Quiz 18 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 scimitar-shaped 1 viverrine
2 depotentiate
3 acinaciform
4 erythraean
5 phygogalactic
2 small feather of a bird's wing 1 zeze
2 tectrix
3 projacient
4 monochromasy
5 rheme
3 study of optical illusions 1 ixiodic
2 poltroon
3 pseudoptics
4 toxicophagous
5 bluepeter
4 a shout of many voices together 1 olivary
2 kistvaen
3 conclamation
4 abattoir
5 angelolatry
5 slanting line; solidus; "/" 1 proplasm
2 codon
3 virgule
4 vadose
5 popple
6 simultaneous; at the same time 1 fossor
2 coteau
3 monodont
4 osmesis
5 coinstantaneous
7 shaped like an axe 1 nippitatum
2 securiform
3 coenaculous
4 transverberate
5 subjoin
8 doctrine of broad liberality in religious belief and conduct 1 annulose
2 foliform
3 maieutics
4 latitudinarianism
5 morgue
9 female slave in a harem 1 jitterbug
2 pseudaposematic
3 somatognosis
4 cleg
5 odalisque
10 positively asserting; bearing the thesis; prescribed 1 thetic
2 warden
3 psychogram
4 dentellated
5 nivial
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 bearing granules 1 engouement
2 reginal
3 granuliferous
4 jiggumbob
5 eldritch
12 rashly or presumptuously daring 1 metheglin
2 provenance
3 phalacrosis
4 bilocation
5 temerarious
13 departure 1 ipseity
2 pyretic
3 eximious
4 tactual
5 decession
14 a relation by marriage 1 falsidical
2 eustatic
3 boun
4 affine
5 aesthesia
15 control of the church by a secular ruler 1 troilism
2 acultomancy
3 bore
4 astrogony
5 caesaropapism
16 to hum, buzz or drone 1 quale
2 malacophonous
3 alpenglow
4 bombilate
5 poikilitic
17 bearing manganese 1 manganiferous
2 symposiast
3 epanadiplosis
4 phonascus
5 geniophobia
18 bookseller 1 phenomenalism
2 mathemancy
3 dactylogram
4 bibliopolist
5 pasigraphy
19 coarse homespun cloth 1 veilleuse
2 whirret
3 conspectus
4 dentiform
5 russet
20 flying phalanger 1 graben
2 saburration
3 petaurist
4 xeric
5 yardarm
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 to pledge, pawn or mortgage 1 photism
2 portatile
3 saltationism
4 gerascophobia
5 impignorate
22 belief in ghosts 1 ophidiophobia
2 pulvilli
3 gault
4 eidolism
5 flammiferous
23 having no external cause 1 cassock
2 lentitude
3 vettura
4 aeruginous
5 endogenous
24 astronomical or geological age 1 hyperhidrosis
2 cleithral
3 multilocation
4 reticular
5 saeculum
25 anointing, smearing or rubbing with ointment 1 limacine
2 whippletree
3 ocracy
4 inunction
5 concelebrate
26 act of underlining 1 thigmotaxis
2 anticryptic
3 inculpate
4 sublineation
5 kyle
27 inconvenient 1 chaptalize
2 curia
3 catastrophism
4 ablegate
5 discommodious
28 appearing to be older than one's actual age 1 chorepiscopal
2 zendik
3 geromorphism
4 mho
5 generalate
29 in alchemy, substance from which the elements developed 1 brails
2 umbo
3 cacology
4 dyschroa
5 ylem
30 rain-meter 1 stemson
2 quire
3 thigmotropism
4 labarum
5 pluviometer
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 eager to act as an inquisitor 1 inquisiturient
2 synclastic
3 cozen
4 phanerosis
5 grufted
32 divided into short lines; divided with commas 1 muscoid
2 commatic
3 dixit
4 affranchise
5 irroration
33 capable of being expressed 1 leprosarium
2 revest
3 effable
4 bastinade
5 rubefy
34 worship or reverence for saints 1 triptych
