Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | A fear of neighbors or a neighborhood |
1 ximelolagnia 2 silential 3 cruciverbalist 4 runcation 5 viciniphobia | |
2 | A person whose love of words is greater than their knowledge of words |
1 philtrum 2 misologist 3 stridulation 4 sarcophagic 5 logastellus | |
3 | A neurosis caused by serving in the military |
1 strikhedonia 2 paxophobia 3 timmynoggy 4 stratephrenia 5 siderophobia | |
4 | The act of boasting or bragging |
1 jactancy 2 helminthous 3 poikilothermal 4 patroiophobia 5 bacillophobia | |
5 | The fear of supernatural powers |
1 deisidaimonia 2 apiophobia 3 outfangtheft 4 bronteum 5 favillous | |
6 | The killing of one's own sister |
1 apikoros 2 hebephobia 3 sorocide 4 haliography 5 pleionosis | |
7 | A fear of forgetting a password |
1 friendorphobia 2 philosophunculist 3 paxophobia 4 vitricophobia 5 empleomania | |
8 | A person who believes men are the source of all problems |
1 bonnyclabber 2 cacohydrophobia 3 misandronist 4 prosopolethy 5 gelophobia | |
9 | Having a fat behind |
1 logomachize 2 misodoctakleidist 3 steatopygic 4 maieusiophobia 5 cenatory | |
10 | A room in which several unmarried men reside, usually in a boarding house or inn |
1 agathocacological 2 rampasture 3 necrologist 4 misapodysis 5 arietate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | 1.A fear of going insane |
1 sardanapalian 2 algerining 3 mataeotechny 4 tortfeaser 5 lyssophobia | |
12 | Spraying saliva when speaking |
1 katagelophobia 2 stridulation 3 rhytiscopia 4 chromophobia 5 sialoquent | |
13 | A fear of correctness |
1 kosmokrator 2 concilliabule 3 obstipation 4 haliography 5 orthophobia | |
14 | 1. One who really loves apples |
1 divitiphobia 2 deipnosophy 3 cyprianophobia 4 misopolemiac 5 megamalophile | |
15 | The application of warm substances to diseased parts |
1 fomentation 2 nudiustertian 3 assanka 4 dephlegmate 5 dyvors | |
16 | Speaking nothing but the truth |
1 altiloquent 2 pleionosis 3 pathenophillia 4 veriloquent 5 dystychiphobia | |
17 | The fear of surgery |
1 thurification 2 nullibiety 3 misoscopist 4 tomophobia 5 bathysiderodromophobia | |
18 | Controlling prostitutes in order to eliminate the spread of disease |
1 penotherapy 2 thurification 3 nidorosity 4 philtrum 5 scintillation | |
19 | One who loves everything on the Earth |
1 alektorophobia 2 neanilagnia 3 philogeant 4 gargalesthesia 5 brimborion | |
20 | The pleasure of being able to say to hell with it |
1 misandronist 2 plutocrat 3 strikhedonia 4 phobophobia 5 uranomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | A suspension bridge built out of ropes |
1 oneirophobia 2 haptephobia 3 xyresic 4 drintling 5 joola | |
22 | An uproar or a quarrel |
1 prognathous 2 flexiloquent 3 hypermnesia 4 collieshangie 5 longiloquent | |
23 | A fear of pigs or swine |
1 ponophobia 2 ructation 3 cancatervate 4 swinophobia 5 mendaciloquent | |
24 | Taking time off of one's work to relax or to travel |
1 chronophobia 2 sarcle 3 gaberlunzie 4 feriation 5 opsomaniac | |
25 | Pertaining to people who strictly follow the teachings of their religion |
1 ouranophobia 2 jarble 3 orthpraxy 4 schoenobatist 5 cacestogenous | |
26 | One whose life revolves around the moon (a "space cadet") |
1 cynocephalous 2 comprachico 3 dementophobia 4 selenocentric 5 leptorrhinian | |
27 | Making a lot of noise or a loud racket |
1 lilapsophobia 2 decubitis 3 polyphloisboian 4 odynophobia 5 zygodactyl | |
28 | Being attracted to a person's lips |
1 kosmokrator 2 koimetrophobia 3 pharmacophobia 4 cheiloproclitic 5 batrachoid | |
29 | A fear of pleasure |
1 spheksophobia 2 dippoldism 3 hedonophobia 4 teleophobia 5 opsimatria | |
30 | Speaking of something which is holy or sacred |
1 glossophobia 2 gynotikolobomassophilia 3 anonymuncle 4 sanctiloquent 5 nanophilia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | To run away in fear |
1 anoegenetic 2 stygiophobia 3 brimborion 4 vespertillian 5 funkify | |
32 | The marriage between a young woman and an older man |
1 Laodicean 2 pantaphobia 3 logophile 4 phanerolagniast 5 alphamegamia | |
33 | To sit idly by a fire |
