29 | An event which does not occur after much planning, such as a wedding with no groom |
1 ostreophobia 2 grimthorpe 3 fashimite 4 pluviophobia 5 jowfair | |
30 | One who eats to excess |
1 gormandizer 2 chankings 3 philematophobia 4 keb 5 urophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | To be malingering |
1 burghbote 2 dyvors 3 nepiomania 4 decubitis 5 xenobombulate | |
32 | One who hates tyranny |
1 prosopolepsy 2 misotyrannist 3 frustraneous 4 septimanarian 5 anasarkas | |
33 | The marriage of a widow to her brother -in-law |
1 ceilidh 2 crantara 3 karao 4 sarcle 5 chirocracy | |
34 | A long beaverskin coat popular among northern fur traders |
1 kosmokrator 2 toggy 3 tolutiloquent 4 coprophobia 5 dinophobia | |
35 | The long bent handle of a scythe |
1 snead 2 longiloquent 3 saprogenic 4 anililagnia 5 thurification | |
36 | A fear of sand or deserts |
1 prognathous 2 euonym 3 lexiconophilist 4 eremikophobia 5 periblebsis | |
37 | The fear of theology |
1 crepuscle 2 coimetrophobia 3 diplasiasmus 4 theologicophobia 5 strikhedonia | |
38 | A fear of having to take care of children |
1 eremikophobia 2 heautontimorumenos 3 sarcle 4 philogynist 5 pediatricophobia | |
39 | A fear of men |
1 androphobia 2 wuntee 3 cenogamy 4 simphobia 5 Laodicean | |
40 | The study of prehistoric animals |
1 cheimatophobia 2 mimp 3 paleozoology 4 batrachoid 5 neanilagnia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | A form of masochism |
1 arsle 2 schizocarp 3 cypridophobia 4 spargefaction 5 heautontimorumenos | |
42 | The fear of thieves or of becoming a thief |
1 harpaxophobia 2 pernoctator 3 atelophobia 4 salutatorian 5 lepidophobia | |
43 | A person who buys and sells children after deforming them |
1 crepuscle 2 comprachico 3 glossophobia 4 agrizoophobia 5 katagelophobia | |
44 | A square stone or tile |
1 polyandry 2 anoegenetic 3 quadrel 4 ecclesiophobia 5 ephemeromorph | |
45 | Not producing new work or original knowledge |
1 misopedist 2 cultrivorous 3 parthenolagnia 4 anoegenetic 5 poinephobia | |
46 | The inability to concentrate |
1 aprosexia 2 dystychiphobia 3 taurophobia 4 philomythist 5 scaldabanco | |
47 | A government dominated by one race |
1 nebulochaotic 2 electrophobia 3 doytin 4 deisidaimonia 5 chromotocracy | |
48 | A fear of kissing |
1 kurveyor 2 nudiustertian 3 philemaphobia 4 tonitruphobia 5 pyrrhonist | |
49 | Divination using fingernails |
1 krukolibidinous 2 fettler 3 vaccinophobia 4 orthophobia 5 onimancy | |
50 | An overwhelming desire to neck or kiss |
1 apikoros 2 mariticide 3 anililagnia 4 basorexia 5 balnearii | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | Caused by an unfavourable home life |
1 cacestogenous 2 causeuse 3 dephlogisticate 4 flyndrig 5 agenhina | |
52 | A staff with a crooked end on it |
1 calligyniaphobia 2 cummock 3 politicophobia 4 philematophobia 5 aichmorhabdophobia | |
53 | The belief that all people will be saved by God |
1 mariticide 2 apocatastasis 3 shapka 4 ophiophobia 5 alychiphobia | |
54 | A person who speaks or writes in a smug way about their life and accomplishments |
1 crantara 2 autohagiographer 3 hygrophobia 4 dolichprosopic 5 opsophagy | |
55 | The fear of young people |
1 hebephobia 2 funambulist 3 naufragous 4 circumlocution 5 ampherotokous | |
56 | One who is obsessed with trends or fads |
1 philoneist 2 carcinophobia 3 pantomancer 4 avenage 5 hermeneutics | |
57 | See chromophobia |
1 misosophist 2 krukolibidinous 3 necroponent 4 chromatophobia 5 carnophobia | |
58 | Having a pointy head |
1 turistaphobia 2 tachophobia 3 acrocephalic 4 Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg 5 pegomancy | |
59 | A person who believes Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare's works |
1 shaconian 2 korophilia 3 philogeant 4 scintillation 5 anginophobia | |
60 | Being luxuriously effeminate like the Byron hero Sardanapalus |
1 sardanapalian 2 placophobia 3 altophobia 4 bronteum 5 monomath | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | A fear of merriment |
1 cherophobia 2 exennium 3 ouranophobia 4 staurophobia 5 tubicination | |
62 | The delusion that one is of Heavenly descent |
1 aeroacrophobia 2 uranomania 3 uredophobia 4 nelipot 5 tremophobia | |
63 | Having two separate personalities |
1 diophysitic 2 rurigenous 3 jactitate 4 hyperthemalgesia 5 androphobia | |
64 | 3. A type of carriage |
1 horripilate 2 rumbelow 3 epincion 4 rustication 5 suaviloquent | |
