Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | study of natural or biological character |
1 excorticate 2 obrogate 3 eupeptic 4 ethology 5 spagyrist | |
2 | pertaining to a swineherd |
1 sublineation 2 quitclaim 3 armipotent 4 pupate 5 sybotic | |
3 | waste; dross; secretion that is reabsorbed; excess matter |
1 hypostyle 2 recrement 3 rupestrian 4 vermivorous 5 anthroposophy | |
4 | guide for fixing a pottery mould for plates |
1 luctation 2 gastrolatry 3 cecils 4 jolley 5 crepitate | |
5 | to gape; to burst open |
1 obitual 2 dehisce 3 prepense 4 delate 5 cicerone | |
6 | architectural monstrosity or eyesore; red precious stone |
1 witchknot 2 pointillism 3 malapert 4 clathrate 5 carbuncle | |
7 | man devoted to life of pleasure; rake |
1 iridian 2 pneumatophony 3 regnal 4 hornpipe 5 rou‚ | |
8 | of or pertaining to twilight |
1 crepuscular 2 clavichord 3 colonoscope 4 xenium 5 posology | |
9 | parapet or battlement |
1 bartisan 2 acrolith 3 staysail 4 chrysoaristocracy 5 killcow | |
10 | apposition; compounding of words without change |
1 eutexia 2 parathesis 3 narcolepsy 4 elide 5 hippomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | belief souls sleep from death to resurrection |
1 psychopannychism 2 poral 3 thermometrograph 4 pervious 5 crystallogenesis | |
12 | study of diseases |
1 nosology 2 sporran 3 agraphia 4 cedrate 5 prelacy | |
13 | of or relating to flax |
1 hednon 2 vociferate 3 linaceous 4 gurlet 5 galloon | |
14 | instrument for measuring intensity of magnetic fields |
1 alcoholometer 2 magnetometer 3 tiffany 4 trigonometer 5 narcolepsy | |
15 | piece of undressed leather used in making glue |
1 cartophily 2 micrander 3 polypharmacy 4 spetch 5 entablature | |
16 | twisted inwards; involved |
1 satanophany 2 carronade 3 intorted 4 croceate 5 attorn | |
17 | excelling all round in athletics or accomplishments |
1 supercilious 2 vigia 3 isogeotherm 4 veilleuse 5 pancratic | |
18 | instrument for measuring air moisture or temperature |
1 grum 2 virucide 3 psychrometer 4 tetrakishexahedron 5 emacity | |
19 | geometrical expression of possibility of multiple solutions |
1 porism 2 symphoric 3 libellant 4 ephidrosis 5 xyloid | |
20 | to insert into a text too hurriedly or inappropriately |
1 prepense 2 comburivorous 3 curtilage 4 spatchcock 5 camisade | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | sewer; toilet; cesspool of moral filth |
1 cloaca 2 tumultuary 3 surah 4 bema 5 Sapphism | |
22 | one who devours books; literally or figuratively |
1 pegamoid 2 pone 3 propitiate 4 bibliophagist 5 mastology | |
23 | distance between waterline and main deck of a ship |
1 malleation 2 barmcloth 3 freeboard 4 sequestrate 5 ramellose | |
24 | person possessing knowledge of many subjects |
1 chrysoaristocracy 2 petrophilous 3 ordinate 4 polymath 5 scripophily | |
25 | a casually employed dock worker |
1 ideopraxist 2 frangible 3 odontalgia 4 esker 5 shenango | |
26 | midwifery |
1 claver 2 maieutics 3 scripophily 4 humify 5 conspue | |
27 | to give peace to |
1 sarangousty 2 semiterete 3 guignol 4 pacificate 5 hagiarchy | |
28 | shaped like a fish |
1 tympanum 2 portatile 3 pisciform 4 vasculum 5 allogeneous | |
29 | leadership of one state within a confederacy |
1 anker 2 agennesic 3 bibliopegist 4 hegemony 5 hyetal | |
30 | barrow-mound; mound of earth over a grave |
1 poussin 2 tremallose 3 tumulus 4 decrepitate 5 coriaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | wooden shoe; clog; base of a pillar |
1 milleflori 2 sertule 3 philoprogenitive 4 equanimity 5 patten | |
