Quiz 11 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 guide; tour guide 1 accinge
2 stylometry
3 cicerone
4 commorant
5 gavotte
2 an amphibious opossum of South America 1 yapok
2 oscilloscope
3 effable
4 lenify
5 calcariferous
3 line connecting points of equal wind speed 1 hyperbulia
2 febrifuge
3 isotach
4 belomancy
5 cochlear
4 unmanageable 1 psalmodist
2 vermeil
3 wieldless
4 zanella
5 psychosophy
5 shapely; well-made; handsome; neat 1 featous
2 gamic
3 lordolatry
4 hyphaeresis
5 vitriform
6 continuous frieze depicting humans and animals 1 yperite
2 zoophorus
3 georgette
4 hydrospace
5 pomade
7 very short note played before a longer one 1 acinaciform
2 acciaccatura
3 eustacy
4 gullery
5 pneumograph
8 to twitch; to tickle or pinch 1 maieutics
2 antrorse
3 vellicate
4 amain
5 polemic
9 film telling the life-story of a celebrity 1 basilicon
2 biopic
3 diaconicon
4 celt
5 prithee
10 suicide by starvation 1 churching
2 calumet
3 apocarteresis
4 chirospasm
5 petrogenesis
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 a natural impulse or tendency 1 perulate
2 ankyroid
3 conatus
4 substractor
5 coterie
12 not able to be separated 1 anesis
2 invitatory
3 lustrum
4 loranthaceous
5 indiscerptible
13 piece of fabric painted to resemble a tapestry 1 iconostasis
2 waterwork
3 jerkinhead
4 embayment
5 cromlech
14 that which cannot be expiated or atoned for 1 inexpiable
2 louvre
3 psephology
4 columella
5 lambrequin
15 thin; meagre; squeaking 1 spiritualism
2 intenerate
3 whippy
4 circumduct
5 scrannel
16 mountain pass 1 orogen
2 polynesic
3 singultous
4 venule
5 zoetrope
17 less than natural 1 subternatural
2 shetland
3 truckle
4 sleech
5 macon
18 divination using ghosts 1 selvage
2 sciomancy
3 tiffany
4 fiddley
5 complaisant
19 selective breeding 1 seta
2 mezzotint
3 stirpiculture
4 bumptious
5 gerocomy
20 partial blindness 1 coterie
2 naturism
3 altiloquence
4 paronomasia
5 meropia
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 mystical interpretation 1 nacket
2 kohl
3 obeliscolychny
4 anagogy
5 indue
22 ship's sail bent to a gaff and hoisted on a lower mast 1 coeliac
2 trysail
3 whilom
4 zoetic
5 eidograph
23 crescent-shaped couch 1 synesis
2 accubitum
3 objicient
4 therewithal
5 hierurgy
24 to raise trivial and frivolous objections 1 womby
2 cavil
3 gemmate
4 conchiform
5 pachyglossal
25 annual shedding of twigs and branches 1 cladoptosis
2 phototelegraph
3 eudiometer
4 thaumatology
5 isopycnic
26 jointed bit for horses 1 sputum
2 coprology
3 turbary
4 snaffle
5 ismatic
27 having an odd number of fingers on each limb 1 flacon
2 veridical
3 oikology
4 imparidigitate
5 qoph
28 to yoke or marry unsuitably 1 madefy
2 subduplicate
3 misyoke
4 constringe
5 hagiolatry
29 shaped like or resembling a prop 1 bijugate
2 arrant
3 psychogenesis
4 fulciform
5 jeton
30 divination using leaves or tea leaves 1 castellan
2 phyllomancy
3 hieroscopy
4 parabiosis
5 gratulatory
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 wood-cutting 1 pentad
2 sybil
3 hylotomous
4 planetesimal
5 tegulated
32 study of blindness and the blind 1 escalier
2 lacis
3 dioptrics
4 astriction
5 typhlology
33 the science of the therapeutic use of baths 1 cuddy
2 geodesy
