Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | of or relating to a wife |
1 uxorial 2 verruca 3 dynamogenesis 4 chancery 5 quoit | |
2 | to chant or say repeatedly |
1 decantate 2 frowst 3 periclitate 4 matachin 5 blain | |
3 | cup; chalice |
1 debarrass 2 hylotheism 3 monotroch 4 sevum 5 calix | |
4 | strong craving or powerful desire |
1 solive 2 pharmacometer 3 vavasour 4 appetence 5 scutch | |
5 | hooked clasp used by masons to hold blocks together |
1 arbrolatry 2 galactometer 3 agraffe 4 representationalism 5 nobilitate | |
6 | guerrilla resistance force |
1 notitia 2 cheverel 3 axinomancy 4 leiotrichous 5 maquis | |
7 | study of stomach; intestines |
1 byssaceous 2 gloaming 3 multitarian 4 gastroenterology 5 curate | |
8 | dirty tatted tuft of sheep's wool |
1 kit 2 mandative 3 mulligrubs 4 isotropic 5 dag | |
9 | system of knowledge without basis in science |
1 myringoscope 2 paracentral 3 guarish 4 sciosophy 5 hypodynamia | |
10 | mountain nymph |
1 reductionism 2 agraphia 3 oread 4 matins 5 lepidopterous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | the study of meteors |
1 meteoritics 2 argol 3 cocciferous 4 apiology 5 timenoguy | |
12 | pertaining to or derived from animals |
1 wergild 2 aorist 3 summate 4 spoliate 5 zoonic | |
13 | producing an immune response |
1 immunogenic 2 fissility 3 hydrogeology 4 serology 5 granivorous | |
14 | sun-like |
1 tocophobia 2 sphragistic 3 soliform 4 buttery 5 helminth | |
15 | Roman curved trumpet |
1 buccina 2 slickenside 3 strabismus 4 octamerous 5 pyrophanous | |
16 | like or resembling measles |
1 morbilliform 2 sigmate 3 jeremiad 4 anastrophe 5 ramie | |
17 | interweaving of branches |
1 omnifarious 2 transire 3 arguria 4 interramification 5 asperity | |
18 | doing more than needed to complete a task |
1 spicigerous 2 drill 3 cantabank 4 supererogation 5 microtome | |
19 | ability to perceive the weight and form of an object |
1 anomphalous 2 bioecology 3 arpenteur 4 dromic 5 stereognosis | |
20 | pathological self-deprecation or belief that one is very small |
1 mussitation 2 saccadic 3 definiens 4 caboose 5 micromania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | truthful |
1 refractometer 2 veridicous 3 nephelognosy 4 catafalque 5 limpid | |
22 | use of light taps in massage |
1 manurance 2 trochlear 3 tapotement 4 calycine 5 concomitant | |
23 | small clique or faction |
1 groupuscule 2 caisson 3 clysmian 4 roc 5 poiesis | |
24 | to lay paint or colours thickly on |
1 hylicism 2 gig 3 pierage 4 favonian 5 impaste | |
25 | truncated gable with a lipped roof |
1 olfactology 2 zugzwang 3 potter 4 jerkinhead 5 sudatory | |
26 | an outdated policy, doctrine or theory |
1 xenophilia 2 celeste 3 wasm 4 zoism 5 histology | |
27 | spiral staircase; a half turn by a trained horse |
1 caracole 2 caseous 3 sempiternum 4 kylin 5 purfle | |
28 | to ensnare |
1 hyperphagia 2 illaqueate 3 malleiform 4 vitiferous 5 reniform | |
29 | soon; gladly |
1 singultous 2 strombuliferous 3 portreeve 4 lief 5 jaseran | |
30 | anchor carried at bow of a ship |
1 thersitical 2 noumenalism 3 villus 4 bower 5 blarney | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | old unit of dry volume equal to between 32 and 72 bushels |
1 jnana 2 knickerbockers 3 chaldron 4 demegoric 5 transubstantiation | |
32 | a writer's real name; work published under writer's own name |
1 postscenium 2 somnial 3 autonym 4 kalon 5 glutinous | |
33 | newspaper vendor |
1 romage 2 camelot 3 wadmal 4 doit 5 extensometer | |
