Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | A good name |
1 maritorious 2 clithrophobia 3 euonym 4 vestiphobia 5 posthetomist | |
2 | See cymophobia |
1 kymophobia 2 scarpology 3 fulmination 4 hypophobia 5 divitiphobia | |
3 | The act of laying on plaster with a trowel |
1 misopolemiac 2 trullization 3 penotherapy 4 xerophilous 5 tegestologist | |
4 | Pertaining to someone who is quick to anger |
1 gigmania 2 phasmophobia 3 osmophilia 4 opsipatria 5 oxythymous | |
5 | Illegible or sloppy hand writing |
1 tachydidactic 2 coenesthesis 3 litigaphobia 4 odontophobia 5 griffonage | |
6 | A person who lacks curiosity |
1 obliviscence 2 ambiguphobia 3 fysigunkus 4 icthyophobia 5 snuzzle | |
7 | Rulership by angels |
1 spiculate 2 snead 3 logomachize 4 angelocracy 5 quadrel | |
8 | A medical student |
1 oculoplania 2 hecatompedon 3 saprogenic 4 fruzz 5 philiater | |
9 | The fear of taste |
1 xenobombulate 2 fysigunkus 3 geumaphobia 4 resipiscent 5 obliviscence | |
10 | 2. A common whore |
1 gubernatrix 2 remiped 3 fletcherize 4 rumbelow 5 schoenobatist | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | The enactment of good laws that help people |
1 solfeggio 2 ponophobia 3 karao 4 eunomy 5 callithumpian | |
12 | One's position or posture while sleeping |
1 merinthophobia 2 decubitis 3 basophobia 4 morologist 5 dysnomy | |
13 | The sound of the wind rustling the leaves |
1 aphephobia 2 tibialoconcupiscent 3 saulie 4 psithurism 5 porphyrophobia | |
14 | A powerful woman in government |
1 hyetophobia 2 incicurable 3 xanthochroid 4 gubernatrix 5 omphalophobia | |
15 | A government formed by the wealthy and elite |
1 plutarchy 2 abligurition 3 shaconian 4 xeniatrophobia 5 mesomorphic | |
16 | Having a lot of money |
1 deuterogamist 2 timbromaniac 3 fuscoferuginous 4 pecunious 5 physitism | |
17 | Speaking in a flattering or ingratiating way |
1 peniaphobia 2 blandiloquent 3 korophilia 4 dwaible 5 dolorifuge | |
18 | Like a hog |
1 suoid 2 estivation 3 whiddin 4 pleniloquent 5 illeism | |
19 | A fear of gold |
1 cruciverbalist 2 fremescence 3 oneirocritic 4 chrysophobia 5 helminthophobia | |
20 | Rulership by inexperienced people |
1 neocracy 2 cainotophobia 3 tegestologist 4 hedonophobia 5 kosmokrator | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | A disorder which causes one to smell things that are not real |
1 ectomorphic 2 salutatorian 3 dendrophillia 4 mesomorphic 5 parosmia | |
22 | Sleazy politicians or lawyers |
1 snollygosters 2 omniloquent 3 misoneist 4 tropoclastics 5 korophilia | |
23 | A fear of rust |
1 noematachograph 2 elurophobia 3 quadriliteral 4 iophobia 5 hydrophobophobia | |
24 | To poke around with one's nose, as dogs do |
1 theriomancy 2 obliviscence 3 scriptophobia 4 snuzzle 5 algerining | |
25 | One who can talk about numerous subjects |
1 hippophobia 2 aichmorhabdophobia 3 mechanophobia 4 paxophobia 5 polyloquent | |
26 | 2. Stealing as much as one can carry |
1 byrthynsak 2 voidee 3 lygerastia 4 sophrosyne 5 hecatompedon | |
27 | The itchiness of the upper lip just before taking a sip of whiskey |
1 dringle 2 sgriob 3 necromancy 4 bruxomania 5 helminthous | |
28 | Like a toad |
1 winx 2 tortfeaser 3 bufoniform 4 atychiphobia 5 metapneustic | |
29 | A fear of contamination |
1 jactancy 2 gerontophobia 3 penphobia 4 monomath 5 molysomophobia | |
30 | Created or generated by water |
1 somnifugous 2 planomania 3 undigenous 4 philophobia 5 dermatopathophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | To move backwards or to retreat rapidly |
1 cercopithecan 2 arsle 3 periblebsis 4 kiyoodle 5 thixophobia | |
32 | To be at war with one's superiors |
1 gubernatrix 2 gigantomachize 3 phillumenist 4 ximelolagnia 5 diacritics | |
33 | The fear of vomiting |
1 basiphobia 2 opsimatria 3 cenatory 4 pysmatic 5 emetophobia | |
34 | A fear of dirt |
1 rupophobia 2 brimborion 3 osmidrosiphobia 4 oligophagous 5 omnierudite | |
