Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | blue-green |
1 vade-mecum 2 foudroyant 3 photobiology 4 spiracle 5 turquoise | |
2 | stately Spanish Baroque court dance |
1 knitch 2 diathermic 3 sarabande 4 exeat 5 phillumeny | |
3 | study of crabs and other crustaceans |
1 carcinology 2 scotophobia 3 d‚gringolade 4 translative 5 paravail | |
4 | self-sufficient; independent |
1 autarkic 2 wayboard 3 damoiseau 4 foudroyant 5 octarius | |
5 | sweet fruit cake covered with marzipan and eaten at Easter |
1 woggle 2 sitiophobia 3 simnel 4 spall 5 innominate | |
6 | any dry indehiscent fruit |
1 singspiel 2 ditrichotomous 3 achaenocarp 4 maritodespotism 5 additament | |
7 | walking on the outer side of the foot |
1 puericulture 2 iridology 3 almagest 4 taligrade 5 locuplete | |
8 | in heraldry, an animal lying on its belly with head lifted |
1 theomancy 2 hide 3 isanemone 4 hyperemesis 5 couchant | |
9 | broad sash worn with a kimono |
1 klangfarbe 2 beeskep 3 soothly 4 obi 5 epanadiplosis | |
10 | giving birth to live offspring |
1 horary 2 tergiversation 3 postilion 4 cartiliginous 5 zoogonous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | to busy oneself with trifling tasks |
1 potter 2 camorra 3 viduous 4 reremouse 5 dendrolatry | |
12 | landing or broad step |
1 ethmoid 2 velitation 3 micrometer 4 chambranle 5 halfpace | |
13 | worship of letters and words |
1 lienal 2 pyoid 3 tubicornous 4 astichous 5 grammatolatry | |
14 | science of measuring heights |
1 coteau 2 galilee 3 syllabatim 4 hypsography 5 epigone | |
15 | unit of atomic mass |
1 gault 2 dornick 3 dalton 4 interlunation 5 sternutation | |
16 | insurmountable; undefeatable |
1 wrick 2 immix 3 invictive 4 spiniform 5 geophagy | |
17 | unfading; imperishable |
1 custos 2 german 3 aquaphobia 4 sublative 5 immarcescible | |
18 | deep red; burgundy |
1 syngraph 2 handspike 3 hippophagy 4 renascent 5 vinous | |
19 | to kiss |
1 perficient 2 uranophobia 3 orthotropism 4 osculate 5 necyomancy | |
20 | mental breakdown from too much drinking |
1 calceate 2 morgan 3 iconology 4 ebriection 5 moleskin | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | to luxuriate in hot stuffiness and stupefaction |
1 varietist 2 frowst 3 zootherapy 4 marver 5 spicate | |
22 | divination by observing animals |
1 mainpernor 2 zoomancy 3 fumiduct 4 pornotopia 5 gymnasiarch | |
23 | painter of landscapes |
1 aethrioscope 2 gregatim 3 paysagist 4 peregrination 5 baculine | |
24 | producing eggs which are hatched in parent's body |
1 pantophobia 2 odontist 3 palfrey 4 obtenebrate 5 ovoviviparous | |
25 | trite remark |
1 triticism 2 stegophilist 3 stroboscope 4 pathopoeia 5 isagogic | |
26 | to carry heavy equipment over difficult terrain |
1 soliform 2 yomp 3 bardocucullus 4 pregustation 5 biarchy | |
27 | lasting three nights |
1 trichoclasis 2 maxixe 3 latitat 4 lactiferous 5 trinoctial | |
28 | valley or glen |
1 tribade 2 quannet 3 beldam 4 citigrade 5 cwm | |
29 | inspiration; divine impetus |
1 gnomology 2 afflatus 3 immunopathology 4 auxesis 5 heteroecious | |
30 | reverse of coin where date is contained |
1 euchology 2 exergue 3 zakuska 4 hypercatalectic 5 impudicity | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | system of writing in which each sign represents a word |
1 stillicide 2 styliform 3 lexigraphy 4 odontology 5 kalamkari | |
32 | lack of ability to make decisions; aboulia |
1 abulia 2 wagtail 3 filemot 4 satara 5 hypsometer | |
33 | excessively and inappropriately added to a finished work |
1 amaxophobia 2 transenna 3 postiche 4 hypnomogia 5 seismograph | |
34 | having beautiful buttocks |
