Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | See carcinophobia |
1 meacock 2 moromancy 3 fomentation 4 gaberlunzie 5 carcinomatophobia | |
2 | A fear of insect stings |
1 chrysophobia 2 wlatsome 3 doctiloquent 4 galeophobia 5 cnidophobia | |
3 | A fear of sleeping |
1 satrapess 2 coprostasiphobia 3 pasilaly 4 vaccinophobia 5 hypnophobia | |
4 | Disruptive or destructive to the church |
1 nycterent 2 byrthynsak 3 scapulimancy 4 ecclesioclastic 5 nephelophobia | |
5 | A fear of knees |
1 smatchet 2 swinophobia 3 dendrophobia 4 genuphobia 5 ommatophobia | |
6 | The belief that all humans are descended from two people |
1 doraphobia 2 cancatervate 3 rumbelow 4 ethnomethodology 5 monogenism | |
7 | To lie still, as in some forms of prayer |
1 dwaible 2 opsipatria 3 illyngophobia 4 humicubate 5 atelophobia | |
8 | Fear of belly buttons |
1 omphalophobia 2 politicophobia 3 satrapess 4 dentiloquent 5 ecclesioclastic | |
9 | The fear of hydrophobia |
1 periphrastic 2 vernalagnia 3 fletcherize 4 pervulgate 5 hydrophobophobia | |
10 | A fear of fever |
1 pyrexiophobia 2 necromimesis 3 gynophobia 4 logomaniac 5 cosherer | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | The right under law of a lord to persecute a vassal caught outside of his jurisdiction |
1 poulaine 2 ommatophobia 3 infracaninophile 4 outfangtheft 5 nepiomania | |
12 | A fear of being misunderstood |
1 septimanarian 2 ambiguphobia 3 ophiophobia 4 vesthibitionism 5 dratchell | |
13 | The path between two points along which a particle travels for the shortest time |
1 piobalreachd 2 xenarthral 3 shaconian 4 brachistichrone 5 scoleciphobia | |
14 | One who hates marriage |
1 misogamist 2 stultiloquent 3 floccillation 4 osmophobia 5 explaterate | |
15 | A person with enough education to attend college |
1 psithurism 2 hematophagous 3 orchidectomy 4 ceilidh 5 tanquam | |
16 | A person who claims to prevent baldness |
1 alopecist 2 odontophobia 3 narcokleptocracy 4 chaetophobia 5 sloken | |
17 | To publish something |
1 pervulgate 2 ombrophilous 3 gaberlunzie 4 longiloquent 5 guttersnipe | |
18 | A wrongdoer |
1 cartomaniac 2 longiloquent 3 shaconian 4 tortfeaser 5 bathysiderodromophobia | |
19 | To toss and turn or to toss back and forth |
1 beaze 2 jactitate 3 potamophobia 4 lalophobia 5 chronophobia | |
20 | A rude, uncouth slob |
1 hippobosca 2 scriptophobia 3 sociophobia 4 jeeter 5 maieuticophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere |
1 oculoplania 2 dyvors 3 penphobia 4 dysesthesia 5 sphallolalia | |
22 | A device used for measuring reaction times |
1 nucleomitophobia 2 isopterophobia 3 noematachograph 4 papyrocracy 5 quiddler | |
23 | Always talking or full of speech |
1 surfeitigo 2 scriptophobia 3 astrophobia 4 pleniloquent 5 soceraphobia | |
24 | A person who uses ambiguous language or evasive writing |
1 parisologist 2 katagelophobia 3 frustling 4 saulie 5 polyloquent | |
25 | Like a jellyfish |
1 discophoran 2 prescient 3 shurocracy 4 sarculation 5 cephalalgic | |
26 | A government formed of privileged slaves |
1 phylactery 2 izles 3 molysomophobia 4 dulocracy 5 zenzizenzizenzic | |
27 | Another name for one's father in law |
1 hematophobia 2 apanthropia 3 guidfather 4 snurl 5 tomecide | |
28 | A person who hangs around wasting time at work and making conversation with people who are working |
1 quiddler 2 byrthynsak 3 parthenolagnia 4 siderodromophobia 5 sarcophagic | |
29 | The study of juvenile deliquency |
1 cunctipotent 2 hebesphalmology 3 hippophobia 4 callithumpian 5 malacodermous | |
30 | Being attracted to pregnant women |
1 collieshangie 2 polyphloisboian 3 cleptophobia 4 cyesolagnia 5 wanweird | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | Being full of beer |
1 tegestologist 2 infracaninophile 3 limnophobia 4 gambrinous 5 amomaxiaphobia | |
32 | A fear of houses or being stuck in a house |
1 theanthropism 2 rampasture 3 domatophobia 4 epistaxiophobia 5 anginophobia | |
33 | An expert on the subject of sin |
1 hamartiologist 2 misodoctakleidist 3 ornithoscelidaphobia 4 hierofastidia 5 rhytiphobia | |