1 cloffin 2 droud 3 scaldabanco 4 cacodaemonomania 5 sphallolalia | |
34 | A fear of liquids |
1 hydragyophobia 2 hygrophobia 3 vaccinophobia 4 smellfungus 5 pleionosis | |
35 | A singing exercise using the syllable do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti |
1 melissophobia 2 winx 3 autodysomophobia 4 solfeggio 5 cacodaemonomania | |
36 | A fear of pins and needles |
1 scoleciphobia 2 aptronym 3 snurl 4 cephalalgic 5 enetophobia | |
37 | Composed of both good and evil |
1 agathocacological 2 kiyoodle 3 hebephobia 4 philosophobia 5 hydrophobophobia | |
38 | A pain in the butt |
1 tonitruphobia 2 daedalian 3 gynophobia 4 pygalgia 5 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis | |
39 | The mark left on the table by a moist glass |
1 oneirophobia 2 chalcenterous 3 culacino 4 gynephobia 5 domatophobia | |
40 | A fear of ridicule |
1 numerophobia 2 fruzz 3 catagelophobia 4 longiloquent 5 trichopathophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | See cynophobia |
1 sarwan 2 mellisugent 3 kynophobia 4 mataeotechny 5 snoach | |
42 | A miner's lung disease caused by inhaling silicate dust |
1 exsibilation 2 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 3 fomentation 4 estiferous 5 undigenous | |
43 | One who believes in the purposeless of nature |
1 keelivine 2 dysteleogist 3 grimthorpe 4 latrinology 5 demophobia | |
44 | A fear of suffering from an imaginary disease |
1 comestion 2 myrmecophobia 3 izles 4 nosomaniaphobia 5 sophophobia | |
45 | The state of being nowhere |
1 haptodysphoria 2 haruspicy 3 meteorophobia 4 nullibiety 5 coprostasiphobia | |
46 | A blood sucking fly |
1 hippobosca 2 nassology 3 malophile 4 uxorodespotic 5 deltiologist | |
47 | See pnigophobia |
1 anablepophobia 2 hellenomania 3 basiphobia 4 phigerophobia 5 misologist | |
48 | A fear of forests or of woods |
1 redactophobia 2 xylophobia 3 oneirophobia 4 preantepenultimate 5 parosmia | |
49 | Trickery or the act of swindling |
1 jactancy 2 thermophobia 3 harpaxophobia 4 jookerie 5 apiophobia | |
50 | The sound made by someone blowing a horn |
1 homilophobia 2 scopolagnia 3 selenocentric 4 Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg 5 tubicination | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | The fear of gaining weight |
1 eunomy 2 procrescophobia 3 hordarian 4 pernoctator 5 xylophobia | |
52 | A collector of autographs |
1 philographer 2 haptephobia 3 dermatophobia 4 chirocracy 5 bogyphobia | |
53 | A government of old people (often the old boys network) |
1 anablepophobia 2 gerontocracry 3 stenophobia 4 kakidrosiphobia 5 xenodochiophobia | |
54 | Rulership by committees and task forces |
1 chronophobia 2 nicitate 3 fremescence 4 vermiphobia 5 adhocracy | |
55 | Pertaining to the day before yesterday |
1 tath 2 nudiustertian 3 ultracrepidarianism 4 resipiscent 5 dendrophillia | |
56 | A person who lives in the forest or mountains and avoid civilization |
1 zills 2 vesthibitionism 3 vitricophobia 4 hirudinoid 5 remontado | |
57 | A hymn or poem to honor Bacchus |
1 dithyramb 2 cyesolagnia 3 hypegiaphobia 4 plutocrat 5 dipsomanophobia | |
58 | A predator which feeds on insects |
1 autodeist 2 ambiguphobia 3 deuterogamist 4 harpactophage 5 haptodysphoria | |
59 | A fear of magic |
1 comestion 2 vespertine 3 quiddler 4 cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy 5 rhabdophobia | |
60 | A fear of materialism |
1 hibernicism 2 misotyrannist 3 stellionate 4 ecdysiophile 5 hylephobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | A fear of butterflies |
1 morologist 2 coprostasiphobia 3 helminthophobia 4 chalcenterous 5 lepidophobia | |
62 | A person who predicts the future using entrails |
1 deuterogamist 2 pilpul 3 peckerwood 4 extispex 5 agathocacological | |
63 | The delusion that one is a horse |
1 phobophobia 2 hippanthropy 3 endomorphic 4 dendrophobia 5 boanthropy | |
64 | Tyrranical rulership by one's wife |
1 melolagnia 2 uxorodespotic 3 honorificabilitudinitatibus 4 dephlegmate 5 platyopic | |
65 | An Archimedean solid composed of sixty two faces |
1 siderodromophobia 2 cheimatophobia 3 croodle 4 rhombicosidodecahedron 5 batrachophagous | |