34 | inflated; falsely sublime; bombastic |
1 fructuous 2 yird 3 dextroduction 4 ophthalmophobia 5 tumid | |
35 | discoloration of the skin |
1 batrachian 2 omegoid 3 dyschroa 4 passant 5 wormil | |
36 | wine-coloured |
1 autarchy 2 soup‡on 3 agnosic 4 diacoustic 5 vinaceous | |
37 | windy; flatulent; puffed up with conceit |
1 menald 2 paramatta 3 ventose 4 quaestuary 5 synteresis | |
38 | short holy song or sung prayer |
1 canticle 2 whither 3 abject 4 gregal 5 psilothrum | |
39 | watery discharge from eyes and nose |
1 incanous 2 latitant 3 pneumograph 4 rheum 5 unisonous | |
40 | faith healing |
1 plutolatry 2 whelky 3 quillon 4 equative 5 theotherapy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | European bison |
1 uloid 2 scaberulous 3 wisent 4 hyperdulia 5 dispone | |
42 | intimate; pertaining to the lap or bosom |
1 antigropelos 2 bombosity 3 bluepeter 4 gremial 5 digitigrade | |
43 | procurer; marriage broker |
1 rimose 2 noosphere 3 culiciform 4 floruit 5 proxenete | |
44 | legal transfer by actual or symbolic sale |
1 enjoin 2 oxyphonia 3 mancipation 4 coaptation 5 dendriform | |
45 | acolyte |
1 accensor 2 pieta 3 pupigerous 4 tubulure 5 laitance | |
46 | a pimple; an insignificant person |
1 zoogeography 2 hebenon 3 natable 4 quat 5 imbroglio | |
47 | prostitute; a flirt or tease |
1 cocotte 2 bezique 3 homoousia 4 tinnitus 5 retinaculum | |
48 | to feign an action; perpetrate a hoax on |
1 drap-de-Berry 2 vertiginous 3 gammon 4 demijohn 5 malaguena | |
49 | stout corded wool or cotton |
1 querist 2 moreen 3 wigan 4 abulia 5 omphaloid | |
50 | a basic unit of systems of classification |
1 nim 2 frogmarch 3 onanism 4 brachiferous 5 taxeme | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | to prance; toss the head; to strut |
1 brank 2 lam‚ 3 parbreak 4 potshop 5 scoria | |
52 | theological statement as opposed to divine one |
1 theologoumenon 2 bowery 3 epigeous 4 chthonian 5 inhaust | |
53 | liquifying agent |
1 laciniate 2 typographia 3 bacillicide 4 deicide 5 liquifacient | |
54 | instrument for measuring small or distant earthquakes |
1 stative 2 pliothermic 3 deiparous 4 solarism 5 microseismometer | |
55 | hole allowing water to drain from ship's deck |
1 diaphanous 2 scupper 3 chilopod 4 expurgate 5 preseminal | |
56 | fear of falling down stairs |
1 cervine 2 climacophobia 3 abeam 4 morology 5 hod | |
57 | extinct wild ox |
1 synaloepha 2 thalposis 3 vervel 4 advenient 5 aurochs | |
58 | otherwise |
1 secus 2 lacertiform 3 thanatousia 4 hieroscopy 5 apanage | |
59 | box used for carrying ice on back of pack animal |
1 yakhdan 2 cyanogenesis 3 forel 4 eructate 5 acquest | |
60 | peace; sanctuary |
1 decorticate 2 virology 3 puckery 4 epulation 5 frith | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | action of solar radiation causing chemical change |
1 specie 2 wether 3 actinism 4 postprandial 5 tablature | |
62 | cotton with silk pile |
1 nonpareil 2 velvetine 3 iconometer 4 vivers 5 palmarian | |
63 | round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank |
1 lanigerous 2 zucchetto 3 vitrics 4 syntexis 5 juvenal | |
64 | milk drinker |
1 oligodynamic 2 galactophagist 3 provine 4 durometer 5 rufescent | |
65 | flowing sweetly |
1 nulliparous 2 binotonous 3 zel 4 dulcifluous 5 hippiatrics | |
66 | briny |
1 prestriction 2 verglas 3 equiparate 4 muriatic 5 plimsoll | |
67 | belief that the world can be explained as aspect of the mind |