35 | The groove in the middle of one's upper lip |
1 psaphonic 2 lexiconophilist 3 philtrum 4 monopathophobia 5 wommacky | |
36 | To stare at someone who is eating in hopes of getting food |
1 oligophagous 2 catoptomancy 3 momiology 4 groak 5 regiphobia | |
37 | Pertaining to someone who speaks ambiguously |
1 flexiloquent 2 nexum 3 Laodicean 4 hypengyophobia 5 ochophobia | |
38 | A collector of matchbooks or matchboxes |
1 manducable 2 pathenophillia 3 honorificabilitudinitatibus 4 phillumenist 5 fruzz | |
39 | To purge literature of all possibly offensive or morally impure material |
1 osmidrosiphobia 2 bowdlerize 3 nosomaniaphobia 4 lachanophobia 5 dipsomanophobia | |
40 | One who loves harsh sounds |
1 snarf 2 cenatory 3 quadrigamist 4 cacophonophilist 5 cacohydrophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | Fear of getting wrinkles |
1 nudiustertian 2 philematophobia 3 rhytiphobia 4 odontophobia 5 doraphobia | |
42 | A fear of one's home |
1 decubitis 2 kurveyor 3 oikophobia 4 haingle 5 misapodysis | |
43 | The relation of a child to its step-siblings |
1 comprivigni 2 chrematistic 3 sarcle 4 nephophobia 5 politicophobia | |
44 | Resembling a god or having godlike qualities |
1 logomachist 2 pysmatic 3 theomorphic 4 ecclesioclastic 5 cacohydrophobia | |
45 | To flick away using one's finger and thumb |
1 gerontophobia 2 enochlophobia 3 fyerk 4 taurophobia 5 leptorrhinian | |
46 | To continually repeat a word or phrase, usually unconciously |
1 dolorifuge 2 enissophobia 3 verbigerate 4 keedug 5 chrysophobia | |
47 | Highway robbery or overcharging people |
1 latrocination 2 krukolibidinous 3 porphyrophobia 4 crambazzle 5 incunabula | |
48 | Pointy toed shoes such as worn by jesters |
1 poulaine 2 spaneria 3 volower 4 aulophobia 5 iatrapistia | |
49 | A person who studies hummingbirds |
1 flexiloquent 2 trochilidist 3 equinophobia 4 elurophobia 5 osphresiophobia | |
50 | The act of plundering food |
1 wegotism 2 cleptobiosis 3 levophobia 4 selenography 5 planomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | A fear of a room full of people |
1 omphacine 2 koinoniphobia 3 necromancy 4 philosophobia 5 lucubrator | |
52 | Pertaining to fruit which is not ripe |
1 suggilated 2 ornithoscelidaphilia 3 omphacine 4 chafferer 5 eccedentesiast | |
53 | A government consisting of women |
1 astrophobia 2 eroteme 3 ophiophobia 4 gynecocracy 5 pilosism | |
54 | The fear of whipping or being whipped |
1 charette 2 mastigophobia 3 theriomancy 4 scotomaphobia 5 melolagnia | |
55 | Honey-sucking |
1 mellisugent 2 gerontocomium 3 nebulochaotic 4 ereuthrophobia 5 brontide | |
56 | The fear of tyrants |
1 bronteum 2 dithyramb 3 pedantrocracy 4 runcation 5 tyrannophobia | |
57 | The study or the science of happiness |
1 adhocracy 2 jactitate 3 monomath 4 atychiphobia 5 eudemonics | |
58 | Fear of railroads or trains |
1 opsiproligery 2 dysnomy 3 rumbelow 4 siderodromophobia 5 mytacism | |
59 | A fear of churches |
1 hyposmia 2 catapedaphobia 3 decubitis 4 ecclesiophobia 5 logographer | |
60 | A fear of shock |
1 hormephobia 2 proficuous 3 eleutherophillist 4 circumlocution 5 sialagogue | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | A fear of editing or of editors |
1 snarf 2 kurveyor 3 redactophobia 4 snuzzle 5 dikephobia | |
62 | The dislike of strangers |
1 misoxeny 2 olfactphobia 3 spaneria 4 logophile 5 numismatist | |
63 | A fear of the right or things to the right |
1 necroponent 2 dextrophobia 3 aichmorhabdophobia 4 aristophren 5 planomania | |
64 | A government formed of mothers |
1 xeniatrophobia 2 perissopedics 3 malophile 4 nomatophobia 5 metrocracry | |
65 | Armpit hair |
1 kakidrosiphobia 2 klebenleiben 3 haingle 4 hirci 5 honorificabilitudinitatibus | |
66 | A quarter of a year |
1 raith 2 uredophobia 3 malophile 4 poikilothermal 5 demonophobia | |
67 | A fear of sitting |
1 thaasophobia 2 sarculation 3 sophrosyne 4 cachinnation 5 buffarilla | |
