Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | degeneration; loss of physical vitality or ability |
1 woold 2 abiotrophy 3 sigillary 4 lexigraphy 5 ignify | |
2 | knowledge of women |
1 witenagemot 2 gynics 3 surquedry 4 pornotopia 5 proctal | |
3 | loose outer garment worn over armour |
1 lockstep 2 mandylion 3 idiologism 4 thigmotropism 5 kymograph | |
4 | book or treatise on beards |
1 whither 2 pogonology 3 advowson 4 glabrous 5 farrago | |
5 | blank metal disc to be stamped as a coin |
1 sinapise 2 popple 3 portesse 4 planchet 5 refractory | |
6 | instrument used to record sound on magnetic tape |
1 blattnerphone 2 morse 3 sitophobia 4 tunicle 5 ostler | |
7 | saddle cloth |
1 strombuliferous 2 vinolent 3 weatherboard 4 mezzotint 5 shabrack | |
8 | the application of statistics in economic history |
1 pharisaic 2 cynartomachy 3 anthelion 4 cliometrics 5 schizotrichia | |
9 | instrument measuring minute changes in temperature |
1 radicated 2 thermopile 3 viviparous 4 friable 5 ablepsia | |
10 | memorandum at end of affidavit showing to whom it was sworn |
1 absurdism 2 jurat 3 diesis 4 keyline 5 saprostomous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | study of comparative musical systems |
1 ethnomusicology 2 volution 3 radix 4 polystachious 5 cyclosis | |
12 | hole for ship's cable |
1 hawsehole 2 lapactic 3 crithomancy 4 colytic 5 trophallaxis | |
13 | inscription whose letters form a Roman numeral date |
1 chronogram 2 vespers 3 cretify 4 jentacular 5 satanophobia | |
14 | mule-driver |
1 gestatorial 2 causerie 3 graphospasm 4 muleteer 5 hamiform | |
15 | one who writes about relics |
1 lipsanographer 2 bodewash 3 ecclesiastry 4 dolent 5 tomography | |
16 | ornamental structure set on a mantel-shelf |
1 demesne 2 nippitatum 3 rotula 4 overmantel 5 buddle | |
17 | one who blows on ashes to bring them to flame |
1 hortulan 2 vituperation 3 askefise 4 appulse 5 redargue | |
18 | mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis |
1 nivial 2 trophallaxis 3 woodshedding 4 frisson 5 agravic | |
19 | tip; gratuity |
1 ibidem 2 threnody 3 pourboire 4 interjaculate 5 inessive | |
20 | fish net repairer |
1 zeta 2 unwithdrawing 3 profligate 4 beatster 5 carnaptious | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | private balcony in a hotel room |
1 achor 2 lanai 3 fumiduct 4 jitterbug 5 batholith | |
22 | blackish green |
1 corbeau 2 mycophagous 3 d‚menti 4 porism 5 frondescence | |
23 | monk who spends much time on tops of pillars |
1 planigraph 2 cirrate 3 stylite 4 distaff 5 fardage | |
24 | the art of teaching by question and answer |
1 trichoid 2 pentheraphobia 3 parbreak 4 analgia 5 catechectics | |
25 | the cheek; a molar |
1 wang 2 longueur 3 peripatetic 4 calcographer 5 peristyle | |
26 | lacking hands |
1 unstercorated 2 amanous 3 peruke 4 zymosimeter 5 hibernal | |
27 | muddled or mixed-up |
1 irradicate 2 glacis 3 desmology 4 hyperbaton 5 macaronic | |
28 | instrument for measuring incident radiation |
1 actinometer 2 ruridecanal 3 indicia 4 moya 5 fundiform | |
29 | one who sews |
1 gantry 2 kerygma 3 petroliferous 4 exiguous 5 sempster | |
30 | downy |
1 molimen 2 stupulose 3 antalgic 4 histology 5 emption | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | to degrade to the state of a brute |
1 imbrute 2 dungaree 3 tachyscope 4 medullary 5 sobriquet | |
32 | dirty; begrimed |
1 grufted 2 exordium 3 hippiatrics 4 chark 5 twill | |
33 | broad or wide interpretation |
1 setose 2 clinology 3 severy 4 orthobiosis 5 latitudinous | |
