Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | government by women |
1 orf 2 sacrarium 3 gynocracy 4 jabot 5 nasutiform | |
2 | two letters expressing a single sound |
1 seta 2 wrick 3 anthropogenesis 4 tasse 5 digraph | |
3 | doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles |
1 neritic 2 superciliary 3 aestheticism 4 terriginous 5 quoin | |
4 | nose-band of a bridle |
1 ichthyopolist 2 woning 3 polyaemia 4 musrol 5 proscenium | |
5 | universal knowledge |
1 epanorthosis 2 pentarchy 3 pansophy 4 petaliferous 5 sudation | |
6 | pertaining to a cuckoo |
1 genouillŠre 2 cuculine 3 cupel 4 mathemancy 5 bˆtise | |
7 | of or relating to hunting |
1 primiparous 2 praxis 3 exorable 4 trichosis 5 venatic | |
8 | inalienable |
1 sphygmus 2 fusiform 3 abessive 4 imprescriptible 5 heuristic | |
9 | to put forward or allege |
1 velate 2 purfle 3 obtend 4 oleiferous 5 yeasty | |
10 | to seize or deprive of property wrongfully |
1 calenture 2 lichenology 3 disseize 4 sulcus 5 sapience | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | instrument measuring refraction of light |
1 pileiform 2 zoophily 3 pedological 4 lipography 5 refractometer | |
12 | thin wool |
1 phaeism 2 tamis 3 spermiogenesis 4 rampant 5 deuteropathy | |
13 | absence of perspiration; inability to perspire |
1 quaestionary 2 physagogue 3 adiaphoresis 4 querulous 5 isokeraunic | |
14 | brown colour; brown dye derived from beaver pelts |
1 capitulary 2 sciatheric 3 castory 4 klangfarbe 5 sarmentum | |
15 | steep and dry gully |
1 egad 2 galloon 3 coul‚e 4 hospitium 5 precentor | |
16 | meddling in everybody's business |
1 pathognomic 2 klangfarbe 3 taurean 4 pantopragmatic 5 plangent | |
17 | instrument for measuring radiant energy or infrared light |
1 acropathy 2 crumenal 3 subrogate 4 vagitus 5 bolometer | |
18 | prognosis |
1 pharyngology 2 neatherd 3 exeat 4 acierate 5 proleptics | |
19 | proud; haughty |
1 birostrate 2 orgulous 3 lorgnon 4 gastroenterology 5 yale | |
20 | description of arts and crafts |
1 technography 2 dioptre 3 fictile 4 shaugh 5 cystolith | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | apple-nymph |
1 maelid 2 kalamkari 3 dentiform 4 wapentake 5 novena | |
22 | omission of one of a series or sequence |
1 kinderspiel 2 buck-and-wing 3 excalation 4 phonophorous 5 triquetra | |
23 | instrument for measuring the spine |
1 vesturer 2 adit 3 rachiometer 4 facetiae 5 immerge | |
24 | living in dung |
1 regorge 2 wimple 3 debellate 4 fimicolous 5 aquifer | |
25 | flesh-eating marsupial |
1 wantage 2 minium 3 cheliferous 4 perioeci 5 dasyure | |
26 | papery |
1 harn 2 chartaceous 3 botanomancy 4 trabecula 5 dearticulate | |
27 | pertaining to reality or existence |
1 verruciform 2 molendinar 3 ontal 4 stylobate 5 catamite | |
28 | government by priests or religious ministers |
1 cismarine 2 hierocracy 3 marry 4 malgr‚ 5 episcopicide | |
29 | carefully chosen, rare or exotic |
1 decatise 2 cephalophore 3 granuliferous 4 mesology 5 recherch‚ | |
30 | pickaxe with one pointed and one bladed end |
1 gurlet 2 alation 3 absquatulate 4 sine 5 runnel | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | marginal note; commentary |
1 boodle 2 postil 3 pejorate 4 parallelepiped 5 astrogony | |
32 | arched; bow-shaped |
1 imperseverant 2 mutic 3 plantar 4 arcuate 5 baroscope | |
33 | breeding rhythm; brood frequency |
1 voltinism 2 beneficiate 3 eternalism 4 zygal 5 astacology | |
34 | slightly damaged paper |
1 nemoral 2 quadrat 3 sponsal 4 consuetude 5 retree | |