3 zeze
4 balneology
5 rushlight
34 wrathful; in commotion; stormy 1 ridibund
2 ariolation
3 wroth
4 tritavia
5 brachycatalectic
35 lying or leaning forward; prone 1 inboard
2 exopathic
3 procumbent
4 quoin
5 vervelle
36 instrument for testing quality of silk 1 serimeter
2 lentic
3 ursal
4 venenation
5 saginate
37 unit of magnetic flux density equal to one nanotesla 1 electuary
2 rhabdos
3 contraplex
4 palmiped
5 gamma
38 strict; rigorous; constricted 1 peritectic
2 canephor
3 strait
4 aerostat
5 stochastic
39 requiring bed rest or confinement to bed 1 lectual
2 waterish
3 eviternal
4 mumpsimus
5 amphigean
40 shaped like a keyhole 1 nucal
2 tonlet
3 myriacanthous
4 clithridiate
5 collectanea
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 keyboard 1 chlamydate
2 claviature
3 timocracy
4 rotiferous
5 piscatorial
42 protective coloration 1 procrypsis
2 titubate
3 optophone
4 fantassin
5 stellate
43 assisting childbirth; aiding abortion 1 rhapsodomancy
2 hematology
3 ecbolic
4 loxodromy
5 synoptic
44 idea or imaged formed by repeated similar perceptions 1 topiary
2 unaneled
3 recept
4 atrament
5 partible
45 the right to use and enjoy something 1 longiloquence
2 necrogenic
3 usufruct
4 gentilitian
5 kyphorrhinos
46 long narrow passage or duct 1 fistula
2 vaticide
3 microclimatology
4 kreng
5 ombr‚
47 shadow picture or photograph 1 theopantism
2 pomade
3 lacuscular
4 skiagram
5 melanochroic
48 agent which kills mites 1 mesic
2 miticide
3 paroemia
4 ramiform
5 adelphogamy
49 large wool-filled scarlet sack for the Lord Chancellor 1 obtund
2 obdormition
3 vigesimal
4 woolsack
5 scaturient
50 deep or loud sounding 1 kex
2 plangent
3 abactor
4 stellular
5 aerolithology
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 worth looking at 1 sightworthy
2 gurlet
3 avalement
4 vicarial
5 parcenary
52 roll, list or register 1 notitia
2 niaiserie
3 pandemian
4 obvolvent
5 embrocate
53 olive-shaped 1 oleaginous
2 olivary
3 deltiology
4 nigrine
5 maidan
54 light loosely kitted cloth 1 raschel
2 waveson
3 wankle
4 siriasis
5 catachresis
55 a stalk 1 debridement
2 isonym
3 stipe
4 russet
5 axiology
56 directive evolutionary force 1 comiphorous
2 anoesis
3 cerements
4 bathmism
5 barognosis
57 one-tusked 1 gurlet
2 ecclesiastry
3 monodont
4 souteneur
5 villatic
58 an organized whole 1 triphibious
2 athetosis
3 oblation
4 organity
5 tubicolous
59 possessing a border 1 ingate
2 limbate
3 autonym
4 metachronism
5 tropism
60 supported with fulcrums 1 pomiculture
2 acapnia
3 rectitudinous
4 symptosis
5 fulcrate
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence 1 camber
2 anaerectic
3 redivivus
4 meteorism
5 moschiferous
62 circulation 1 cyclosis
2 tinction
3 denticle
4 morbiferous
5 equipoise
63 of or pertaining to forums 1 nuciform
2 phemic
3 alalia
4 graupel
5 foraneous
64 small pot 1 mainsail
2 anthropotheism
3 revalescent
4 penates
5 pipkin
65 statement of three propositions containing contradiction 1 avionics
2 antilogism
3 algolagnia
4 marc
5 adnoun
66 land inheritance by all sons in equal portion 1 amyous
2 unreeve
3 vindemial
4 loess
5 gavelkind
67 any part of a garment which is turned back 1 rackrent
2 revers
3 warrener
4 epilate
5 symbology