34 | part of a country surrounded by foreign soil |
1 toxophily 2 pennaceous 3 therewith 4 cuneate 5 exclave | |
35 | leader of the singing of a church choir |
1 exigible 2 nodose 3 hamartia 4 precentor 5 convolve | |
36 | convex; rounded |
1 unctuous 2 tumultuary 3 persiennes 4 bombous 5 marasmus | |
37 | smelly feet |
1 isorithm 2 interjaculate 3 podobromhydrosis 4 retrahent 5 somatotrophic | |
38 | old unit of weight of wool equal to 28 pounds |
1 trivirgate 2 plumbism 3 nightpiece 4 tod 5 detort | |
39 | divination by ashes |
1 agonic 2 tephromancy 3 windrow 4 lunation 5 deliquesce | |
40 | corruption of forms of words |
1 quiff 2 cassation 3 comephorous 4 conification 5 parasynesis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | issuing forth |
1 opisthosomal 2 purulence 3 kibble 4 flagelliferous 5 provenient | |
42 | flat piece of wood |
1 teasel 2 kohlrabi 3 zymometer 4 ferula 5 immeability | |
43 | expression of sorrow or regret |
1 lexis 2 seguidilla 3 trucage 4 alack 5 spiritualism | |
44 | work of art describing a night scene |
1 nightpiece 2 amyous 3 sciatic 4 melanic 5 waxcloth | |
45 | open tourist coach |
1 buckram 2 protervity 3 charabanc 4 apostasy 5 modiste | |
46 | water in the soil not available to plants |
1 glozing 2 echard 3 perlaceous 4 clathrate 5 larvivorous | |
47 | the state of being null or void |
1 helicograph 2 paludal 3 nullity 4 haplology 5 incondite | |
48 | bearing bulbs |
1 abnegate 2 secque 3 zoophysiology 4 recoct 5 bulbiferous | |
49 | production of cyanide |
1 glacis 2 inusitation 3 saxony 4 cyanogenesis 5 parochial | |
50 | mouldy; musty |
1 volable 2 vinewed 3 volar 4 baisemain 5 deprehend | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | to lecture |
1 lapideous 2 toreutics 3 transmarine 4 prelect 5 anagnorisis | |
52 | fear of failure |
1 fusiform 2 austringer 3 kakorrhaphiophobia 4 cynartomachy 5 haslock | |
53 | sculptor; one who makes images from clay |
1 fictor 2 luminiferous 3 fiberscope 4 canary 5 ashlar | |
54 | disordered hearing |
1 ombrophobia 2 volvelle 3 hysterogenic 4 paracusis 5 nosebag | |
55 | like a fingernail |
1 onychoid 2 maritage 3 hyperalgia 4 leveret 5 bartisan | |
56 | map of the world |
1 mappemond 2 pornogenarian 3 glycogenesis 4 sprauncy 5 waxcloth | |
57 | the hobby of collecting cigarette cards |
1 gigantomachy 2 cartophily 3 menisciform 4 wright 5 shivaree | |
58 | to heal |
1 canterbury 2 odograph 3 maledicent 4 guarish 5 squirage | |
59 | shaped like a roof |
1 cornific 2 peripetia 3 pipe 4 tectiform 5 ranine | |
60 | shaped like a small vase or flowerpot |
1 vasculiform 2 viticulture 3 luteous 4 refulgent 5 wright | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | blind passage or tunnel |
1 piscicapturist 2 disponge 3 diverticulum 4 deadstock 5 protoplast | |
62 | relating to coins or money |
1 nummary 2 dogcart 3 fulminate 4 encephaloid 5 ventiduct | |
63 | bearing foramina |
1 foraminiferous 2 gabbart 3 decaudate 4 sigillum 5 cardophagus | |
64 | study of ecological communities |
1 chambray 2 autotelic 3 stelliform 4 synecology 5 toman | |
65 | diagram showing yearly wind strengths for a locality |
1 violatic 2 watchglass 3 windrose 4 ecclesiolatry 5 throstle | |
66 | tonsil |
1 kilfud-yoking 2 paristhimion 3 chrysography 4 crenellated 5 megascopic | |
67 | acquisition of property by long usage and enjoyment |
1 neolatry 2 usucaption 3 swingometer 4 claustral 5 pornocracy | |
68 | condition of equilibrium in the earth's crust |