2 fumatorium
3 pisciform
4 dysphoria
5 hagiolatry
35 sexual pleasure 1 scabrous
2 subdolous
3 volupty
4 nemoral
5 osmometer
36 disembodied; separated from the body 1 discarnate
2 serimeter
3 runnel
4 dammar
5 octarius
37 cork 1 quartziferous
2 fleuret
3 macrography
4 phellem
5 arboriform
38 secret meeting of conspirators 1 conciliabule
2 deuteroscopy
3 supra
4 concordat
5 gricer
39 clipping of trees into imitative or fantastic shapes 1 orchidology
2 punctal
3 pectoriloquy
4 topiary
5 trophology
40 violet-coloured garnet 1 autotelic
2 thaumatogeny
3 protomorphic
4 abthane
5 almandine
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 graph representing cumulative frequency 1 bronchoscope
2 ogive
3 catadioptric
4 tenderometer
5 phanic
42 feeding on small creatures or plants 1 microphagous
2 crosstrees
3 remontant
4 acutorsion
5 pansexualism
43 lattice on which trees are trained across 1 earwig
2 espalier
3 barodynamics
4 doxographer
5 courgette
44 sifting 1 limnology
2 archelogy
3 cribration
4 proairesis
5 misprise
45 the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life 1 sanies
2 vitalism
3 pagophagia
4 eyas
5 griseous
46 of or like a lion; rhyming last two or three syllables in a line 1 tryma
2 ignify
3 ferrule
4 leonine
5 camerated
47 pompous or high speech 1 hachure
2 oast
3 misosophy
4 carpology
5 altiloquence
48 loss of ability to move 1 fulgour
2 jemadar
3 maffick
4 akinesia
5 metapolitics
49 shaped like an embryo 1 chorometry
2 perlative
3 styptic
4 embryoniform
5 woolage
50 of or pertaining to the evening 1 chevaline
2 vespertinal
3 mandative
4 variorum
5 pedetentous
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 sloth; physical torpor 1 photon
2 accidie
3 exclaustration
4 corbiculate
5 narcomancy
52 of or pertaining to rattlesnakes 1 crotaline
2 jumbal
3 bifilar
4 trahison
5 chyliferous
53 formed with art; displaying inventive skill 1 decarnate
2 prothonotary
3 daedal
4 anthropophagous
5 entremets
54 vase for holding dead individual's inner organs 1 canopus
2 flummery
3 hymeneal
4 vermeil
5 navette
55 sheathed; having a sheath 1 ufology
2 noctuary
3 lambent
4 verbatim
5 vaginate
56 surplice-like vestment of a bishop or abbot 1 deuteroscopy
2 rochet
3 casemate
4 grandisonant
5 thalweg
57 stony material found in ruminants' stomachs 1 strigine
2 zymosis
3 bezoar
4 micropolis
5 anocathartic
58 paper 1 witling
2 eftsoons
3 foul‚
4 radicated
5 coggage
59 combination of three letters for one sound 1 trigraph
2 argil
3 velutinous
4 celidography
5 straticulate
60 low-lying sandy beach 1 sere
2 machair
3 ramus
4 breviate
5 laitance
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 underground chamber 1 hypogeum
2 fusain
3 quant
4 agonic
5 taphrogenesis
62 determining place by sense of touch 1 congelation
2 topaesthesia
3 orthotomic
4 weatherboard
5 mineralogy
63 short and light maritime cannon 1 bonbonniŠre
2 chirm
3 carronade
4 shambolic
5 billon
64 from whatsoever place or source 1 panegoism
2 titanomachy
3 andiron
4 ventage
5 whencesoever
65 loud mechanical horn 1 semanteme
2 vaticinate
3 pelmet
4 klaxon
5 hortulan
66 bristling 1 locutory
2 theriac
3 aleberry
4 horrent
5 poophyte
67 study of origins of words 1 tonsorial
2 thearchy
3 anamorphic
4 trigonal
5 etymology