68 associated with standing water 1 circinate
2 kainotophobia
3 cep
4 bronchos
5 lentic
69 to prepare or extract by boiling; to devise 1 lachrymatory
2 febrifuge
3 synteresis
4 carronade
5 decoct
70 tooth or pin to prevent surfaces from slipping 1 joggle
2 animadvert
3 storiology
4 disimmure
5 quadrennial
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 of or relating to opinion 1 doxastic
2 balaniferous
3 bionomics
4 roentgen
5 hypogeal
72 thundering on high or loudly 1 cecils
2 altitonant
3 stereochromy
4 levigate
5 wardcorn
73 lewd woman; prostitute 1 outage
2 abthane
3 cachaemic
4 cyprian
5 procathedral
74 of or pertaining to the tail 1 multivolent
2 caudal
3 luxuriant
4 arras
5 romage
75 gracefully rounded curvature 1 castellated
2 tabefaction
3 rondure
4 periotic
5 engastrimyth
76 to break bread or cake into pieces 1 alphitomancy
2 brackle
3 arborescent
4 rhaebosis
5 tomentose
77 causing vomiting or expectoration 1 anacathartic
2 annomination
3 heliograph
4 gallipot
5 mucopurulent
78 remaining over; spare 1 chypre
2 tribuloid
3 zymogenic
4 subsecive
5 probabiliorism
79 jelly-like 1 poculiform
2 colloid
3 nunnation
4 versability
5 chorepiscopal
80 frothy custard 1 hithermost
2 sequestrate
3 trieteric
4 congeries
5 zabaglione
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 to live on dependents 1 cosher
2 bradyseism
3 sord
4 keeve
5 delative
82 producing coral 1 quirister
2 sublineation
3 lithoclast
4 coralligenous
5 seminule
83 collector of teddy bears 1 gymnasiast
2 arctophile
3 lanai
4 ebberman
5 lactifluous
84 to know, to believe 1 wis
2 knout
3 adduce
4 brocade
5 finial
85 denoting heavy radioactive artificial chemical elements 1 marocain
2 antinomianism
3 tapinosis
4 audiometer
5 transuranic
86 work of art using few colours 1 paneity
2 thlipsis
3 oligochrome
4 bulimy
5 grapholagnia
87 flowing across 1 cohibit
2 monotheletism
3 subsecive
4 transfluent
5 pleonexia
88 filtration 1 topophilia
2 sept
3 colation
4 emollient
5 ingurgitate
89 crossbowman 1 balistarius
2 suppliant
3 subtopia
4 aiguille
5 inviscate
90 jeweller's magnifying glass worn on the eye-socket 1 catena
2 iriscope
3 sirenize
4 lentitude
5 loupe
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 the act of shutting in a cloister 1 cynosure
2 partim
3 claustration
4 multivocal
5 chambranle
92 of or relating to snakes 1 disorbed
2 amygdaloid
3 uranophobia
4 herpetoid
5 greave
93 being of a transitory or impermanent nature 1 caducity
2 squandermania
3 misericord
4 scarpines
5 sublineation
94 arranged in five rows 1 sciatheric
2 minimism
3 quinquefarious
4 asthenopia
5 mull
95 abnormally ravenous appetite 1 katabasis
2 loxophthalmus
3 limosis
4 providore
5 niccolic
96 relating to the mysteries 1 telestic
2 zootoxin
3 mimetic
4 cecutiency
5 paromoeon
97 soft piled wool 1 peltry
2 swallet
3 zibeline
4 chaptalize
5 ambisinistrous
98 adapted to life with a moderate supply of moisture 1 mesic
2 tisane
3 psychotheism
4 oology
5 plenipotence
99 calendar with list of services for each day of the year 1 oustiti
2 representamen
3 ordo
4 posigrade
5 avizandum
100 homing pigeon 1 verbalism
2 bechic
3 coadjument
4 scanderoon
5 complicant
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