34 | Pertaining to a cashew nut |
1 ephemeromorph 2 tyg 3 anacardic 4 parosmia 5 osphresiophobia | |
35 | A number raised to the eighth power |
1 photoaugiaphobia 2 zenzizenzizenzic 3 phillumenist 4 gigmania 5 beaze | |
36 | Something which is silly or triffling |
1 hypobulia 2 manducable 3 exsufflicate 4 witzchoura 5 griffonage | |
37 | A woman's first pregnancy |
1 buffarilla 2 dentiloquent 3 hematophagous 4 collieshangie 5 unigravida | |
38 | The science of stuffing animals for display, also called taxidermy |
1 lavacultophilia 2 pleniloquent 3 fulmination 4 nassology 5 septimanarian | |
39 | A knockout punch, either verbal or physical |
1 chankings 2 cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy 3 recumbentibus 4 aristophren 5 ergasophobia | |
40 | A fear of accidents |
1 opsipatria 2 merdurinous 3 dystychiphobia 4 basistasiphobia 5 oikomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | The practice of referring to oneself as "he" or "she", or by one's name |
1 pediatricophobia 2 astrophobia 3 vigesimation 4 illeism 5 sophrosyne | |
42 | A fear of being tied and bound |
1 scoleciphobia 2 dextrophobia 3 crepitation 4 androphobia 5 merinthophobia | |
43 | A government consisting of the wealthy and the elite |
1 pleionosis 2 hemaphobia 3 plousiocracy 4 cynocephalous 5 sgriob | |
44 | A fear of hell |
1 vernalagnia 2 domatologist 3 hyperhedonia 4 stygiophobia 5 chrematistic | |
45 | The ocean spray which is blown by the wind |
1 karao 2 whiddin 3 theochristic 4 spindrift 5 scoleciphobia | |
46 | A fear of mice or rats |
1 philogeant 2 hamirostrate 3 suriphobia 4 oculoplania 5 burghbote | |
47 | A government formed of children |
1 narcokleptocracy 2 coprostasiphobia 3 paedocracy 4 trullization 5 hemaphobia | |
48 | A loud and violent explosion , either literally or figuratively |
1 philotherian 2 philodespot 3 stultiloquent 4 fulmination 5 psaphonic | |
49 | A fear of large things |
1 gubernator 2 illeism 3 mnemophobia 4 ankylophobia 5 megalophobia | |
50 | Able to walk |
1 longiloquent 2 xyresic 3 infracaninophile 4 gressible 5 cacodaemonomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | Pertaining to something which produces heat |
1 estiferous 2 spectocloacaphobia 3 enochlophobia 4 borborygmus 5 scarpology | |
52 | One who hates strangers |
1 veriloquent 2 obesophobia 3 misoxene 4 peniaphobia 5 soceraphobia | |
53 | The practice of dogmatic assertion |
1 snoach 2 whiddin 3 viciniphobia 4 ipsedixitism 5 papyrophobia | |
54 | A fear of body odour or sweat |
1 haruspicy 2 osmidrosiphobia 3 stenophobia 4 cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy 5 verbophobia | |
55 | People or businesses who have gone bankrupt or are disreputable |
1 phrontifugic 2 incicurable 3 dyvors 4 kalopsia 5 didine | |
56 | The fear of white people |
1 misopedist 2 avenage 3 albophobia 4 griffonage 5 dyvors | |
57 | The state of being drunk |
1 hordarian 2 septemplicate 3 politicophobia 4 lygerastia 5 oenophlygia | |
58 | The study of writings on restroom walls |
1 surfeitigo 2 latrinology 3 aichmorhabdophobia 4 kymophobia 5 cryophobia | |
59 | A fear of crucifxes |
1 dysesthesia 2 voidee 3 staurophobia 4 monopathophobia 5 omphalophobia | |
60 | One who believes that gods can take human forms |
1 sgriob 2 supernaculum 3 alieniloquent 4 theanthropist 5 osmidrosiphobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | See cheimaphobia |
1 dentiloquent 2 cheimatophobia 3 obesophobia 4 pharmacophobia 5 rhypophobia | |
62 | Rulership by drug dealers with ties to politicians and the military |
1 narcokleptocracy 2 quadrel 3 nomatophobia 4 cenogamy 5 aelurophobia | |
63 | The obsession of staring at something which is repulsive |
1 logastellus 2 ornithoscelidaphilia 3 klebenleiben 4 autotonsorialist 5 cacospectamania | |
64 | having a broad flat nose |
1 charientism 2 platyopic 3 misomath 4 spargefaction 5 scelerophobia | |
65 | 1. The theft of a calf or a sheep |
1 oikophobia 2 byrthynsak 3 philandrist 4 cameralistics 5 xanthochroid | |
66 | A poor man who pretends he is rich |