1 callipygous 2 thermogenesis 3 perfervid 4 cambistry 5 meropia | |
35 | blood-drinking |
1 papule 2 brumous 3 pullulate 4 sanguivorous 5 bracteate | |
36 | throwing; boasting |
1 lunate 2 divaricate 3 sudarium 4 kiddle 5 jactation | |
37 | room for conversation |
1 asterism 2 carpal 3 chiliad 4 pelvimeter 5 locutory | |
38 | the power or act of swallowing |
1 araneiform 2 deglutition 3 languet 4 parrel 5 underbreath | |
39 | to cut off; to uproot |
1 kep 2 exscind 3 thermantidote 4 pupigerous 5 oxygeusia | |
40 | transformation into a beast |
1 lazaretto 2 inopinate 3 verdure 4 corporal 5 theriomorphosis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | double reading or interpretation |
1 trichoclasis 2 rameal 3 episcope 4 polemic 5 dittology | |
42 | study of population statistics |
1 larithmics 2 maelid 3 kora 4 fluke 5 mansuetude | |
43 | instrument for detecting presence and direction of electric current |
1 wuthering 2 physiocracy 3 galvanoscope 4 neonomianism 5 lactarium | |
44 | to judge; to decide |
1 physiognomancy 2 sinistromanual 3 kidlet 4 trochlear 5 dijudicate | |
45 | having air-holes |
1 pasquilant 2 mazut 3 pipkin 4 spiraculate 5 colonoscope | |
46 | nail-biter |
1 superscribe 2 onychoophagist 3 ditheletism 4 ergophile 5 berlin | |
47 | a slight kink |
1 autotheism 2 volitient 3 gantline 4 counterscarp 5 kinkle | |
48 | instrument for examining the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon |
1 odontoid 2 sigmoidoscope 3 iridize 4 comephorous 5 detinue | |
49 | a state of irritability or tension; an emotional fit |
1 physiologus 2 pterygoid 3 torulose 4 dirigent 5 fantod | |
50 | soft satiny material |
1 defluvium 2 polystomatous 3 praxis 4 terraceous 5 charmeuse | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | retained but no longer functional stylistic feature |
1 morbiferous 2 dermatoglyphics 3 skeuomorph 4 haecceity 5 zymic | |
52 | feverishness |
1 febricity 2 urinator 3 supersensible 4 commatic 5 swanskin | |
53 | addition of words to make the sense more clear |
1 sacerdotalism 2 epexegesis 3 siphonogamous 4 brails 5 pleochroic | |
54 | instrument used to explore interior of dysentery case |
1 shuftiscope 2 annomination 3 malfeasance 4 supercilious 5 carcanet | |
55 | coldness; shivering fit |
1 anaerectic 2 taxaceous 3 clinometer 4 algor 5 agamist | |
56 | ode in honour of a victor or winner |
1 dimissory 2 animastic 3 velocious 4 harengiform 5 epinikion | |
57 | monster with two bodies |
1 scop 2 photosphere 3 notabilia 4 muliebrile 5 disomus | |
58 | coarse and dark sugar |
1 sulcalize 2 foraminate 3 hoplomachy 4 jaggery 5 aphicide | |
59 | flat heavy stone or iron pulverizing tool |
1 muller 2 magisterium 3 petroliferous 4 verglas 5 diplograph | |
60 | space between curve of an arch and mouldings |
1 methomania 2 spandrel 3 megameter 4 cordage 5 vulnerate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | amateur or superficial philosopher |
1 philosophaster 2 stylometry 3 knitch 4 frogmarch 5 batophobia | |
62 | indicating subject or object of intransitive verb |
1 peristrephic 2 absolutive 3 spiraculate 4 agennesic 5 maidan | |
63 | of or relating to tonal pronunciation or languages |
1 pluriliteral 2 whittle 3 pinguid 4 salse 5 tonetic | |
64 | inability to express ideas due to mental incompetence |
1 irroration 2 luciphyllous 3 finalism 4 dyslogia 5 perissosyllabic | |
65 | having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges |
1 prelect 2 apophasis 3 zalambdodont 4 cannikin 5 kinkle | |
66 | ecclesiastical office or other job requiring little work |
1 polliniferous 2 sinecure 3 paroxysm 4 vitalism 5 stuprate | |
