Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | Preoccupied with plotting your ascent to wealth and renown |
1 salutatorian 2 inaniloquent 3 preantepenultimate 4 hypegiaphobia 5 psaphonic | |
2 | An unprofitable art or science |
1 supernaculum 2 manducable 3 aphephobia 4 mataeotechny 5 haingle | |
3 | To dig up weeds |
1 onamatophobia 2 sarcle 3 hyposmia 4 zenzizenzizenzic 5 ponophobia | |
4 | A fear of gravity |
1 rhombicosidodecahedron 2 barophobia 3 nanophilia 4 prosopolepsy 5 viciniphobia | |
5 | The study of social customs and rules |
1 ethnomethodology 2 wlatsome 3 potophobia 4 theoktony 5 enetophobia | |
6 | Rulership by paperwork or by the press |
1 illyngophobia 2 schoenobatist 3 papyrocracy 4 erotographophobia 5 dystychiphobia | |
7 | A fear of evil men, such as burglars or muggers |
1 scelerophobia 2 fomentation 3 echinoproctous 4 entheate 5 hypobulia | |
8 | Having foresight or knowledge of what will happen. |
1 prescient 2 misoxene 3 misotyrannist 4 doytin 5 haingle | |
9 | Speaking in a sophisticated manner |
1 logocracy 2 suaviloquent 3 burladero 4 onychophagy 5 tolutiloquent | |
10 | A fear of changes or making changes |
1 hypobulia 2 tropophobia 3 angelocracy 4 polyloquent 5 oneirophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | Using words that are fit for a restroom wall |
1 sternutatory 2 latrinalia 3 mythomane 4 epistaxiophobia 5 wommacky | |
12 | The flirtatious display of undergarments by a woman |
1 vesthibitionism 2 gynecocracy 3 nicitate 4 hemophobia 5 urticariaphobia | |
13 | A four handed animal, such as a monkey or ape |
1 grimthorpe 2 orthophobia 3 quadrumane 4 burladero 5 ambiguphobia | |
14 | Resembling a dodo bird |
1 didine 2 misoscopist 3 psychophobia 4 obesophobia 5 philologist | |
15 | The fear of beautiful women |
1 suggilated 2 orthophobia 3 lyssophobia 4 venustaphobia 5 dratchell | |
16 | The love of trees |
1 koniophobia 2 hyposmia 3 dendrophillia 4 ophiophobia 5 eccedentesiast | |
17 | One who loves girls |
1 monopathophobia 2 peladophobia 3 psilanthropy 4 pernoctator 5 puellaphillist | |
18 | A person who worships animals |
1 pernoctator 2 necropoliphobia 3 metutials 4 theriolater 5 amychophobia | |
19 | A fear of politicians |
1 maieusiophobia 2 jowter 3 politicophobia 4 thixophobia 5 hominist | |
20 | A fear of dizziness |
1 biometeorology 2 ephemeromorph 3 ouranophobia 4 dinophobia 5 dementophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | The fear of tombstones |
1 placophobia 2 defalcation 3 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 4 aphephobia 5 verbophobia | |
22 | A dislike of all holy objects |
1 chafferer 2 arrhenotokous 3 hierofastidia 4 penotherapy 5 ximelolagnia | |
23 | 2. A fear of dolls |
1 anonymuncle 2 preterpluperfect 3 psaphonic 4 pediophobia 5 kainophobia | |
24 | Eating spiders |
1 geumatophobia 2 ornithoscelidaphilia 3 arachnivorous 4 guidfather 5 peristerophobia | |
25 | One who advocates equal rights for men |
1 ouranophobia 2 meteorophobia 3 anoegenetic 4 teleophobia 5 hominist | |
26 | A castrated ram between one and two years old |
1 dinmont 2 merinthophobia 3 photoaugiaphobia 4 urophobia 5 narcokleptocracy | |
27 | A professional housekeeper |
1 domatologist 2 phthiriophobia 3 leptorrhinian 4 moromancy 5 dipsomanophobia | |
28 | a person with a big stupid grin |
1 cingulomania 2 heresyphobia 3 kirkbuzzer 4 chirocracy 5 grinagog | |
29 | The fear of time |
1 necromancy 2 chronophobia 3 omphalophobia 4 cacodaemonomania 5 misocapnist | |
30 | A foolish divination |
1 deisidaimonia 2 meacock 3 crurophilous 4 stenophobia 5 moromancy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | A fear of rabies |
1 theriomancy 2 hydrophobophobia 3 chrematistic 4 siderodromophobia 5 cingulomania | |
32 | Excessive spending on food and drink |
1 sesquialteral 2 nephelophobia 3 misoscopist 4 abligurition 5 hypermnesia | |
33 | A hater of things which are new |
1 misoneist 2 neanilagnia 3 floccillation 4 tyrannophobia 5 snoach | |
34 | A fear of numbers |
