Quiz 13 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 silken 1 seric
2 kyrie
3 underbreath
4 notonectal
5 coparcenary
2 instrument for describing ellipses 1 balatron
2 umbraculiform
3 ret
4 ellipsograph
5 requital
3 between two rivers 1 dialectology
2 interamnian
3 trap
4 clerestory
5 statics
4 the art of designing a camp 1 obdormition
2 enantiopathy
3 pelage
4 castramentation
5 ferrule
5 whining beggar who pretends to be a sailor 1 beldam
2 camlet
3 catoptromancy
4 whipjack
5 misprise
6 divination 1 saltus
2 languescent
3 metagnomy
4 potable
5 foraminated
7 clear; transparent 1 oppignorate
2 mirabilia
3 hummock
4 limpid
5 anhedonia
8 fitting together exactly; leaving no spaces 1 bosket
2 helotry
3 willowish
4 tessellation
5 variometer
9 pathological sexual desire 1 medius
2 erotopathy
3 stegmonth
4 perliginous
5 catachresis
10 sled with wooden runners 1 micrander
2 cancellous
3 thermantidote
4 argil
5 komatik
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 itch to be buying 1 querist
2 circinate
3 formate
4 emacity
5 oleometer
12 hard to pronounce 1 dosimetry
2 foss
3 conflate
4 crackjaw
5 demulcent
13 painting using white of egg instead of oil 1 larvicide
2 tempera
3 withal
4 naupathia
5 provenient
14 machine with rollers which presses paper or cloth 1 dedans
2 lavaliere
3 sobriquet
4 butyraceous
5 calender
15 worker in feathers; feather-seller 1 plumassier
2 eccaleobion
3 monoculture
4 isogram
5 inosculate
16 entering; penetrating 1 pornocracy
2 mollities
3 terdiurnal
4 intrant
5 winkler
17 crossbeam or space between crossbeams 1 alalia
2 foraneous
3 panification
4 pudor
5 trave
18 carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back 1 joss
2 parthenogenesis
3 alpenglow
4 wagonette
5 orangery
19 taking the temperature of the surroundings 1 heterothermal
2 tubicinate
3 mammon
4 bathykolpian
5 dossal
20 cattle thief 1 primrose
2 abactor
3 prorogue
4 tauromorphous
5 unseel
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 true origin of a word 1 triglyph
2 cyclophoria
3 exodromy
4 etymon
5 adventive
22 destruction of the environment 1 harmonics
2 mignon
3 cusec
4 ophiophilist
5 ecocide
23 pertaining to male reproductive power; phallic 1 vitriolic
2 parine
3 rebarbative
4 monophylletic
5 Priapean
24 having golden or blond hair 1 gamma
2 placentigerous
3 zufolo
4 extrorse
5 auricomous
25 absence of pulsing 1 tubicinate
2 jawhole
3 acrotism
4 accessit
5 hippophile
26 denial of all reality; extreme scepticism 1 cacuminal
2 nihilism
3 baculum
4 invitatory
5 atelier
27 undue worship of symbols 1 psychogenetics
2 laeotropic
3 isocryme
4 symbolatry
5 pointillism
28 grit from an axle; stone or metal filings 1 deixis
2 sedigitated
3 quant
4 situs
5 swarf
29 the question is asked 1 quaeritur
2 carnaptious
3 palaeobiology
4 woundless
5 sapiential
30 a nun 1 ancillary
2 iridize
3 ditheism
4 detrude
5 monial
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 joint sovereignty 1 woolbird
2 synarchy
3 ranivorous
4 biserial
5 amphibolic
32 link 1 circumduct
2 neomorphic
3 mammalogy
4 tach
5 epiclesis
33 instrument counting wheel's revolutions 1 synoeciosis
2 ventripotent
3 granuliferous
4 oppilate
5 trochameter
34 killing of spores 1 reglet
2 gerrymander
3 sporicide
4 brevipennate
5 astriction