65 | Pertaining to a prolonged adolescence |
1 hypengyophobia 2 neoteinic 3 penphobia 4 viciniphobia 5 dratchell | |
66 | Belching with the taste of undigested meat |
1 melolagnia 2 metrocracry 3 pagophobia 4 pleniloquent 5 nidorosity | |
67 | The fear of virgins |
1 quadrumane 2 longiloquent 3 theophilanthropist 4 malaxophobia 5 pathenophobia | |
68 | The frayed and unraveled ends of a rope |
1 feazings 2 taurophobia 3 logomachist 4 snurl 5 cunctipotent | |
69 | The fear of being undressed or seen undressed |
1 cloffin 2 oikomania 3 misapodysis 4 uxorodespotic 5 philogeant | |
70 | See ophidiophobia |
1 sardanapalian 2 vespertine 3 cymophobia 4 ophiophobia 5 criticasters | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | A fear of peace |
1 lygerastia 2 atephobia 3 philosophobia 4 acrocephalic 5 paxophobia | |
72 | See hypengyophobia |
1 lepidophobia 2 hypegiaphobia 3 uxorodespotic 4 cartomaniac 5 acronycal | |
73 | One who loves tyranny |
1 satrapess 2 philodespot 3 shaconian 4 lohock 5 myrmecophobia | |
74 | To engage in a war of words |
1 witzchoura 2 avenage 3 necromimesis 4 logomachize 5 theopneusty | |
75 | Rulership by pedants or pedagogs |
1 pathenophillia 2 platyopic 3 megamalophile 4 siderodromophobia 5 pedantrocracy | |
76 | See uranophobia |
1 ouranophobia 2 fulmination 3 peccatiphobia 4 urticariaphobia 5 ochlochracy | |
77 | Resembling a sloth, anteater, or armadillo |
1 adhocracy 2 sterculius 3 ambiguphobia 4 xenarthral 5 uredophobia | |
78 | See ailurophobia |
1 opsiproligery 2 misoneist 3 aelurophobia 4 fudgeon 5 sophrosyne | |
79 | A fear of bulls |
1 domatologist 2 taurophobia 3 circumlocution 4 ovivorous 5 charientism | |
80 | A dirge played on the Highland bagpipes |
1 erotographophobia 2 discophoran 3 perfuncturate 4 piobalreachd 5 tachophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | Drought loving, particularly pertaining to plants |
1 obliviscence 2 enoptrophobia 3 parrhesiastic 4 xerophilous 5 hyalophobia | |
82 | Shaking and weak while recovering from illness or surgery |
1 tachydidactic 2 phigerophobia 3 xertz 4 fibriophobia 5 wommacky | |
83 | To drink to the last drop |
1 supernaculum 2 febriphobia 3 neanilagnia 4 haptodysphoria 5 saprogenic | |
84 | A guest at an inn, who is considered to be one of the family |
1 hematophagous 2 teniophobia 3 horripilate 4 estiferous 5 agenhina | |
85 | To collect branches which have fallen off of trees |
1 brump 2 agroof 3 fyerk 4 iophobia 5 carcinophobia | |
86 | The habit of exagerating one's own importance |
1 viciniphobia 2 crepitation 3 pleionosis 4 clapperdudgeon 5 zythepsary | |
87 | Having only male offspring |
1 arrhenotokous 2 hyposmia 3 fettler 4 hormephobia 5 vespertillian | |
88 | A fear of sticks or rods, or of being beaten with them |
1 cloffin 2 fudgeon 3 amomaxiaphobia 4 aichurophobia 5 rhabdophobia | |
89 | A pathological reluctance to stop talking about a given subject |
1 anililagnia 2 necrologist 3 brachistichrone 4 klebenleiben 5 hebephobia | |
90 | A stamp collector |
1 lexiconophilist 2 hederate 3 theanthropos 4 philatelist 5 uranomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | The wild look which accompanies delirium |
1 periblebsis 2 maieusiophobia 3 pharmacophobia 4 perissopedics 5 misologist | |
92 | A boring conversationalist, usually met at parties |
1 rehibition 2 gerontocomium 3 macrologist 4 exsufflicate 5 redubber | |
93 | A fear of parents in law |
1 lalophobia 2 fidimplicitary 3 soceraphobia 4 lestobiosis 5 misocapnist | |
94 | The second best student in a graduating class, whose job it is to give an introductory speech |
1 izles 2 salutatorian 3 nassology 4 bathysiderodromophobia 5 plenilune | |
95 | The belief in the union of the divine and human |
1 theanthropy 2 metapneustic 3 scapulimancy 4 guidfather 5 tath | |
96 | Living in rotting waste |
1 ponerologist 2 saprophilous 3 fomentation 4 aprosexia 5 parateresiomania | |
97 | A hater of war and strife |
1 acrocephalic 2 cruciverbalist 3 haliography 4 pysmatic 5 misopolemiac | |
98 | A last minute snack |
1 bromidrosiphobia 2 voidee 3 fulmination 4 fimicoloud 5 acrocephalic | |
99 | The fear of termites |
1 doctiloquent 2 pathenophobia 3 isopterophobia 4 siderodromophobia 5 porphyrophobia | |
100 | The sound of many birds chirping together, or many people chatting at once |
1 iatrapistia 2 maledictaphobia 3 shistaceous 4 urticariaphobia 5 chavish |