Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | of or pertaining to vines |
1 apocope 2 vineatic 3 zymotic 4 orthian 5 german | |
2 | outside shutter with slats |
1 metapsychology 2 scatophagous 3 mucopurulent 4 jalousie 5 cypress | |
3 | cheap sensational novel |
1 yellowback 2 lampadomancy 3 sessile 4 uneath 5 arthrology | |
4 | spontaneous generation |
1 diphysitism 2 palfrenier 3 autogenesis 4 amphibolic 5 tigerism | |
5 | obesity |
1 unbosom 2 tabby 3 enosis 4 lipomatosis 5 etiology | |
6 | study of rivers |
1 potamology 2 roach 3 temperative 4 postiche 5 pelage | |
7 | chess move made to play for time |
1 macerator 2 swissing 3 zwischenzug 4 polypharmacy 5 gradualism | |
8 | underground |
1 mythomania 2 pegamoid 3 sacciferous 4 zootype 5 hypogeal | |
9 | to accelerate; to quicken |
1 festinate 2 pycnometer 3 gar‡onniere 4 pileus 5 iridian | |
10 | study of cockroaches |
1 quale 2 odoriferous 3 diotic 4 orthopterology 5 kreatophagia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | trafficking or marketing, especially in discreditable ways |
1 triquetra 2 mongery 3 rundale 4 unleal 5 cogent | |
12 | habit or policy of refusing to face unpleasant facts |
1 auslaut 2 pyrophanous 3 ostrichism 4 delibate 5 verdigris | |
13 | triangular structure crowning front of a Greek building |
1 cordovan 2 acracy 3 sulcal 4 scoptophobia 5 pediment | |
14 | study of the kidneys |
1 impedimentary 2 gorget 3 nephrology 4 oast 5 panoptic | |
15 | period of the new moon |
1 luciform 2 farraginous 3 chrysophilist 4 neomenia 5 manometer | |
16 | instrument for holding and measuring gases |
1 fretum 2 gasometer 3 morsure 4 stiction 5 gummiferous | |
17 | at full gallop; headlong |
1 traulism 2 eviscerate 3 trabeculated 4 tantivy 5 myophobia | |
18 | mode of betrothal where gift given by man to woman |
1 testudo 2 telamon 3 hitherside 4 subarrhation 5 pannier | |
19 | use of green manure |
1 holophrase 2 sideration 3 hecatontarchy 4 nunciative 5 photoglyph | |
20 | that cannot be rejected |
1 joist 2 irrecusable 3 scissile 4 gyrograph 5 erythropsia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | soon after |
1 orthopter 2 toft 3 upspeak 4 eftsoons 5 conticent | |
22 | bread-eating |
1 hieromachy 2 panivorous 3 upstay 4 hector 5 picaroon | |
23 | tending towards excessive drinking |
1 guttiferous 2 micrology 3 thaumatography 4 ebrious 5 tewel | |
24 | like a wing |
1 whitleather 2 personalia 3 pterygoid 4 chelonian 5 ret | |
25 | study of China |
1 litholatry 2 fundus 3 bausond 4 abaculus 5 Sinology | |
26 | anything with poisonous juices |
1 uranoscopy 2 coleopterology 3 marry 4 zosteriform 5 hebenon | |
27 | half-castrated animal |
1 viperiform 2 ridgeling 3 thrum 4 niddering 5 voltameter | |
28 | caused from within the body or by the cells of the body |
1 somatogenic 2 trionym 3 axiology 4 assuetude 5 antrorse | |
29 | dance with clapping and leg slapping performed by Southern blacks |
1 pluviose 2 juba 3 dolichocephalic 4 morkin 5 viticulture | |
30 | crying feebly |
1 xerophagy 2 beldam 3 bradyseism 4 abraxas 5 mewling | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | poison-eating |
1 toxiphagous 2 keratogenic 3 agonism 4 pedagogics 5 aspersory | |
32 | government with a large bureaucracy |
1 jargoon 2 japan 3 tiltmeter 4 mandarism 5 interfluve | |
33 | penis bone in some mammals |
1 baculum 2 pinion 3 procephalic 4 acclinate 5 viscometer | |
34 | person of inferior taste; commoner |
1 affreightment 2 groundling 3 doppio 4 pullulate 5 mullock | |
