Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | The study of how the weather affects people |
1 prognathous 2 biometeorology 3 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 4 aprosexia 5 carnophobia | |
2 | A fear of justice |
1 burghbote 2 wommacky 3 gerontocomium 4 hippobosca 5 dikephobia | |
3 | A low whimper, such as produced by infants |
1 croosle 2 numismatist 3 hellenomania 4 brachistichrone 5 cameralistics | |
4 | Another word for castration |
1 ponerologist 2 orchidectomy 3 xylopolist 4 ultracrepidarianism 5 alektorophobia | |
5 | A love of dinosaurs |
1 tyrannophobia 2 pegomancy 3 eleutherophillist 4 fudgeon 5 ornithoscelidaphilia | |
6 | A person who finds faults with everything |
1 concionative 2 smellfungus 3 cucurbitaceous 4 bacillophobia 5 brevirostrate | |
7 | A person who fakes a smile , such as on television |
1 hederate 2 atelophobia 3 eccedentesiast 4 dextrosinistral 5 agrizoophobia | |
8 | The science of breaking habits |
1 metapneustic 2 brachistichrone 3 tropoclastics 4 philogeant 5 droud | |
9 | A person who cuts their own hair |
1 undigenous 2 hormephobia 3 lapidicolous 4 autotonsorialist 5 alychiphobia | |
10 | Being taught rapidly or teaching quickly |
1 humicubate 2 heautontimorumenos 3 tachydidactic 4 catoptomancy 5 ankylophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | A fear of injections or inoculations |
1 trypanophobia 2 chalcenterous 3 barophobia 4 apanthropia 5 basiphobia | |
12 | A fear of horses |
1 phobologophobia 2 osmidrosiphobia 3 sterculius 4 hippophobia 5 surfeitigo | |
13 | Being attracted to young men or boys |
1 korophilia 2 silentium 3 cacospectamania 4 kyphophobia 5 homilophobia | |
14 | A person who steals cloths and resells them |
1 tychopotamic 2 tanquam 3 perfuncturate 4 peristerophilist 5 redubber | |
15 | 2. One who love the Big Apple |
1 vigesimation 2 ombrosalgia 3 megamalophile 4 stigmeology 5 pulicose | |
16 | A democracy which is controlled by divine powers |
1 eremikophobia 2 trichophobia 3 theodemocracy 4 croosle 5 aurophobia | |
17 | A gift given at New Years |
1 zeitgeist 2 physitism 3 exennium 4 zob 5 alopeciaphobia | |
18 | An Irish trait or custom |
1 hibernicism 2 brontide 3 concionative 4 demonophobia 5 rectopathic | |
19 | Amorous feeling inspired by music |
1 ostraconophobia 2 melolagnia 3 neanimorphism 4 latrinalia 5 logomachist | |
20 | A fear of being mentally or physically exhausted |
1 pagophobia 2 logophile 3 phobologophobia 4 kopophobia 5 oikomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | A sofa built for two people |
1 coprophobia 2 aphephobia 3 cnidophobia 4 hordarian 5 causeuse | |
22 | Pertaining to circumlocution or to one who is wordy |
1 somnifugous 2 periphrastic 3 galligantus 4 erotographophobia 5 theoktony | |
23 | Ingenious and cunningly designed |
1 haliography 2 gynephobia 3 daedalian 4 iatrapistia 5 multisonous | |
24 | Rapid teaching or instruction |
1 dipsophobia 2 osphresiophobia 3 misandronist 4 enissophobia 5 tachydidaxy | |
25 | A wandering beggar or a harmless hobo |
1 penotherapy 2 gaberlunzie 3 piobalreachd 4 haingle 5 polyphage | |
26 | A fear of making decisions |
1 spiculate 2 mastigophobia 3 decidophobia 4 aurophobia 5 resipiscent | |
27 | Fighting with a shadow or an imaginary opponent |
1 sciamachy 2 patroiophobia 3 metutials 4 alliumphobia 5 rectopathic | |
28 | Someone who gets upset about trivial things |
1 arietate 2 blepharospasm 3 stellionate 4 microlipet 5 trypanophobia | |
29 | A Native American lake name meaning "you fish on your side, I fish on my side an no one fishes in the middle" |
1 misopolemiac 2 misoxene 3 oculoplania 4 Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg 5 hisbid | |
30 | Having an exceptional memmory |
1 melliloquent 2 prosopolepsy 3 salutatorian 4 hypermnesia 5 somnifugous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | A fear of jumping from a high (or low) place |
1 bromidrosiphobia 2 misocapnist 3 catapedaphobia 4 croosle 5 mesomorphic | |
32 | See anthrophobia |
1 anthropophobia 2 honorificabilitudinitatibus 3 cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy 4 deltiologist 5 enissophobia | |