1 maritorious 2 metapneustic 3 pyrexiophobia 4 stalko 5 opsipatria | |
67 | To learn from experience or have one's sanity restored |
1 pygalgia 2 demophobia 3 resipiscent 4 papaphobia 5 hederate | |
68 | The fear of overworking |
1 ponophobia 2 fuscoferuginous 3 didine 4 dephlogisticate 5 bromidrosiphobia | |
69 | A government formed by priests |
1 opsimathiphobia 2 altiloquent 3 favillous 4 parsonarchy 5 sterquilinous | |
70 | One who believes they are a god |
1 autodeist 2 fremescence 3 hippobosca 4 dipsomanophobia 5 androlepsia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | The fear of speaking straight forwardly and in simple terms |
1 favillous 2 apiophobia 3 suriphobia 4 simphobia 5 sarcle | |
72 | The fear of wine |
1 xylopolist 2 anthropophobia 3 tonitrous 4 oinophobia 5 anginophobia | |
73 | Fast eating |
1 tachyphagia 2 theanthropism 3 verbophobia 4 mataeotechny 5 phigerophobia | |
74 | The fear of contaminated water |
1 gargalesthesia 2 simphobia 3 turistaphobia 4 mendaciloquent 5 vestiphobia | |
75 | A fear of love or of falling in love |
1 nephophobia 2 philophobia 3 xyresic 4 fimicoloud 5 tegestologist | |
76 | A hater of knowledge and enlightenment |
1 misologist 2 venustaphobia 3 coenesthesis 4 tachydidaxy 5 hamartophobia | |
77 | being unstable |
1 crurophilous 2 unigravida 3 passulation 4 dwaible 5 hypengyophobia | |
78 | Being untamable |
1 parasitophobia 2 intrapreneur 3 sialoquent 4 incicurable 5 cameralistics | |
79 | To throw out of a window |
1 neanilagnia 2 hecatompedon 3 fluctisonant 4 defenestrate 5 cartomaniac | |
80 | A fear of many things |
1 scarpology 2 plangonologist 3 dikephobia 4 polyphobia 5 nebulochaotic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | A speaker answering their own questions |
1 sermocination 2 flyndrig 3 katagelophobia 4 machiaphobia 5 galligantus | |
82 | The spiked helmet worn by german or prussian soldiers before World War I |
1 chionophobia 2 fruzz 3 misoxeny 4 Pickelhaube 5 tubicination | |
83 | The fear of prostitutes |
1 jactitate 2 dipsophobia 3 circumlocution 4 cypridophobia 5 ouranophobia | |
84 | The obsession with using either foreign or obscure wording |
1 hellenomania 2 alieniloquent 3 taurophobia 4 xertz 5 tonitruphobia | |
85 | A fear of heat |
1 planiloquent 2 ombrophilous 3 anklyosis 4 thermophobia 5 syndyasmia | |
86 | An overly complicated means of expression |
1 frustraneous 2 circumlocution 3 dysnomy 4 cymophobia 5 alliumphobia | |
87 | A worthless person |
1 spartle 2 hasenpfeffer 3 dendrophobia 4 zob 5 wuntee | |
88 | A psychologist who studies human lust |
1 deltiologist 2 teleophobia 3 shaconian 4 phanerolagniast 5 culacino | |
89 | One who collects funny names |
1 cenogamy 2 chankings 3 comiconomenclaturist 4 misopolemiac 5 mythomane | |
90 | Pertaining to monkeys |
1 cercopithecan 2 partheniad 3 oligophagous 4 anthroposcopy 5 mechanophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | The urge to roam |
1 planomania 2 oligotokous 3 periphrastic 4 quadriliteral 5 melolagnia | |
92 | The ability to still have children late in life |
1 tolutiloquent 2 stellionate 3 cainophobia 4 cartomaniac 5 opsiproligery | |
93 | To be running like a hare |
1 izles 2 gargalesthesia 3 oenophlygia 4 cerebropathophobia 5 whiddin | |
94 | being mentally deficient or having a small brain |
1 nomatophobia 2 oligophrenic 3 verbophobia 4 conchologist 5 obesophobia | |
95 | To purify something by using fire, or to purify a soul by cremation |
1 anginophobia 2 vastation 3 orcheotomy 4 nephelophobia 5 hyperprosexia | |
96 | A disorder in which one has no sense of smell |
1 hyposmia 2 harpaxophobia 3 sloken 4 fruzz 5 resipiscent | |
97 | One of seven exact copies |
1 tropoclastics 2 arrhenotokous 3 septemplicate 4 ambiguphobia 5 aptronym | |
98 | A fear of going bald |
1 harpaxophobia 2 plutarchy 3 kalopsia 4 enosiophobia 5 phalacrophobia | |
99 | A person skilled at repairing tools or machinery |
1 nullibiety 2 trypanophobia 3 vigesimation 4 fettler 5 scriptophobia | |
100 | A fear of clouds |
1 passulation 2 floccillation 3 nephophobia 4 trichophobia 5 uxorodespotic |