35 resin of tree buds collected by bees 1 passus
2 propolis
3 argand
4 proctal
5 sic
36 use of suppositories 1 balanism
2 quixotic
3 glottogonic
4 koan
5 optology
37 hairy 1 interamnian
2 pergola
3 ramuliferous
4 crinigerous
5 anthropolith
38 locked case used to hold wine bottles 1 spheromancy
2 tantalus
3 pteridology
4 hydropic
5 hydrogeology
39 transparent thin silk or nylon 1 jinker
2 frangible
3 avizandum
4 mantissa
5 organza
40 doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom 1 diplomatology
2 rhapsodomancy
3 personalism
4 prolate
5 peccadillo
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 thin skin or film 1 yuke
2 tramontane
3 morology
4 pellicle
5 genouillŠre
42 to cause to flow together 1 wavemeter
2 pharos
3 corrivate
4 arithmomania
5 mortmain
43 divination by means of the weather 1 aeromancy
2 bathophobia
3 bilge
4 monochronic
5 ophiasis
44 theory that church is independent from the state 1 matachin
2 multivoltine
3 exarchy
4 collegialism
5 washery
45 large wax candle burned before the altar 1 ditheism
2 galŠre
3 apyrexy
4 cerge
5 postjacent
46 pathological drowsiness 1 morphometry
2 passus
3 narcolepsy
4 emptysis
5 abulia
47 bad handwriting or spelling 1 dreamery
2 fagin
3 progeria
4 seismometer
5 cacography
48 fortune-telling by means of laughter 1 provenance
2 geloscopy
3 icterical
4 pulvinated
5 iceblink
49 ledge in church to lean against while standing; forgiveness or mercy 1 cassock
2 imbrute
3 misericord
4 monostylar
5 acariasis
50 weakness of voice 1 mandamus
2 maltha
3 forel
4 hyalopterous
5 phonasthenia
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 resembling a wire hanger 1 abject
2 caliginous
3 Francophobia
4 diutiurnal
5 resofincular
52 flat band with an inscription; small banner 1 multivious
2 duvetyn
3 banderol
4 medius
5 tressilate
53 property of being golden in colour or substance 1 ruthful
2 yardang
3 argute
4 aureity
5 hamiform
54 principal sail on a ship's mainmast 1 transvolation
2 mainsail
3 petrology
4 sensationalism
5 kephalonomancy
55 instrument for measuring air purity 1 philistine
2 eudiometer
3 shrouds
4 stellular
5 quadra
56 application of spirit energy at a distance 1 finalism
2 telenergy
3 pervious
4 tatterdemalion
5 brachypodous
57 tide gate 1 nimonic
2 impropriate
3 aboideau
4 gamin
5 subfusc
58 of or relating to digging 1 elide
2 fodient
3 belleter
4 decalcomania
5 polynia
59 about all sorts of things 1 karyokinesis
2 tigerism
3 opsiometer
4 disculpate
5 omniana
60 becoming white; whiteness 1 postlude
2 predestinarianism
3 winkler
4 dipsomania
5 albescent
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 shaped like a barleycorn 1 pharmacology
2 autophanous
3 cerements
4 hordeiform
5 circinate
62 neighbouring 1 biarchy
2 glomerate
3 shivaree
4 accolent
5 profligate
63 four-year-old wine; best or oldest wine 1 seminule
2 latescent
3 vivers
4 parabolist
5 quadrimium
64 instrument for measuring sensitivity of photographic material 1 isostasy
2 microanatomy
3 acervuline
4 sensitometer
5 runology
65 evenness of mind or temper; calmness 1 perorate
2 tricotine
3 equanimity
4 ateknia
5 zoonic
66 small piece of lamb cut off the bone and rolled 1 hierology
2 subfocal
3 noisette
4 ceraunograph
5 nitrometer
67 pertaining to stone tools 1 wortle
2 workshy