35 | much talk with little to say; redundancy; pleonasm |
1 puteal 2 princeps 3 anoesis 4 digitate 5 macrology | |
36 | discharging smoke in clouds |
1 gnomon 2 graip 3 bellarmine 4 jackanapes 5 nepheligenous | |
37 | feeding on ants |
1 preagonal 2 myrmecophagous 3 chondroid 4 lunation 5 thrombus | |
38 | pertaining to turtles or tortoises |
1 moria 2 atactic 3 kreatophagia 4 chelonian 5 pluriliteral | |
39 | on or toward the lee |
1 liquifaction 2 anacathartic 3 pinguefy 4 alee 5 plantivorous | |
40 | tail-like; tail-shaped |
1 ciplinarian 2 caudiform 3 digitigrade 4 adjutor 5 inaurate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | arrangement of blood vessels |
1 collectanea 2 enthalpy 3 damascene 4 vasculature 5 monophylletic | |
42 | intrinsic peculiarity or unique feature |
1 dissimulate 2 prevenient 3 dentelle 4 idiocrasis 5 lupiform | |
43 | to belch out; to emit lava |
1 plutocracy 2 hecatomb 3 beckets 4 Rabelaisian 5 eructate | |
44 | person in a play or book embodying author's viewpoint |
1 intromit 2 illaqueate 3 acatamathesia 4 imponent 5 raisonneur | |
45 | producing musk |
1 quirister 2 moschiferous 3 caudal 4 hapax 5 paramedian | |
46 | period before the creation of the earth |
1 jackanapes 2 abraxas 3 premundane 4 ejectamenta 5 micrurgy | |
47 | bristly |
1 intaglio 2 setose 3 nematology 4 allemain 5 lentigo | |
48 | fear of good news |
1 ratihabition 2 rhythmometer 3 quartering 4 euphobia 5 hamate | |
49 | border surrounding a heraldic shield |
1 geocarpy 2 haemathermal 3 bordure 4 cresset 5 quiff | |
50 | shaped like a half-moon |
1 pav‚ 2 scriniary 3 acrotism 4 semilunate 5 carphology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | long live |
1 coggage 2 catoptromancy 3 automysophobia 4 vivat 5 torsive | |
52 | a frilly wig |
1 debouchure 2 peruke 3 overpoise 4 thermonous 5 antilogy | |
53 | anything that attracts attention; object of interest |
1 cynosure 2 dulia 3 boschveldt 4 tocophobia 5 somniloquence | |
54 | heated to whiteness |
1 jurant 2 ecarlate 3 candent 4 estoppage 5 doomster | |
55 | fear of water |
1 lugsail 2 mittimus 3 palaeolimnology 4 hydrophobia 5 rampick | |
56 | goods floating on the sea after a shipwreck |
1 algetic 2 waveson 3 bourasque 4 zoochorous 5 pogrom | |
57 | corset maker |
1 battue 2 datary 3 corsetier 4 sepiment 5 secco | |
58 | weakness of the body |
1 chirapsia 2 somatasthenia 3 wantage 4 lour 5 credal | |
59 | like a spirit |
1 requital 2 merdivorous 3 footle 4 pneumatomorphic 5 demijohn | |
60 | unmentionable |
1 sematic 2 twain 3 cricoid 4 infandous 5 risorial | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | fur seal |
1 hadal 2 myology 3 zoomorphism 4 ursal 5 eromancy | |
62 | blindness in one eye |
1 hemianopsia 2 representamen 3 fardel 4 immortelle 5 substractor | |
63 | having horns or antennae clipped or removed |
1 eunomia 2 madoline 3 kriegspiel 4 brachycerous 5 imbreviate | |
64 | stamped metal token used in card-playing or reckoning accounts |
1 jeton 2 pruritus 3 zither 4 suicidology 5 hierodule | |
65 | small door forming part of larger door of a church or castle |
1 autonym 2 defiliation 3 wicket 4 saprodontia 5 susurrus | |
66 | unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads |
1 pipe 2 appui 3 churching 4 vindemial 5 ectobatic | |
67 | obsolete instrument for cutting open the skull |
1 obrogate 2 scholiast 3 trepan 4 ptochocracy 5 pragmatism | |
68 | speaker of all languages |
