Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | See Hematophobia |
1 hemophobia 2 bataphobia 3 lirp 4 vaniloquent 5 sternutatory | |
2 | One who loves literature and languages |
1 blatteroon 2 defecalgesiophobia 3 philologist 4 psychophobia 5 paralian | |
3 | A fear of new medicines or drugs |
1 psellismophobia 2 hirsutophilia 3 hippophobia 4 bogyphobia 5 neopharmaphobia | |
4 | An appropriate name for someone or something |
1 aptronym 2 zob 3 osculaphobia 4 pneumatophobia 5 osmidrosiphobia | |
5 | Pertaining to a word which has four letters |
1 quadriliteral 2 mesocracy 3 enissophobia 4 iatrapistia 5 melissophobia | |
6 | A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot |
1 opsomaniac 2 metallophobia 3 concilliabule 4 taphephillia 5 latrocination | |
7 | To strike with a battering ram or to butt like a ram |
1 capernoited 2 thaasophobia 3 oinophobia 4 arietate 5 paedocracy | |
8 | A fear of the pope or the papacy |
1 crepuscle 2 prognathous 3 doraphobia 4 wanweird 5 papaphobia | |
9 | The fear of undressing or undressing in front of someone |
1 culacino 2 philologist 3 dishabillophobia 4 coprophagan 5 ereuthrophobia | |
10 | The fading light at the end of the day, also known as twilight |
1 teleophobia 2 crepuscle 3 haptodysphoria 4 paxophobia 5 decubitis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | A person who loves mythology |
1 anxiolytic 2 prosopolepsy 3 philomythist 4 geumaphobia 5 pyrexiophobia | |
12 | Excessive pleasure caused by boring tasks |
1 lexiconophilist 2 somniloquent 3 parsonarchy 4 hyperhedonia 5 atychiphobia | |
13 | One who loves women |
1 bdellophobia 2 alektorophobia 3 philogynist 4 oenophlygia 5 eremikophobia | |
14 | The fur covered, brimless hat worn by many Russians in the winter |
1 puellaphillist 2 pluviophobia 3 neanimorphism 4 cancatervate 5 shapka | |
15 | Performed in silence or pertaining to silence |
1 nanophilia 2 proficuous 3 cerebropathophobia 4 orthophobia 5 silential | |
16 | An attraction to older women, especially women who have children |
1 fumifugist 2 biometeorology 3 pediatricophobia 4 matronolagnia 5 domatologist | |
17 | A small boat used in Malta, similar to a gondola |
1 haptephobia 2 pyrexiophobia 3 dghaisa 4 numerophobia 5 spaneria | |
18 | A person obsessed with words |
1 omophagist 2 prosophobia 3 logomaniac 4 hypengyophobia 5 chionophobia | |
19 | The act of drying up and turning into a raisin |
1 apeirophobia 2 osmidrosiphobia 3 passulation 4 nosomaniaphobia 5 cacestogenous | |
20 | A fear of heresy |
1 misogamist 2 heresyphobia 3 acrocephalic 4 kopophobia 5 matronolagnia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | A vendor who enjoys talking while making a sale |
1 coprostasiphobia 2 chafferer 3 odontophobia 4 favillous 5 xenarthral | |
22 | One who is easy to hurt emotionally |
1 bletcherous 2 recumbentibus 3 maledictaphobia 4 stultiloquent 5 rectopathic | |
23 | A form of loan (in ancient Rome) in which the creditor could enslave and flog the debtor if he failed to make a payment |
1 hedonophobia 2 nexum 3 feazings 4 haptephobia 5 myriadigamous | |
24 | A fear of blood or the sight of blood |
1 arctophilist 2 keraunophobia 3 albophobia 4 hyetophobia 5 hematophobia | |
25 | The number ten to the sixty-third power |
1 domatologist 2 ovivorous 3 assanka 4 raith 5 karao | |
26 | A person who writes obituaries or eulogies |
1 demophobia 2 philoprogeneity 3 sanctiloquent 4 astrophobia 5 necrologist | |
27 | A person who studies during the night |
1 vitricophobia 2 lucubrator 3 osmophilia 4 orthophobia 5 cleptophobia | |
28 | The study of ancient writings |
1 coprophobia 2 theriomancy 3 gymnogynomania 4 burghbote 5 paleography | |
29 | The fear of wind |
1 tyg 2 lalochezia 3 virgulate 4 melolagnia 5 anemophobia | |
30 | Having a crooked jaw |
1 wapperjawed 2 anklyosis 3 stellionate 4 fyerk 5 ximelolagnia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | The urge to spy on people when they are undressing |
1 misopedist 2 xylophobia 3 gymnogynomania 4 logocracy 5 chromophobia | |
32 | Someone who loves doing crossword puzzles |