32 | love of hotels |
1 rotiferous 2 carucate 3 xenodocheionology 4 vorago 5 eikonology | |
33 | smoked herring |
1 saprostomous 2 infra 3 thurl 4 morphology 5 bocking | |
34 | nickname |
1 polemology 2 wimple 3 audiology 4 sobriquet 5 misoneism | |
35 | a little hill |
1 megascope 2 inscient 3 graphospasm 4 allography 5 monticle | |
36 | study of enzymes |
1 wynd 2 arboriform 3 dendritiform 4 enzymology 5 sporogenesis | |
37 | something that grasps or seizes |
1 tisane 2 telestic 3 prehensor 4 polystyle 5 phanic | |
38 | to settle beforehand |
1 preconcert 2 turdiform 3 chancel 4 supinate 5 obi | |
39 | of or relating to pebbles |
1 proboscidate 2 poltroon 3 jongleur 4 stipe 5 psephitic | |
40 | rectangular base of column or pedestal |
1 spissitude 2 dedition 3 trachelate 4 virgal 5 plinth | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | showing, exhibiting or demonstrating |
1 endeictic 2 seric 3 sidereal 4 heteroclitous 5 egestion | |
42 | of or pertaining to the skin |
1 deric 2 isopach 3 salinometer 4 byssaceous 5 jesserant | |
43 | coarse linen and wool blend |
1 stabile 2 foumart 3 linsey 4 formic 5 decumbiture | |
44 | poem; words of a song |
1 vadose 2 chrysography 3 dit 4 femicide 5 philistine | |
45 | silent piano for practicing |
1 molariform 2 digitorium 3 incipient 4 misacceptation 5 wedeln | |
46 | sweet perfumed wine |
1 parastatic 2 caliology 3 malmsey 4 transept 5 annulet | |
47 | self-luminous |
1 hierography 2 embryoniform 3 tufa 4 autophanous 5 agnize | |
48 | instrument for copying drawings at a different scale |
1 planigraph 2 adenology 3 sapience 4 accensor 5 mechanism | |
49 | small room just under the roof |
1 catapedamania 2 thermology 3 wen 4 thanatography 5 cockloft | |
50 | study of insects |
1 misoclere 2 hierurgy 3 insectology 4 nosology 5 sudd | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | man-shaped sea monster |
1 antidisestablishmentarianism 2 wasserman 3 immanentism 4 medicaster 5 euripus | |
52 | collection of papal bulls |
1 mizzle 2 bullary 3 vibrissa 4 keratogenic 5 pestiferous | |
53 | meanwhile |
1 vascular 2 jolley 3 prestigiator 4 groupuscule 5 interim | |
54 | great-great grandfather |
1 quadrennial 2 anadiplosis 3 ostiary 4 tresayle 5 omniparity | |
55 | fear of riding in a car |
1 forby 2 gyrus 3 hippiatrics 4 amaxophobia 5 polverine | |
56 | study of atmospheric pollutants and dust |
1 koniology 2 ambulatory 3 gigot 4 indehiscent 5 plash | |
57 | round or oval in shape |
1 disciform 2 pegamoid 3 barathrum 4 gaud 5 fastigium | |
58 | play on words; pun |
1 pundigrion 2 groundsel 3 ranarian 4 paravant 5 drapetomania | |
59 | having teeth all alike |
1 scholiast 2 simpliste 3 homodont 4 pernor 5 liturgician | |
60 | beyond the known universe |
1 extramundane 2 sciagraphy 3 coehorn 4 oxygeusia 5 graveolent | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | number leaving same remainder when divided into two others |
1 factitious 2 zoopery 3 allative 4 drysalter 5 modulus | |
62 | standard-bearer |
1 gonfalonier 2 kinetheodolite 3 hithermost 4 humoral 5 lutescent | |
63 | doctrine concerning faith |
1 sinapise 2 electrocardiograph 3 manal 4 bursiform 5 pistiology | |
64 | shaped like a molar |
1 heliotaxis 2 molariform 3 archididascalos 4 volar 5 spatiotemporal | |
65 | things to be deleted or destroyed |
1 abodement 2 clinamen 3 thewe 4 delenda 5 jaspe | |
66 | bearing nickel |
1 nickeliferous 2 ebeneous 3 myasthenia 4 jumboism 5 mizmaze | |
67 | meeting of a witches' coven |