1 mentalism 2 isonomy 3 deleterious 4 mainmast 5 microanatomy | |
68 | divination using water in a basin or pool |
1 dippydro 2 lecanomancy 3 quale 4 orthotropism 5 thalassography | |
69 | bearing, bringing or carrying towards |
1 stratigraphy 2 nematology 3 dioptre 4 arguria 5 afferent | |
70 | someone to which something is ceded |
1 papilionaceous 2 prolative 3 cessionary 4 merogenesis 5 palzogony | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | earliest version of a text; original unmodified version |
1 reboant 2 urtext 3 fumiduct 4 pedometer 5 inveigle | |
72 | feudal tax of a lord on tenants; any tax or toll |
1 tallage 2 debellate 3 escalier 4 chypre 5 hedonism | |
73 | unit of x-radiation or gamma radiation |
1 reductionism 2 plash 3 tragomaschalia 4 roentgen 5 zymurgy | |
74 | act of breathing |
1 d‚marche 2 sensationalism 3 misprise 4 evanescent 5 spiration | |
75 | medieval Italian limping hop dance |
1 fimetic 2 triphthong 3 zoppetto 4 zho 5 absit | |
76 | narrow ecclesiastical vestment or scarf |
1 stole 2 moria 3 tagmeme 4 theroid 5 intercostal | |
77 | pertaining to the calf of the leg |
1 troika 2 probouleutic 3 sural 4 melichrous 5 bilious | |
78 | act or process of swelling; swollenness |
1 edentate 2 enjambment 3 occamy 4 turgescence 5 kakidrosis | |
79 | instrument for detecting presence of methane |
1 gerdoying 2 zephyr 3 methanometer 4 fideism 5 bionergy | |
80 | having winged seeds |
1 pterospermous 2 succorrhoea 3 lauds 4 marah 5 melliferous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests |
1 euphonym 2 melaniferous 3 exarch 4 waywiser 5 kamelaukion | |
82 | withering without falling off |
1 farandine 2 marcescent 3 sudoral 4 haematic 5 pupillarity | |
83 | to set a fixed arbitrary price |
1 quarterdeck 2 woggle 3 valorise 4 pulvinated 5 juramentum | |
84 | groove; grooved shaping tool |
1 attrist 2 swage 3 soliform 4 catechumen 5 trabeate | |
85 | dunghill |
1 trousseau 2 devisee 3 mixen 4 pillion 5 castory | |
86 | study of protists |
1 rocaille 2 olent 3 deism 4 protistology 5 oncology | |
87 | kiss on the hand |
1 hamartiology 2 foliaceous 3 algor 4 baisemain 5 emollient | |
88 | fear of itching or of insects causing itching |
1 acarophobia 2 commonition 3 ophiuran 4 adiathermancy 5 dialectology | |
89 | exponent of rules such as the Ten Commandments |
1 decalogist 2 cryometer 3 aculeate 4 scotophobia 5 adversative | |
90 | indicating motion alongside or by |
1 antitypy 2 prolative 3 filemot 4 probouleutic 5 welkin | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | weaning |
1 pomiferous 2 delactation 3 macadamize 4 whatabouts 5 primigenial | |
92 | old device for copying that used a plate of jelly |
1 caudiform 2 subrident 3 auxology 4 lollop 5 jellygraph | |
93 | well-stored |
1 fulciform 2 complanate 3 inficete 4 locuplete 5 cynolatry | |
94 | bridge builder |
1 pontist 2 freeboard 3 agonistes 4 barbigerous 5 euchology | |
95 | view that moral conduct consists in observance of laws |
1 vitular 2 anglomania 3 verberate 4 nomism 5 basial | |
96 | a cow barn |
1 byre 2 spargosis 3 sejugate 4 rhinal 5 petrissage | |
97 | church associated with a monastery |
1 interstitial 2 pratincolous 3 minster 4 quaestionary 5 pedantocracy | |
98 | of or relating to horses |
1 rochet 2 whipstall 3 palaeophile 4 pyoid 5 hippic | |
99 | drug-seller; pharmacist; apothecary |
1 diplograph 2 antalgic 3 languet 4 pharmacopolist 5 imprest | |
100 | atrophy of the gums |
1 kazatzka 2 ulatrophy 3 mechanism 4 marmarosis 5 galanty |