35 | structure over ship's bows or stern |
1 aphicide 2 turtleback 3 lacuna 4 zoomimetic 5 veloutine | |
36 | belief in local deities or spirits |
1 leptosome 2 obvolute 3 numenism 4 extrorse 5 obdormition | |
37 | deeply indented |
1 suable 2 rejoinder 3 periphrasis 4 dancett‚ 5 silesia | |
38 | crow-like |
1 hypometropia 2 misbeseem 3 muliebrity 4 corvine 5 zoonosis | |
39 | fore-and-aft sail hoisted on a stay |
1 cathedra 2 immanation 3 hyperaphia 4 staysail 5 scissel | |
40 | instrument for forming spectra by dispersing rays of light |
1 diphyodont 2 tufa 3 spectroscope 4 meiosis 5 izzat | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | of or pertaining to letters |
1 eudaemonism 2 scintillant 3 prepossess 4 ket 5 epistolary | |
42 | thinly ribbed cotton |
1 capriform 2 subturbary 3 multifarious 4 needlecord 5 egotheism | |
43 | prickly |
1 prochronism 2 hornpipe 3 bucentaur 4 kakorrhaphiophobia 5 lappaceous | |
44 | Roman Catholic church given special privileges |
1 torsiograph 2 heartsome 3 basilica 4 circumambient 5 yegg | |
45 | study of fine dining |
1 gastronomy 2 saffron 3 sufflaminate 4 spatulate 5 ornithophobia | |
46 | wheat-like |
1 antichresis 2 bengaline 3 xenolith 4 triticeous 5 porringer | |
47 | omit; ignore; suppress or abridge |
1 elide 2 excubant 3 cymograph 4 peduncle 5 solidary | |
48 | bearing umbels |
1 acquest 2 umbelliferous 3 biverbal 4 horripilation 5 cumuliform | |
49 | line connecting points of equal rainfall |
1 isohyet 2 lucigen 3 misandry 4 orchesis 5 mesic | |
50 | disorder in which one word substituted for another |
1 hindforemost 2 gruine 3 aichmophobia 4 paraphasia 5 incrassate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | found in the depths of the sea |
1 morphallaxis 2 quasi 3 necrology 4 bathypelagic 5 aeonian | |
52 | militarily powerful |
1 natable 2 emunctory 3 cockloft 4 bedaggle 5 bellipotent | |
53 | not making up a quorum |
1 implumous 2 zoanthropy 3 inquorate 4 yealing 5 duende | |
54 | notable sayings; things worthy of notice |
1 myology 2 mental 3 circumlittoral 4 notabilia 5 tepor | |
55 | Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet |
1 stack 2 heartsome 3 purloin 4 zapateado 5 moulinet | |
56 | mouldy; mildewy |
1 pelage 2 aspidate 3 mucedinous 4 ramentum 5 hornpipe | |
57 | incorrect diction or pronunciation |
1 mandrel 2 acyrology 3 gimmal 4 seismotic 5 hamble | |
58 | helmet-shaped |
1 murrhine 2 minuend 3 marmarosis 4 umber 5 cassideous | |
59 | benefice presented to church without reference to bishop |
1 subungual 2 suppositious 3 donative 4 quenouille 5 venery | |
60 | coarse napped cotton or wool fabric |
1 nemaline 2 cruciferous 3 gilliver 4 oligogenics 5 baize | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | rope, strap or chain used to tie horse by its leg |
1 buhl 2 basilicon 3 tomograph 4 pastern 5 solmisate | |
62 | study of food |
1 literator 2 phaeic 3 bromatology 4 timeous 5 trichoic | |
63 | accumulation; addition of parts to form a whole |
1 plataleiform 2 gigot 3 bathykolpian 4 circumpose 5 accretion | |
64 | sound of the nightingale |
1 jug 2 mantissa 3 presbytery 4 mercer 5 venenation | |
65 | of; like or relating to the elbow |
1 velation 2 calotte 3 anconoid 4 chionablepsia 5 dendritiform | |
66 | a beatitude; taking pleasure in another's joy |
1 collectivism 2 remiform 3 shallop 4 clitter 5 macarism | |
67 | feudal estate |
1 responsory 2 mesnalty 3 clypeate 4 pellate 5 circumpose | |
68 | ecclesiastical office to which revenue is attached |