1 kedge 2 fontinal 3 esbat 4 semantology 5 woning | |
68 | eating trays of ice to help offset iron deficiency |
1 relucent 2 pagophagia 3 visiogenic 4 pestiferous 5 mayhap | |
69 | outgrowth; projection; tumour |
1 shag 2 excresence 3 seismology 4 buttery 5 dacnomania | |
70 | study of death and its customs |
1 torr 2 hordeaceous 3 oneirodynia 4 thanatology 5 suicidology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | producing or generating heat |
1 calorifacient 2 crepon 3 roseate 4 goldenrod 5 preaudience | |
72 | shaped like a network |
1 plexiform 2 gadroon 3 lectrice 4 voluble 5 radicated | |
73 | thin glazed worsted |
1 lairwite 2 tamin 3 chronopher 4 insufflate 5 cortinate | |
74 | crust formed on wine kept too long or improperly |
1 argol 2 lupanarian 3 jaunce 4 phatic 5 sciosophy | |
75 | boiling over; agitation; outbreak |
1 ebullition 2 ampere 3 theosophy 4 antistrophe 5 corrigendum | |
76 | squared stone used in building walls |
1 godet 2 procoelous 3 expatiate 4 bulimy 5 ashlar | |
77 | star-watching |
1 biocentric 2 myosis 3 uranoscopy 4 goldenrod 5 naze | |
78 | bringing war |
1 pharos 2 belliferous 3 writhled 4 tuism 5 cladoptosis | |
79 | instrument for measuring very high temperatures |
1 pyrometer 2 gutturotetany 3 hexactinal 4 duvetyn 5 dentagra | |
80 | native to several countries |
1 monophagous 2 prie-dieu 3 polydemic 4 pantagruelian 5 astraphobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | display of affectation |
1 minauderie 2 narcose 3 viator 4 smalt 5 analects | |
82 | living in or among rocks |
1 tumulus 2 amphiscian 3 whatabouts 4 saxicolous 5 miosis | |
83 | instrument for measuring intensity of sunlight |
1 constellate 2 scantling 3 heliograph 4 acharn‚ 5 catchpole | |
84 | peace treaty or armistice |
1 induciae 2 tautochronous 3 hercogamy 4 ambry 5 petrean | |
85 | concealing of one heavenly body by another |
1 emonomancy 2 occultation 3 springald 4 fulgid 5 scapigerous | |
86 | relating to reflection or reflected light |
1 catoptric 2 padronism 3 amyloid 4 florilegium 5 epinician | |
87 | horizontal timber of a scaffolding |
1 ligger 2 pellicle 3 reflet 4 linguiform 5 bardel | |
88 | lottery in which each entrant must win a prize |
1 parlous 2 tombola 3 maulstick 4 anomia 5 narcolepsy | |
89 | vein of a leaf |
1 nervure 2 ramulus 3 grosgrain 4 velocimeter 5 jitney | |
90 | premature burial |
1 timbrology 2 croceate 3 zoothapsis 4 ichnomancy 5 whin | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | officer in court who attends to execute orders; harbinger |
1 plebeian 2 carcinology 3 chintz 4 apparitor 5 sordor | |
92 | surface layer; surface with length and width only |
1 superficies 2 naze 3 nainsook 4 breccia 5 hymnody | |
93 | hair-like |
1 ramentum 2 ondoyant 3 trichoid 4 revers 5 zoonomy | |
94 | ornamental stand in shape of ship for holding salt or cutlery |
1 macrology 2 vitrifacture 3 demersal 4 definiens 5 nef | |
95 | of multiple origin or composition |
1 pyrokinesis 2 soporiferous 3 paranym 4 doramania 5 polygenous | |
96 | insolence; a scornful insult |
1 skysail 2 contumely 3 flapdoodle 4 fulgour 5 intaglio | |
97 | developed suddenly and not inherited |
1 neomorphic 2 somatology 3 tritheism 4 ebrious 5 rutilant | |
98 | of or relating to stones; inscribed on stones |
1 sillograph 2 linchpin 3 limbus 4 creatic 5 lapidarian | |
99 | bandage worn around the nose |
1 cotillion 2 accipiter 3 exponible 4 mendiloquence 5 decantate | |
100 | of or pertaining to song-birds |
1 scatomancy 2 oscinine 3 eumoiriety 4 mordent 5 loreal |