1 taurophobia 2 basistasiphobia 3 burghbote 4 oikophobia 5 numerophobia | |
35 | A fear of itching |
1 xylopolist 2 vexillologist 3 urticariaphobia 4 smellfungus 5 croodle | |
36 | The study of rust |
1 recumbentibus 2 psellismophobia 3 rumbelow 4 uredinology 5 philodespot | |
37 | Having a ratrio of one to one and a half |
1 urophobia 2 kyphophobia 3 klebenleiben 4 redubber 5 sesquialteral | |
38 | The art of raising children properly |
1 neopharmaphobia 2 enosiophobia 3 thermophobia 4 pedotrophy 5 sciophobia | |
39 | An impairment of the senses , especially the sense of touch |
1 efter 2 suggilated 3 dysesthesia 4 satrapess 5 chromatophobia | |
40 | Communal marriage |
1 natalitious 2 philoprogeneity 3 cenogamy 4 nosomaniaphobia 5 preantepenultimate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | A person who likes to visit strip joints or watch people strip |
1 cacophonophilist 2 ecdysiophile 3 febriphobia 4 selacophobia 5 ephemeromorph | |
42 | The special branch of pediatric dealing with gifted children |
1 dextrosinistral 2 sialoquent 3 rumbelow 4 pilpul 5 perissopedics | |
43 | According to British musical notation, a 128th note |
1 misarchist 2 salutatorian 3 quasihemidemisemiquaver 4 dendrophobia 5 defalcation | |
44 | A government formed by the mob |
1 parrhesiastic 2 misoxeny 3 ochlochracy 4 metrocracry 5 empleomania | |
45 | A fear of eyes |
1 isopterophobia 2 ommatophobia 3 heautontimorumenos 4 theophilanthropist 5 jeeter | |
46 | Having stubbly or being unshaven |
1 hisbid 2 pecunious 3 tychopotamic 4 philotherian 5 tyg | |
47 | Pertaining to actual or illusory knife swallowing |
1 cultrivorous 2 hirudinoid 3 bailiwick 4 cainophobia 5 brachistichrone | |
48 | Any universal language |
1 nearomatria 2 allodoxaphobia 3 fomentation 4 strikhedonia 5 pasilaly | |
49 | A romantic mood brought on by Spring. Also known as Spring Fever |
1 vernalagnia 2 lapidicolous 3 hyperthemalgesia 4 paralipophobia 5 sterculius | |
50 | A fear of old age or of growing old |
1 zeitgeist 2 narcokleptocracy 3 gerontophobia 4 enissophobia 5 cacestogenous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | See cathisophobia |
1 eroteme 2 cloffin 3 kathisophobia 4 natalitious 5 tropophobia | |
52 | A company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products |
1 aprosexia 2 runcation 3 lypothymia 4 intrapreneur 5 psilanthropy | |
53 | The compulsive grinding of one's teeth |
1 natalitious 2 rhytiphobia 3 lachanophobia 4 sermocination 5 bruxomania | |
54 | A unpleasent feeling caused by handling any fuzzy surface |
1 melliloquent 2 molendinaceous 3 haptodysphoria 4 breviloquent 5 rampasture | |
55 | Pieces of food which are rejected from what is chewed. (spat out) |
1 fletcherize 2 chankings 3 teniophobia 4 beaze 5 kymophobia | |
56 | A brewery |
1 zythepsary 2 alphamegamia 3 monogenism 4 kyphophobia 5 hyperprosexia | |
57 | The desire of a woman to have a child |
1 blatteroon 2 angelocracy 3 cephalalgic 4 nepiomania 5 hisbid | |
58 | Being as sharp as a razor |
1 spheksophobia 2 pernoctation 3 xyresic 4 anthropophobia 5 opsimathiphobia | |
59 | Caused by a poor home life |
1 cryophobia 2 cacestogenous 3 dermatopathophobia 4 philographer 5 thelyotokous | |
60 | Composed of urine and dung |
1 eisoptrophobia 2 merdurinous 3 trullization 4 strikhedonia 5 diplasiasmus | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | A fear of being afraid |
1 phobophobia 2 dactylion 3 brump 4 bailiwick 5 deipnophobia | |
62 | The fear of work |
1 witzchoura 2 estivation 3 laliophobia 4 capernoited 5 ergasophobia | |
63 | Someone who either has been married four times or who is married to four people |
1 oinophobia 2 cheimaphobia 3 philocalist 4 quadrigamist 5 leukophobia | |
64 | The fear of speaking, especially in public |
1 opsophagy 2 glossophobia 3 orcheotomy 4 recumbentibus 5 logophobia | |
65 | Someone who drinks everything |
1 osmophilia 2 naprapathy 3 ombibulus 4 dithyramb 5 leukophobia | |
66 | Consisting of trash and rubbish |
1 vermiphobia 2 machiaphobia 3 pluviophobia 4 krukolibidinous 5 quisquilian |