33 | Aches and pains felt when it rains |
1 penphobia 2 ombrosalgia 3 dysepulotic 4 monomath 5 anginophobia | |
34 | The fear of sourness |
1 stridulation 2 acerophobia 3 witzelsucht 4 cheimaphobia 5 guttersnipe | |
35 | The masculine qualities of some women |
1 viraginity 2 limnophobia 3 koinoniphobia 4 theanthropist 5 quadrigamist | |
36 | The fear of writing love letters |
1 gerasophobia 2 vigesimation 3 erotographophobia 4 misoneist 5 gymnophoria | |
37 | One of two small black leather boxes which contain biblical verses of Jewish law |
1 abderian 2 phylactery 3 philatelist 4 gubernator 5 aurophobia | |
38 | A fear of hair |
1 labeorphilist 2 bletcherous 3 trichophobia 4 aichmorhabdophobia 5 vaniloquent | |
39 | Feigning death or the delusion that one is dead |
1 gubernator 2 plangonologist 3 necromimesis 4 autotonsorialist 5 logocracy | |
40 | One who collects pigeons |
1 necropoliphobia 2 phigerophobia 3 somniloquent 4 pygalgia 5 peristerophilist | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | An obsession with the return of Christ |
1 orthophobia 2 ergasophobia 3 dolorifuge 4 domatophobia 5 parousiamania | |
42 | Composed of many different sounds |
1 favillous 2 multisonous 3 hygrophobia 4 hypophobia 5 oculoplania | |
43 | The fear of becoming infested with worms |
1 pneumatophobia 2 helminthophobia 3 bacillophobia 4 unigravida 5 metapneustic | |
44 | A fear of being sued or of lawsuits |
1 politicophobia 2 virgivitiphobia 3 vestiphobia 4 fibriophobia 5 litigaphobia | |
45 | A person who hates to look |
1 dwaible 2 corsned 3 misoscopist 4 gaberlunzie 5 prognathous | |
46 | The inability to remember a face |
1 horripilate 2 tegestologist 3 misoxeny 4 prosopolethy 5 parosmia | |
47 | A fear of paper |
1 blodder 2 oneirocritic 3 papyrophobia 4 vexillologist 5 latrinology | |
48 | Something that cures grief |
1 batrachophagous 2 dolorifuge 3 papyrophobia 4 tibialoconcupiscent 5 misandronist | |
49 | See rupophobia |
1 ecdysiophile 2 rhypophobia 3 philomythist 4 tonitrous 5 hydrophobophobia | |
50 | The low rumbling of distant thunder |
1 didine 2 cingulomania 3 passulation 4 brontide 5 pegomancy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you |
1 griffonage 2 thermophobia 3 gymnophoria 4 eroteme 5 plenilune | |
52 | A fear of bees |
1 coprostasiphobia 2 dwaible 3 xenarthral 4 melissophobia 5 nucamentaceous | |
53 | Oats that were paid to landlords in lieu of rent by the poor |
1 zeitgeist 2 gerontocracry 3 avenage 4 foof 5 pervulgate | |
54 | A device the saves time and labor |
1 spheksophobia 2 rumbelow 3 timmynoggy 4 albophobia 5 verbivore | |
55 | The delusion that one is an ox |
1 ombibulus 2 efter 3 platyopic 4 oligotokous 5 boanthropy | |
56 | Causing shipwrecks |
1 naufragous 2 arrhenotokous 3 pathenophobia 4 concilliabule 5 tibialoconcupiscent | |
57 | Cold blooded |
1 poikilothermal 2 fyerk 3 pulicose 4 alopeciaphobia 5 entomophobia | |
58 | A well seasoned rabbit stew |
1 posthetomist 2 jactancy 3 textophobia 4 incunabula 5 hasenpfeffer | |
59 | A fear of heights or high places |
1 photoaugiaphobia 2 cingulomania 3 hypsiphobia 4 politicophobia 5 erotographophobia | |
60 | A fear of mercurial medicines |
1 dendrophobia 2 hydragyophobia 3 keelivine 4 philosophobia 5 saulie | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | A beggar who fakes being deaf and mute |
1 ponerologist 2 dommerer 3 cheiloproclitic 4 omphacine 5 apanthropia | |
62 | An awareness of one's body and overall health |
1 coenesthesis 2 dorsodynia 3 catapedaphobia 4 paleozoology 5 wommacky | |
63 | A fear of pick pockets, especially foreign ones |
1 osculaphobia 2 xenonosocomiophobia 3 kakidrosiphobia 4 dextrosinistral 5 planiloquent | |
64 | To talk continuosly without stop |
1 hyperhedonia 2 gubernatrix 3 narcokleptocracy 4 brachistichrone 5 explaterate | |
65 | A fear of being beaten with a pointed stick |
1 conchologist 2 dikephobia 3 timbromaniac 4 aichmorhabdophobia 5 deuterogamist | |
66 | A book which was printed before 1500 AD, in the dawn of publishing |