68 | 2. The act of laughing while drinking and expelling the fluid through one's nose |
1 numismatist 2 snarf 3 nullipara 4 spargefaction 5 staurophobia | |
69 | A fear of crowds |
1 hippanthropy 2 enochlophobia 3 nelophobia 4 chromotocracy 5 kainophobia | |
70 | One who tells the future by reading a person's neurons |
1 neuromancer 2 phrontifugic 3 kakidrosiphobia 4 dulocracy 5 koinoniphobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | Divination using black magic or the dead |
1 septophobia 2 agroof 3 poikilothermal 4 necromancy 5 xyresic | |
72 | Being a young mother |
1 siderophobia 2 epistaxiophobia 3 heteropraxy 4 nearomatria 5 misomath | |
73 | having a long narrow nose |
1 koinoniphobia 2 encephalasthenia 3 anxiolytic 4 plangonologist 5 leptorrhinian | |
74 | A fear of cancer |
1 peniaphobia 2 maritorious 3 vaniloquent 4 nephophobia 5 carcinophobia | |
75 | See basiphobia |
1 thelyotokous 2 heautontimorumenos 3 ombrosalgia 4 lalochezia 5 basophobia | |
76 | The fear of walking |
1 dwaible 2 thurification 3 lapidicolous 4 polyandry 5 basiphobia | |
77 | A lonely old buffalo bull |
1 zob 2 manducable 3 cryophobia 4 wuntee 5 catoptrophobia | |
78 | The practice of treating illness with exercise |
1 chorophobia 2 empleomania 3 pedantrocracy 4 kinesipathy 5 diacritics | |
79 | A small nasty person or a nasty child |
1 maledictaphobia 2 plangonologist 3 balnearii 4 smatchet 5 conchologist | |
80 | One who expounds on the evils of nature |
1 autodysomophobia 2 verbigerate 3 rectiphobia 4 ponerologist 5 salutatorian | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | The act of mentally undressing someone |
1 apodyopsis 2 pervulgate 3 necropoliphobia 4 oneirophobia 5 cheimatophobia | |
82 | A fear of people who are bald |
1 peladophobia 2 exennium 3 myxophobia 4 cainophobia 5 melophobia | |
83 | Belching or burping |
1 hyalophobia 2 vespertine 3 ructation 4 saprogenic 5 clepsammia | |
84 | excessive thirst |
1 rustication 2 causeuse 3 anadipsia 4 nepiomania 5 snollygosters | |
85 | A form of mental distress caused by emotional stress |
1 spaneria 2 encephalasthenia 3 groak 4 philiater 5 parousiamania | |
86 | An impudent or deceiving woman |
1 flyndrig 2 autodysomophobia 3 selenocentric 4 microlipet 5 kalopsia | |
87 | The smug obsession with attaining middle class respectability |
1 urophobia 2 hellenomania 3 neocracy 4 polylogize 5 gigmania | |
88 | A masochist |
1 pseudomancy 2 dghaisa 3 heautontimorumenos 4 plangonologist 5 polyphloisboian | |
89 | A fear of medicine or drugs |
1 myxophobia 2 redactophobia 3 pharmacophobia 4 septemplicate 5 ephemeromorph | |
90 | Talking plainly about some subject |
1 passulation 2 polyloquent 3 planiloquent 4 kinesipathy 5 ceilidh | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | Pertaining to dinner or supper |
1 sternutatory 2 philemaphobia 3 hyperhedonia 4 cenatory 5 rhypophobia | |
92 | See cyprianophobia |
1 groak 2 lubberland 3 ablutophobia 4 suoid 5 cypridophobia | |
93 | A style of elaborate but not formal dress |
1 aeroacrophobia 2 slubberdegullion 3 orcheotomy 4 vernalagnia 5 demitoilet | |
94 | One who sells wood products |
1 spanogyny 2 alliumphobia 3 gametophobia 4 calligyniaphobia 5 xylopolist | |
95 | Fortunetelling based on what variety of cabbage a blindfolded person picks |
1 endomorphic 2 kalling 3 trochilidist 4 kosmokrator 5 presbyopia | |
96 | Rulership by words |
1 hemeraphonia 2 grandgousier 3 logocracy 4 blepharospasm 5 chromatophobia | |
97 | Having an unusually long face |
1 trullization 2 basorexia 3 dolichprosopic 4 peladophobia 5 misoneist | |
98 | A place in which silence is enforced |
1 philoxenist 2 vernalagnia 3 silentium 4 heteropraxy 5 venustaphobia | |
99 | A fear of ants |
1 autotonsorialist 2 myrmecophobia 3 neophillia 4 blattoid 5 hippobosca | |
100 | Fear of subways |
1 coenesthesis 2 cancatervate 3 apeirophobia 4 cucurbitaceous 5 bathysiderodromophobia |