1 furnicular 2 abthane 3 pantograph 4 benefice 5 spancel | |
69 | recognition of error; change to better frame of mind |
1 immeability 2 scruple 3 sept 4 anaerectic 5 resipiscence | |
70 | drum-like; shaped like a drum |
1 tympaniform 2 foinery 3 weber 4 diaconicon 5 mambo | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | old instrument of punishment like a pillory |
1 jettatura 2 athetesis 3 tumbrel 4 sympiesometer 5 rivulose | |
72 | above the stated, usual or necessary number |
1 scarpines 2 quetzal 3 supernumerary 4 nuncupate 5 canephor | |
73 | sandstone material used to scrape ships' decks |
1 metagraphy 2 pomace 3 heterothermal 4 holystone 5 esclandre | |
74 | making level |
1 spermatic 2 urethroscope 3 planation 4 thereology 5 anemology | |
75 | belief in the importance of metallic currency in economics |
1 fumosity 2 bullionism 3 metrophobia 4 equatorium 5 lauds | |
76 | of or relating to the full moon |
1 opificer 2 orarium 3 plenilunar 4 conceptualism 5 schiztic | |
77 | having the form of a bull |
1 latrant 2 paracoita 3 lanameter 4 dysgenesis 5 tauriform | |
78 | solidification by cooling |
1 gelation 2 antinomianism 3 focimeter 4 immanation 5 rheme | |
79 | rock detritus or debris at the base of a slope |
1 tmesis 2 talus 3 eyas 4 wilder 5 recure | |
80 | snowy; white |
1 tribuloid 2 phlegmatic 3 disembrangle 4 niveous 5 logorrhea | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | poisoning |
1 intercolline 2 monophagous 3 kurtosis 4 situla 5 venenation | |
82 | fabric with bold twill used for making dresses |
1 circumforentor 2 melic 3 latebricole 4 pastern 5 whipcord | |
83 | fear of disease |
1 pathophobia 2 needs 3 bartisan 4 phagophobia 5 voluble | |
84 | inventor |
1 languet 2 protogenist 3 cerated 4 kyle 5 dichogamous | |
85 | ragged edge of paper |
1 burrel 2 strabometer 3 hippocrepiform 4 sacchariferous 5 deckle | |
86 | perception of events or objects not actually present or near |
1 trophism 2 telaesthesia 3 jaculation 4 henism 5 oestrogenic | |
87 | marked with fine lines |
1 kummel 2 convolve 3 lineolate 4 jupon 5 mazer | |
88 | abnormally good sense of hearing |
1 torpillage 2 reprography 3 anaphia 4 hyperacusis 5 swallet | |
89 | a small box or shrine used to hold relics |
1 jure 2 trommel 3 polypod 4 reliquary 5 lachrymogenic | |
90 | yearling ox or cow; pasture for yearlings |
1 fibrilliform 2 subitize 3 glyptology 4 stirk 5 atrichia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | variation of the samba |
1 betimes 2 piscatorial 3 katzenjammer 4 octarchy 5 carioca | |
92 | of or relating to feces |
1 singspiel 2 stercoraceous 3 vallum 4 pityroid 5 goldenrod | |
93 | surgeon's instrument for scraping bones |
1 hydrography 2 batiste 3 xyster 4 syndyasmian 5 poitrel | |
94 | small plastic envelope holding liquid or cream |
1 evanition 2 sachet 3 pancyclopaedic 4 atrous 5 stevedore | |
95 | papal court and its officials |
1 curia 2 bricole 3 bathyorographical 4 thoracoscope 5 cabotage | |
96 | person who believes that nuts are the best kind of food |
1 broch 2 exclave 3 aptotic 4 nutarian 5 papeterie | |
97 | duration |
1 padrone 2 protension 3 paroemiology 4 sepulchre 5 accidie | |
98 | jointed knee-piece of armour |
1 halieutics 2 genouillŠre 3 entomophagous 4 paradromic 5 subfusc | |
99 | solid graphite that separates from pig-iron |
1 biognosy 2 tentamen 3 hallux 4 kish 5 retrograde | |
100 | having knots or nodules; knotty |
1 wherethrough 2 jalousie 3 effable 4 nodose 5 hadal |