1 larviparous 2 afforest 3 pogonotomy 4 chartaceous 5 isostasy | |
69 | strong lustrous fabric resembling linen or silk |
1 toxophily 2 logotype 3 clathrose 4 ramie 5 lumbriciform | |
70 | cover of a mattress or pillow |
1 tessaraglot 2 uranoscopy 3 tick 4 echopraxia 5 homeoteleuton | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | bud from which a new plant can grow |
1 gemma 2 punctiform 3 topsail 4 trachelate 5 antependium | |
72 | study of measuring geological time |
1 inguinal 2 anodyne 3 trefoil 4 dit 5 geochronology | |
73 | permission to depart; dismissal; discharge |
1 pilule 2 nidatory 3 congee 4 araneidan 5 weedicide | |
74 | instrument for measuring very short time intervals |
1 chronoscope 2 sarcotic 3 kersey 4 dap 5 punctate | |
75 | fullness; abundance |
1 vavasour 2 mycterism 3 magisterial 4 novation 5 pleroma | |
76 | writing in gold or silver letters |
1 isorithm 2 chrysography 3 panne 4 abortuary 5 hindforemost | |
77 | having two identical sides |
1 brank 2 hieromancy 3 scintilla 4 bicollateral 5 chatelaine | |
78 | garlic-flavoured mayonnaise |
1 intellectualism 2 aioli 3 asomatous 4 sacerdotal 5 somatognosis | |
79 | to pour around or about |
1 stack 2 polyhistor 3 thigmotaxis 4 circumfuse 5 frumentarious | |
80 | open space around a town within the walls |
1 xenophobia 2 notandum 3 laver 4 pomoerium 5 cladoptosis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | fear of cancer |
1 geist 2 mystagogical 3 acclinate 4 chasmophile 5 cancerophobia | |
82 | leader of a heretical movement |
1 glissade 2 intertie 3 bulla 4 quantulum 5 heresiarch | |
83 | knot or roll of hair worn at the back of the head |
1 carpogenous 2 calathus 3 chignon 4 ambisinistrous 5 weighage | |
84 | fear of novelty |
1 deuteropathy 2 congelation 3 neophobia 4 coracoid 5 nomogeny | |
85 | political agitator appealing to popular prejudices |
1 glacis 2 pultaceous 3 demagogue 4 rhombos 5 droguet | |
86 | belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute |
1 isocephaly 2 saffron 3 probabilism 4 phygogalactic 5 wieldless | |
87 | alternately |
1 tetrachotomous 2 alternatim 3 exordium 4 zoomagnetism 5 halfpace | |
88 | of or pertaining to snakes |
1 paravail 2 hithermost 3 anguine 4 cremnophobia 5 diutiurnal | |
89 | knitting together of broken bones |
1 lincrusta 2 obelize 3 stichomythia 4 porosis 5 phanerosis | |
90 | art of definition of words |
1 atrabilious 2 lexigraphy 3 lugsail 4 grapheme 5 tectrix | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | of or pertaining to a sheriff |
1 vitrics 2 morel 3 shrieval 4 pettifogger 5 qiviut | |
92 | custom where second-oldest child inherits property |
1 paramnesia 2 boyg 3 secundogeniture 4 paragnosis 5 urinometer | |
93 | products of secretion |
1 alate 2 whinger 3 verecund 4 secreta 5 farinose | |
94 | mania for money |
1 syntagm 2 lioncelle 3 plutomania 4 nymphean 5 spectrometer | |
95 | indicating agent performing an action |
1 pedology 2 idiorhythmic 3 agentive 4 isobront 5 caesious | |
96 | fart |
1 vendible 2 wattmeter 3 crepitus 4 ankus 5 synechthry | |
97 | instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure |
1 matriherital 2 sphygmometer 3 engastrimyth 4 evaginate 5 funipendulous | |
98 | to appropriate for private use |
1 lateen 2 impropriate 3 psychrophilic 4 psychomachy 5 pulicine | |
99 | pertaining to an after-image or other after-sensation |
1 nariform 2 diffluent 3 oomancy 4 corrody 5 acolouthic | |
100 | instrument measuring hardness |
1 blastogenesis 2 sclerometer 3 mysophobia 4 arris 5 psychalgia |