1 periblebsis 2 theriomancy 3 paedocracy 4 infracaninophile 5 cruciverbalist | |
33 | A fear of certain fabrics |
1 didaskaleinophobia 2 textophobia 3 misopolemiac 4 frustling 5 hisbid | |
34 | A hideous old woman |
1 theriolater 2 hyperprosexia 3 crambazzle 4 metrocracry 5 mackabroin | |
35 | Slightly intoxicated or tipsy |
1 suaviloquent 2 capernoited 3 lalochezia 4 witzelsucht 5 rectiphobia | |
36 | The acceptance of people based on the appearance |
1 hygrophobia 2 leukophobia 3 gaberlunzie 4 prosopolepsy 5 heliolater | |
37 | Like a frog |
1 unigravida 2 batrachoid 3 odynophobia 4 antlophobia 5 causeuse | |
38 | A fear of punishment |
1 psithurism 2 piobalreachd 3 poinephobia 4 trypanophobia 5 limnophobia | |
39 | A natural ability to perform scholarly achievements |
1 scholaptitude 2 anthroposcopy 3 cosherer 4 vespertillian 5 vaccinophobia | |
40 | The padding of literary works or of musical works |
1 remplissage 2 zills 3 misotramontanist 4 hamirostrate 5 arrhenotokous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | The treasurer of a monastery or someone who controls a lot of money |
1 mentimutation 2 haptodysphoria 3 litigaphobia 4 hordarian 5 agrizoophobia | |
42 | The incorrect doubling of a letter when spelling a word |
1 tomophobia 2 abligurition 3 apiophobia 4 blodder 5 diplasiasmus | |
43 | A fear of glass |
1 potamophobia 2 nelophobia 3 xerophilous 4 gerasophobia 5 xenodochiophobia | |
44 | One who detests children |
1 naprapathy 2 misopedist 3 philtrum 4 noematachograph 5 machiaphobia | |
45 | The excessive use of 'we' in writing, particulary in newspaper editorials |
1 scholaptitude 2 tremophobia 3 wegotism 4 hypselotimophobia 5 lestobiosis | |
46 | A fear of wild animals |
1 defenestrate 2 omphacine 3 zills 4 agrizoophobia 5 emunction | |
47 | One who eats only a few kinds of food |
1 hedonophobia 2 logastellus 3 katagelophobia 4 culacino 5 oligophagous | |
48 | A Jewish person who does not follow Jewish law |
1 apikoros 2 achluophobia 3 abligurition 4 cypripareuniaphile 5 criticasters | |
49 | Oats paid to a landlord when the tenant could not pay the rent |
1 lalophobia 2 nidorosity 3 doraphobia 4 stigmeology 5 avenage | |
50 | Resembling a bat |
1 alychiphobia 2 vespertillian 3 anthophobia 4 cultrivorous 5 cyprianophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | A fear or hurricanes, cyclones, or tornadoes |
1 runcation 2 lilapsophobia 3 hypophobia 4 philoprogeneity 5 longiloquent | |
52 | A place with few or no men |
1 spaneria 2 polyandry 3 quisquilian 4 gigantomachize 5 peniaphobia | |
53 | A fear of floods or flooding |
1 antlophobia 2 trichopathophobia 3 jactitate 4 crantara 5 cherophobia | |
54 | A fear of insanity or going insane |
1 naprapathy 2 achluophobia 3 batrachophagous 4 witzchoura 5 dementophobia | |
55 | A fear of electricity |
1 misocapnist 2 opsiproligery 3 arsle 4 xeniatrophobia 5 electrophobia | |
56 | An extreme nasal sound in one's voice |
1 theriolater 2 meacock 3 rhinophonia 4 pluviophobia 5 alopeciaphobia | |
57 | The science of determining characteristic traits by examining a persons shoes |
1 cypripareuniaphile 2 thelyotokous 3 quisquilian 4 multisonous 5 scarpology | |
58 | The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out |
1 chirocracy 2 deltiologist 3 lygerastia 4 fidimplicitary 5 xenobombulate | |
59 | A fear of the color purple |
1 zeitgeist 2 salutatorian 3 haptephobia 4 alterocentric 5 porphyrophobia | |
60 | Prowling around with the intent to commit burglary |
1 sialoquent 2 deltiologist 3 perfuncturate 4 algerining 5 cynocephalous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | having a nose like an elephant's trunk |
1 proboscidiform 2 necromimesis 3 hebesphalmology 4 phigerophobia 5 androlepsia | |
62 | See Ochidectomy |
1 stenophobia 2 orcheotomy 3 icthyophobia 4 dishabillophobia 5 oubliette | |
63 | The fear of speed |
1 astrophobia 2 tachophobia 3 guidfather 4 keraunophobia 5 ponerologist | |
64 | Pertaining to a nut |
1 odynophobia 2 litigaphobia 3 qasida 4 nucamentaceous 5 nullibiety | |
65 | See gamophobia |