1 spodogenous 2 cingulum 3 pantoglot 4 attorn 5 arcate | |
69 | to walk with stilts or crutches |
1 majolica 2 dririmancy 3 iconometer 4 stilp 5 notonectal | |
70 | levity; trifling |
1 whifflery 2 algedonics 3 setiferous 4 spiraculate 5 metagnomy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | theory that self-existence is the only certainty |
1 spondulicks 2 synechthry 3 solipsism 4 sorbefacient 5 morphean | |
72 | historical account of water surfaces of the earth |
1 histrionic 2 romal 3 cryoscope 4 perscrutation 5 hydrognosy | |
73 | to impose a tax |
1 staysail 2 procacity 3 laquearia 4 talliate 5 unguinous | |
74 | little box or casket for jewels or toiletries |
1 cerements 2 erogenesis 3 pyxis 4 ordinal 5 scantling | |
75 | tasteless; savourless |
1 jumbal 2 pseudandry 3 phaeic 4 epicrisis 5 wearish | |
76 | blunder; error; mistake |
1 parapraxis 2 elenctic 3 allative 4 celtuce 5 apocalypticism | |
77 | belief that matter and mind don't interact but relate |
1 cambium 2 castellated 3 parallelism 4 swage 5 pliofilm | |
78 | aftermost mast of a four-masted ship |
1 coniferous 2 adscript 3 jiggermast 4 gastrolatry 5 kinkle | |
79 | Fallopian tube |
1 proscenium 2 catabasis 3 bicorn 4 decussate 5 salpinx | |
80 | fear of sex |
1 carking 2 bordure 3 blench 4 coffle 5 genophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | combining human and animal forms |
1 therianthropic 2 decanal 3 pulicoid 4 nim 5 ovoviviparous | |
82 | instrument measuring sensitivity to touch |
1 remex 2 ingate 3 haptometer 4 deferrise 5 saxigenous | |
83 | numbness in a limb caused by pressure on a nerve |
1 coscinomancy 2 aurifex 3 polysyllogism 4 urethroscope 5 obdormition | |
84 | salary-earning class collectively |
1 acroteleutic 2 emphyteusis 3 palinode 4 roorback 5 salariat | |
85 | study of grounds of knowledge |
1 trichosis 2 gilliver 3 homoiousia 4 vergiform 5 epistemology | |
86 | divination using icons |
1 panaceist 2 abeam 3 iconomancy 4 headborough 5 gyrose | |
87 | obnoxious-sounding Japanese stringed instrument |
1 subarrhation 2 paradromic 3 asterism 4 koto 5 ninon | |
88 | complement |
1 phelloid 2 areometer 3 polylemma 4 explement 5 karyology | |
89 | vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests |
1 orrery 2 unconsentaneous 3 attemper 4 febricant 5 sticharion | |
90 | generous; charitable |
1 dromestoners 2 marocain 3 caritative 4 tribology 5 tricot | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | pigment with brownish colour derived from soot |
1 philosophaster 2 millocracy 3 nitrometer 4 bistre 5 hobnail | |
92 | a thingamabob; a gadget; a whatsit; a gewgaw |
1 impennate 2 helcoid 3 patroclinous 4 jiggumbob 5 emporeutic | |
93 | small cannon carried on the back of a camel |
1 inconscient 2 zumbooruk 3 iridian 4 legerity 5 flammule | |
94 | stake-fence set in stream for catching fish |
1 kiddle 2 nubigenous 3 specie 4 distributary 5 outfling | |
95 | pointed tool for making holes for seeds or plants |
1 yogh 2 ornithic 3 nyctophobia 4 interdigitate 5 dibble | |
96 | pertaining to trees |
1 sylvestral 2 gerontology 3 gynics 4 carpal 5 pernoctate | |
97 | square column partially embedded in a wall |
1 opificer 2 stupe 3 pilaster 4 jampan 5 pottle | |
98 | surely |
1 protopathy 2 revehent 3 microseismometer 4 iwis 5 carbasus | |
99 | knife-happy surgeon |
1 epulotic 2 dysteleology 3 probang 4 perissotomist 5 cotillion | |
100 | one who is kind to the blind |
1 recure 2 otology 3 toxiphobia 4 ophiomorphic 5 typhlophile |