3 spinigerous
4 volery
5 technolithic
68 sail extended by a sprit 1 louche
2 subulate
3 spritsail
4 empyreal
5 acates
69 dream interpretation 1 calefactory
2 oneirocriticism
3 alee
4 pedology
5 proleptical
70 milky deposit on top of fresh concrete 1 mitrate
2 minimuscular
3 laitance
4 arcate
5 variegated
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 helpless person 1 gutturotetany
2 gawdelpus
3 auxanometer
4 oenophilist
5 superscribe
72 bent backwards 1 sedigitated
2 opsiometer
3 agonistics
4 schiztic
5 retorse
73 curvature; bandiness 1 waterwork
2 monogony
3 consistory
4 lunate
5 rhaebosis
74 exceptionally dark coloration 1 dealbation
2 nigrities
3 rachidian
4 khor
5 mayhap
75 animal serving as a type 1 psittacism
2 zootype
3 ornithology
4 delenda
5 mouldwarp
76 providing wisdom 1 syntexis
2 sapiential
3 triarchy
4 hygrostat
5 polydemic
77 indicating location within 1 inessive
2 ideogenous
3 insidiate
4 urceiform
5 reguerdon
78 writ authorizing the arrest of a person 1 capias
2 effigurate
3 obsidional
4 pantopragmatic
5 adnoun
79 study of nature of the mind 1 smaragdine
2 jeton
3 versute
4 aggrate
5 metapsychology
80 contraction of two syllables into one by omitting a vowel 1 synaloepha
2 whereagainst
3 dosiology
4 ancoral
5 peristalith
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 shaped like a crow's beak 1 nightpiece
2 coracoid
3 orthostichous
4 grumous
5 matachin
82 narrow road or path to a pasture 1 quincunx
2 diagometer
3 algefacient
4 ilke
5 drung
83 depression or pit 1 fovea
2 theophile
3 tester
4 saprostomous
5 styptic
84 colder and deeper layer of water in a lake 1 postexilic
2 cang
3 hypolimnion
4 spiralism
5 arete
85 feudal manor-house with adjacent lands 1 pollent
2 niello
3 macrural
4 contrariant
5 demesne
86 running together of vowels into a diphthong 1 weedy
2 immeability
3 synaeresis
4 od
5 tuck
87 sun worship 1 wanigan
2 nidology
3 heliolatry
4 anabiosis
5 autonym
88 granular snow; field of granular snow 1 n‚v‚
2 alpestrine
3 topophobia
4 rondure
5 pennaceous
89 male figures used as columns 1 metanalysis
2 atlantes
3 malm
4 bosky
5 bitts
90 like or resembling cartilage 1 gynotikolobomassophile
2 exosculate
3 chondroid
4 bavin
5 chantry
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 task; school imposition 1 pensum
2 hydrophanous
3 steatite
4 ergative
5 jacobin
92 instrument for measuring intensity and polarization of reflected light 1 isogram
2 photopolarimeter
3 muscicide
4 gynics
5 saeculum
93 part of church reserved for performing baptisms 1 triune
2 baptistery
3 cantorial
4 iconology
5 spagyric
94 spirit; intellectual inclination 1 chintz
2 palliasse
3 umbrage
4 tringoid
5 geist
95 rope for holding down or hauling down a sail or spar 1 victimology
2 rubicund
3 weatherly
4 totipotent
5 downhaul
96 baldness in wavy bands 1 peristerophily
2 ankus
3 ophiasis
4 tubiform
5 adventive
97 deviation 1 sufflate
2 sphagnicolous
3 graphology
4 deflexure
5 colposcope
98 call to arms by the beating of a drum 1 rappel
2 serous
3 ectobatic
4 sutorian
5 sialogogue
99 having a row of columns on every side 1 peripteral
2 trichology
3 panspermatism
4 pergola
5 minium
100 sacrifice presented to an idol 1 psychomancy
2 idolothyte
3 hemitery
4 wantage
5 cienega
  by Mosh   Suggestions?