68 natural or parental affection 1 inumbrate
2 chesil
3 storge
4 digitigrade
5 bibliopegist
69 beehive; area of the ear where wax collects; word-list 1 humectation
2 novercaphobia
3 sarsenet
4 dolmen
5 alveary
70 velvety silk, wool or cotton fabric with protruding pile 1 panary
2 paten
3 chenille
4 delitescent
5 jumbal
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 like felt 1 anagalactic
2 tonitruous
3 intercipient
4 pannose
5 skeletogenous
72 fine soft sheer fabric of plain weave 1 batiste
2 cancrine
3 anesis
4 altisonant
5 holm
73 redundancy; use of more words than necessary 1 celadon
2 synoecize
3 labtebricole
4 recusant
5 pleonasm
74 location; state of being in a definite place 1 scambling
2 ubiety
3 sawder
4 cetology
5 specious
75 land tenure requiring religious obligations on part of tenant 1 frankalmoign
2 catachthonian
3 saltant
4 cartulary
5 eyas
76 rough; scurfy; harsh 1 affiance
2 sacbrous
3 casemate
4 thearchy
5 peccable
77 leaf-like 1 chiaroscuro
2 phylline
3 grenadine
4 haplography
5 maledicent
78 wild celery 1 smallage
2 filibeg
3 tophaceous
4 noology
5 bonbonniŠre
79 designed for sucking 1 sugent
2 omnism
3 costive
4 alforge
5 pravity
80 round but flattened on top and bottom 1 connate
2 cladose
3 curiosa
4 heortology
5 obrotund
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 groove cut to receive an edge 1 pectination
2 deliration
3 rabbet
4 projacient
5 proctology
82 of two heraldic animals, facing one another 1 bridewell
2 affront‚
3 alectryomachy
4 intrados
5 aphrasia
83 evening reception 1 demonomancy
2 couchee
3 murine
4 filiform
5 mechanolatry
84 room for stowing goods in a ship 1 sorrel
2 spikenard
3 polygenous
4 whicker
5 lastage
85 craze for going to plays 1 caconym
2 agname
3 theatromania
4 mucilage
5 thigmotaxis
86 living; vital 1 actinograph
2 zoetic
3 complaisant
4 glaucous
5 eirenicon
87 doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena 1 agnosticism
2 lamprophony
3 wanhope
4 exenterate
5 paragnosis
88 to reclaim for agriculture by clearing away trees 1 spiniform
2 anbury
3 gnomonics
4 assart
5 trilith
89 to despise; to make light of; to disparage mockingly 1 vilipend
2 baedeker
3 intaglio
4 olio
5 urticacous
90 thought; cogitation; cognition 1 costive
2 algolagnia
3 hydrophobia
4 natalitial
5 mentation
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 tailor 1 whipcat
2 countenance
3 irremeable
4 remiform
5 compeer
92 eruption or scab on the head 1 achor
2 selenology
3 pervicacious
4 epibole
5 obeliscolychny
93 a slight offense or sin 1 agraffe
2 chamfer
3 peccadillo
4 tinchel
5 salpinx
94 helper; assistant 1 adjutor
2 marigenous
3 pyrgeometer
4 mortiferous
5 subserve
95 piece of coloured glass used in mosaic 1 recondite
2 parakinesis
3 surfeit
4 smalto
5 novena
96 skin with the wool still on it 1 vinology
2 refectory
3 woolfell
4 wivern
5 caponier
97 to catch; to seize 1 dichroscope
2 deprehend
3 pharyngology
4 parciloquy
5 biotope
98 of or pertaining to insects 1 octastich
2 entomical
3 heyday
4 hyetal
5 bastion
99 divination by examining mirror placed underwater 1 catoptromancy
2 eidograph
3 stack
4 athenaeum
5 plangorous
100 inherence; inherent existence 1 timeous
2 triune
3 inbeing
4 agastopia
5 pornogenarian
  by Mosh   Suggestions?