66 | A fear of kidney disease |
1 poulaine 2 haptodysphoria 3 ecdysiophile 4 blepharospasm 5 albuminuriaphobia | |
67 | A person who performs circumcisions |
1 feazings 2 posthetomist 3 fyerk 4 tropoclastics 5 concilliabule | |
68 | Excessively devoted to one's husband |
1 divitiphobia 2 maritorious 3 genuphobia 4 arctophilist 5 thaasophobia | |
69 | Divination using animals or their movement |
1 deipnophobia 2 causeuse 3 opsimathiphobia 4 merdurinous 5 theriomancy | |
70 | A member of the wealthy ruling class |
1 pyrrhonist 2 plutocrat 3 exsufflicate 4 acronycal 5 mastigophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | A collector of teddy bears |
1 quadrigamist 2 arctophilist 3 coimetrophobia 4 gaberlunzie 5 carnophobia | |
72 | Pertaining to a smooth talker or a con artist (literally honey-tongued) |
1 terebration 2 philiater 3 Hellenologophobia 4 melliloquent 5 iophobia | |
73 | flat on your face |
1 agroof 2 obstipation 3 soceraphobia 4 demonophobia 5 fashimite | |
74 | The time of the full moon |
1 honorificabilitudinitatibus 2 plenilune 3 oinophobia 4 nassology 5 cymophobia | |
75 | To smear with grime and mud |
1 poikilothermal 2 jarble 3 brimborion 4 theophilanthropist 5 sarcle | |
76 | The fear of trees |
1 snup 2 dendrophobia 3 cymophobia 4 spanogyny 5 diophysitic | |
77 | A raincoat made out of an old sack |
1 keedug 2 bronteum 3 bogyphobia 4 zeitgeist 5 potamophobia | |
78 | An ewe which has aborted its lamb |
1 tachyphagia 2 polyandry 3 agenhina 4 keb 5 euonym | |
79 | An artfully veiled insult |
1 charientism 2 tubicination 3 eccedentesiast 4 lubberland 5 phasmophobia | |
80 | A pain that feels as though a drill is boring through some body part |
1 bdellophobia 2 curpin 3 peccatiphobia 4 acousticophobia 5 terebration | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | 2. An evening of musical entertainment |
1 oligophagous 2 fidimplicitary 3 ceilidh 4 nostophobia 5 stenophobia | |
82 | A fear of riding in automobiles |
1 ochophobia 2 suoid 3 supernaculum 4 hyposmia 5 misologist | |
83 | A travelling merchant who sells dry goods from a cart |
1 vastation 2 geumaphobia 3 cleisiophobia 4 paleozoology 5 kurveyor | |
84 | A fear of lack of fear |
1 shistaceous 2 rustication 3 aphephobia 4 funkify 5 pantaphobia | |
85 | A person possesing a superior intellect |
1 feriation 2 haruspicy 3 fibriophobia 4 pluviophobia 5 aristophren | |
86 | A hunter who hunts at night |
1 longiloquent 2 omnierudite 3 nycterent 4 pantomancer 5 sciophobia | |
87 | One who is divorced five times |
1 cynocephalous 2 pentapopemptic 3 nikhedonia 4 arithmophobia 5 iophobia | |
88 | Living under rocks |
1 quisquilian 2 misologist 3 qasida 4 droud 5 lapidicolous | |
89 | The fear of urinating |
1 euonym 2 hypsiphobia 3 wapperjawed 4 urophobia 5 philodespot | |
90 | A fear of decay or decaying matter |
1 merdurinous 2 enetophobia 3 aichmorhabdophobia 4 enissophobia 5 septophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | The belief that Jesus was a mere mortal |
1 scelerophobia 2 fettler 3 autovoxiphillia 4 psilanthropy 5 epincion | |
92 | 2. A fear of rabies |
1 lyssophobia 2 parasitophobia 3 culacino 4 altiloquent 5 cathartic | |
93 | The fear of failure |
1 oligophrenic 2 alychiphobia 3 hirsutophilia 4 cynocephalous 5 opsipatria | |
94 | An avid stamp collector |
1 timbromaniac 2 stratephrenia 3 tegestologist 4 naufragous 5 teleophobia | |
95 | Being all powerfull, or omnipotent |
1 sermocination 2 cunctipotent 3 groak 4 pecunious 5 scaldabanco | |
96 | A fear of lice |
1 latrate 2 phthiriophobia 3 mimp 4 vermiphobia 5 mytacism | |
97 | A person who has implicit faith |
1 vesthibitionism 2 nephophobia 3 fidimplicitary 4 divitiphobia 5 rhombicosidodecahedron | |
98 | Posessed by the devil |
1 bailiwick 2 cacodaemonomania 3 apanthropia 4 schoenobatist 5 cainotophobia | |
99 | See aerophobia |
1 nostophobia 2 aeroacrophobia 3 witzelsucht 4 noctiphobia 5 regiphobia | |
100 | A subtle debate between rabbincal scholars over the details of the Talmud |
1 atychiphobia 2 scotomaphobia 3 hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian 4 pharmacophobia 5 pilpul |