1 selenocentric 2 crepuscle 3 heresyphobia 4 hibernicism 5 gametophobia | |
66 | Fourth from last |
1 cloffin 2 fuscoferuginous 3 machiaphobia 4 preantepenultimate 5 phobophobia | |
67 | Someone who eats many kinds of foods |
1 shapka 2 chrysophobia 3 polyphage 4 buffarilla 5 nexum | |
68 | Serving to reduce tension or stress |
1 whiddin 2 anxiolytic 3 snurl 4 chaetophobia 5 misomaniac | |
69 | One who robs churches |
1 snead 2 kirkbuzzer 3 paralipophobia 4 veriloquent 5 cherophobia | |
70 | An extremely ugly young woman |
1 mataeotechny 2 macrologist 3 floccillation 4 xeniatrophobia 5 buffarilla | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | helping to escape from one's thoughts |
1 ombrophilous 2 xylopolist 3 phrontifugic 4 prescient 5 oubliette | |
72 | An official who acts like a petty tyrant |
1 bathysiderodromophobia 2 cacophonophilist 3 polyphage 4 satrapess 5 gerontocomium | |
73 | A tight rope walker |
1 gelophobia 2 xenarthral 3 stenophobia 4 schoenobatist 5 mellisugent | |
74 | The proper term for an open marriage in which either partner may live with other people |
1 neopharmaphobia 2 syndyasmia 3 rhinophonia 4 quisquilian 5 gynephobia | |
75 | The fear of stuttering |
1 heteropraxy 2 haptodysphoria 3 uxorodespotic 4 psellismophobia 5 rustication | |
76 | The act of pilfering food |
1 shurocracy 2 onychophagy 3 lestobiosis 4 monopathophobia 5 phigerophobia | |
77 | To whine empathetically with someone who is in pain |
1 anililagnia 2 spartle 3 ouranophobia 4 crose 5 cunctipotent | |
78 | advantageous and useful |
1 recumbentibus 2 chankings 3 haruspicy 4 proficuous 5 doraphobia | |
79 | A fear of anything new |
1 gatophobia 2 lysistrataphobia 3 horripilate 4 cainophobia 5 iatrapistia | |
80 | Causing rot and decay |
1 saprogenic 2 hodophobia 3 opsipatria 4 oxythymous 5 parateresiomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | The loss of sight due to old age |
1 presbyopia 2 crepuscle 3 philotherian 4 naufragous 5 anthophobia | |
82 | Pertaining to people who do not follow the teachings of their religion |
1 rampasture 2 hormephobia 3 basophobia 4 heteropraxy 5 tanquam | |
83 | See febriphobia |
1 pediophobia 2 kakidrosiphobia 3 demonophobia 4 fibriophobia 5 enosiophobia | |
84 | A collector of shells |
1 supernaculum 2 conchologist 3 dwaible 4 hypobulia 5 spheksophobia | |
85 | The act of murdering or destroying a book |
1 tomecide 2 iophobia 3 hoxter 4 papyrophobia 5 keraunophobia | |
86 | A form of constant winking |
1 toggy 2 blepharospasm 3 didine 4 sanctiloquent 5 humuhumunukunukuapuaa | |
87 | Nut eating |
1 suoid 2 nuciverous 3 cosherer 4 shapka 5 remplissage | |
88 | A person who loves to argue or debate |
1 hypnophobia 2 fomentation 3 foof 4 uredophobia 5 philopolemicist | |
89 | A fear of crowds or people |
1 ipsedixitism 2 sorocide 3 demophobia 4 cosherer 5 catapedaphobia | |
90 | One who loves apples |
1 cheiloproclitic 2 chirotonsor 3 merdurinous 4 opsomaniac 5 malophile | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | Reverberating with the sound of thunder |
1 androlepsia 2 tonitrous 3 virgivitiphobia 4 tachyphagia 5 hypobulia | |
92 | A fear of foreign hotels |
1 xenodochiophobia 2 pnigophobia 3 deipnophobia 4 taurophobia 5 peladophobia | |
93 | Third rate mean spirited critics |
1 nuciverous 2 pegomancy 3 criticasters 4 viraginity 5 dendrophobia | |
94 | A fear of returning home |
1 nostophobia 2 geumaphobia 3 platyopic 4 franion 5 venustaphobia | |
95 | A fear of failure |
1 atychiphobia 2 sorocide 3 basistasiphobia 4 scopolagnia 5 zeitgeist | |
96 | To go away somewhere for the summer |
1 megalophobia 2 placophobia 3 dyvors 4 estivation 5 pulicose | |
97 | A device used in theater or movies to create thunder |
1 prescient 2 misotyrannist 3 bronteum 4 steatopygic 5 avenage | |
98 | Before dinner |
1 suriphobia 2 gelophobia 3 helminthophobia 4 precibal 5 pantaphobia | |
99 | An increased sensitivity to heat |
1 hellenomania 2 opsomaniac 3 tath 4 hyperthemalgesia 5 snollygosters | |
100 | Pertaining to something which eats flesh |
1 sarcophagic 2 mesocracy 3 runcation 4 fustilug 5 stalko |