1 incunabula 2 pedantrocracy 3 xenobombulate 4 ecclesioclastic 5 pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism | |
67 | The love of novelty |
1 neophillia 2 cerebropathophobia 3 cacophonophilist 4 necromancy 5 sciophobia | |
68 | Talking about a subject which you have studied and know a lot about |
1 obstipation 2 doctiloquent 3 xylopolist 4 geumaphobia 5 biometeorology | |
69 | Pertaining to extremely long words |
1 chankings 2 planomania 3 explaterate 4 hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian 5 potamophobia | |
70 | Forgetfulness |
1 grinagog 2 wegotism 3 obliviscence 4 domatologist 5 anoegenetic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | A pleasure seeker or hedonist |
1 haphephobia 2 franion 3 bowdlerize 4 cephalomancy 5 extispex | |
72 | A woman with no children |
1 nullipara 2 ornithoscelidaphobia 3 philandrist 4 polyphage 5 enetophobia | |
73 | A collector of beer mugs and beer coasters |
1 slubberdegullion 2 tegestologist 3 naufragous 4 grinagog 5 arrhenotokous | |
74 | Fear of bad words |
1 snead 2 helminthophobia 3 gerontocomium 4 maledictaphobia 5 vespertine | |
75 | Having a head that is broad |
1 somniloquent 2 atychiphobia 3 brachycephalic 4 posthetomist 5 crepuscle | |
76 | The fear of Friday the 13th |
1 theanthropos 2 tachyphagia 3 prescient 4 sciamachy 5 paraskevidekatriaphobia | |
77 | A boring fools who speaks nonsense |
1 necropoliphobia 2 morologist 3 wegotism 4 dermatopathophobia 5 philophobia | |
78 | The fear of waves |
1 peccatiphobia 2 xenarthral 3 ablutophobia 4 logastellus 5 cymophobia | |
79 | A fear of a king or kings |
1 parrhesiastic 2 regiphobia 3 kathenotheism 4 gynophobia 5 monogenism | |
80 | A seventeenth century mug having twelve handles |
1 alieniloquent 2 pyrrhonist 3 calligyniaphobia 4 tyg 5 brachycephalic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | The study of hospital management |
1 nosocomology 2 hypegiaphobia 3 papyrophobia 4 autodeist 5 spiculate | |
82 | A government based on consensus |
1 neopharmaphobia 2 ampherotokous 3 tonitrous 4 deipnosophy 5 shurocracy | |
83 | A boorish slob |
1 basistasiphobia 2 nosocomephrenia 3 slubberdegullion 4 alektorophobia 5 malacodermous | |
84 | A slovenly, lazy woman |
1 vaccinophobia 2 pentapopemptic 3 dratchell 4 jarble 5 dysnomy | |
85 | A fear of colours |
1 rhombicosidodecahedron 2 sternutatory 3 ombrosalgia 4 chromophobia 5 extispex | |
86 | A widow who chooses to remarry |
1 kinesipathy 2 supernaculum 3 shistaceous 4 hominist 5 deuterogamist | |
87 | The fear of trembling |
1 tremophobia 2 textophobia 3 kalling 4 amychophobia 5 litigaphobia | |
88 | The fear of vegetables |
1 ambiguphobia 2 dikephobia 3 pentapopemptic 4 lachanophobia 5 viraginity | |
89 | To rub hair the wrong way, as when petting a dog from tail to head |
1 eremikophobia 2 philandrist 3 beaze 4 odontophobia 5 fruzz | |
90 | Any sparks or embers which rise from a chimney |
1 septophobia 2 gork 3 trullization 4 tropoclastics 5 izles | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | A basin for holy water |
1 aspersorium 2 heresyphobia 3 xenodochiophobia 4 iophobia 5 androphobia | |
92 | Something which drives away sleep |
1 somnifugous 2 rurigenous 3 kerdomeletia 4 teniophobia 5 scutiferous | |
93 | Able to speak only at night |
1 gaberlunzie 2 empleomania 3 bronteum 4 hemeraphonia 5 autovoxiphillia | |
94 | A fear of school |
1 hyposmia 2 polyapopemptic 3 posthetomist 4 abligurition 5 didaskaleinophobia | |
95 | A fear of making love in an automobile |
1 amomaxiaphobia 2 clapperdudgeon 3 hemaphobia 4 hamartithia 5 dolorifuge | |
96 | The fear of worms |
1 vermiphobia 2 xenarthral 3 jookerie 4 tropophobia 5 gynophobia | |
97 | 1. A song or refrain sung by sailors while rowing a boat |
1 vernalagnia 2 kosmokrator 3 rumbelow 4 trichopathophobia 5 posthetomist | |
98 | The love of your children |
1 shistaceous 2 proboscidiform 3 hierofastidia 4 noctiphobia 5 philoprogeneity | |
99 | A fear of deformed people |
1 hematophobia 2 Laodicean 3 parousiamania 4 oubliette 5 teratophobia | |
100 | To fight with a shadow, or shadow boxing |
1 hypengyophobia 2 lalophobia 3 stellionate 4 sciamachy 5 olfactphobia |