67 | small two-masted sailing vessel |
1 ketch 2 teletactor 3 lithodomous 4 viridity 5 cunabula | |
68 | painter of portraits |
1 thalassic 2 limner 3 quintal 4 lamprophony 5 fretum | |
69 | screen behind altar |
1 pubigerous 2 patavinity 3 respondentia 4 reredos 5 lappaceous | |
70 | instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus |
1 hymnography 2 acrocephalous 3 peccadillo 4 embracery 5 colposcope | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | horny; made of horn |
1 redshort 2 trammel 3 undinism 4 haematic 5 kerasine | |
72 | disturbance; uproar |
1 oxyblepsia 2 arbrolatry 3 ophidiomancy 4 hexastichal 5 ruction | |
73 | pertaining to the refraction of sound |
1 sulphureous 2 drabble 3 spikenard 4 diacoustic 5 isobar | |
74 | pertaining to ploughed land |
1 hymeneal 2 arval 3 triptote 4 nominalism 5 collutory | |
75 | depriving a parent of a child |
1 parietal 2 locellate 3 yomp 4 sympatric 5 defiliation | |
76 | emetic; causing vomiting or expectoration |
1 laminary 2 anocathartic 3 subduplicate 4 abirritate 5 yardarm | |
77 | pertaining to atmospheric conditions |
1 saccade 2 epedaphic 3 zoolatry 4 hyoid 5 eutaxy | |
78 | web-spinning |
1 trinoctial 2 telary 3 bangtail 4 crackjaw 5 cardiograph | |
79 | divination by means of ashes |
1 brouette 2 spodomancy 3 timbromania 4 tuberiform 5 waulk | |
80 | excessive infatuation |
1 engouement 2 dentine 3 primrose 4 hippophagy 5 macrophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | person whose function is to occupy space |
1 refractometer 2 britska 3 stereochromy 4 sindonology 5 cowcat | |
82 | living in stagnant water |
1 jejune 2 nutation 3 stagnicolous 4 stanchion 5 laryngology | |
83 | relating to religious ritual initiation |
1 prevenient 2 mystagogical 3 linaceous 4 ossifrage 5 tomograph | |
84 | former; sometime; formerly |
1 lampion 2 quondam 3 syngenesis 4 conchiform 5 heyday | |
85 | plate-like; having plate-like scales |
1 coticular 2 postliminy 3 placoid 4 speculum 5 succinic | |
86 | arrangement of rings allowing free motion of supported object |
1 ephelis 2 imagism 3 gimbals 4 umbraculiform 5 steganographer | |
87 | misrepresentation; false deduction |
1 gamophagia 2 subreption 3 estreat 4 falderal 5 apotelesm | |
88 | cathode ray tube for a television |
1 despoliation 2 altisonant 3 puccoon 4 kinescope 5 scrimshank | |
89 | drooping or hanging |
1 cernuous 2 synoecize 3 gad 4 fimetic 5 theotokos | |
90 | study of cell nuclei |
1 afforce 2 neanic 3 tristiloquy 4 karyology 5 scrivello | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | extremely cold |
1 solidus 2 bywoner 3 profulgent 4 gelid 5 heteroecious | |
92 | ship's small boat; sailboat carrying mainsail and one or more jibs |
1 fugacious 2 bonzery 3 frowst 4 yawl 5 filibeg | |
93 | cane or rod used for punishment |
1 scutal 2 ferule 3 threnody 4 diffugient 5 leucomelanous | |
94 | belief that the soul dies with the body |
1 volucrine 2 triptych 3 hypnoid 4 tauricide 5 thanatism | |
95 | to shoot out like a ray of light |
1 zanella 2 fossorial 3 pyx 4 knissomancy 5 eradiate | |
96 | five-cent-piece or other coin of little value |
1 amphibology 2 naology 3 tulle 4 picayune 5 pismire | |
97 | medical treatment by reducing food intake |
1 nestitherapy 2 interpellation 3 galactophagist 4 crescograph 5 crambo | |
98 | science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms |
1 pisteology 2 ramellose 3 thermantidote 4 tectonics 5 melaniferous | |
99 | having parts in sevens |
1 aerogenesis 2 philodemic 3 reguerdon 4 multiloquent 5 heptamerous | |
100 | rail round the stern of a ship |
1 pangamy 2 aright 3 pentamerous 4 taffrail 5 hypobole |