Quiz 25 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 octopus 1 ordinal
2 vespers
3 agrostology
4 poulp
5 arboriform
2 having woolly hair 1 protreptic
2 ulotrichous
3 covinous
4 induviae
5 perlustrate
3 denial of the divinity of the Holy Ghost 1 albescent
2 hapax
3 jud
4 pnematomachy
5 amyous
4 hollow or tube-shaped 1 cadge
2 protervity
3 arpenteur
4 cannular
5 coupe
5 instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra 1 pav‚
2 encyclical
3 squirage
4 coenaesthesis
5 urethroscope
6 usher 1 pluripresence
2 friable
3 phengophobia
4 anteambulo
5 intitule
7 advocating restoration of territory to a nation 1 cupel
2 irredentism
3 compotation
4 seriate
5 geophilous
8 study of X-rays and their medical applications 1 thaumatology
2 sacramentarianism
3 radiology
4 farraginous
5 harrier
9 shaped like a tube 1 ley
2 liripipe
3 tubiform
4 crepehanger
5 syndactylic
10 abnormal desire to drink alcohol 1 allolalia
2 consenescence
3 prescriptivism
4 paparchy
5 potomania
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 walking on hoofs 1 unguligrade
2 transude
3 bannock
4 epeirogenesis
5 execrate
12 structure dividing a window horizontally; horizontal bar 1 transom
2 wippen
3 interfenestration
4 detersion
5 puriform
13 attempt to influence a jury corruptly 1 embracery
2 omnicompetent
3 peroral
4 moulin
5 astrionics
14 of or pertaining to the scrotum 1 barre
2 subtrude
3 widgeon
4 apocope
5 oscheal
15 growing of fruit 1 theody
2 paracoita
3 pomiculture
4 pied
5 bassinet
16 opening in wall to enable viewing of altar 1 lockram
2 hagioscope
3 clavis
4 trichoclasis
5 sack
17 wreathed; twisted; coiled 1 gastromancy
2 primiparous
3 oeillade
4 pinder
5 tortile
18 instrument for measuring the strength of a blow 1 abroach
2 plegometer
3 volery
4 hortensial
5 unctuous
19 to fight against; to oppose 1 oncostman
2 repugn
3 impacable
4 hyalopterous
5 padronism
20 defiantly 1 acock
2 diaphanometer
3 paralipsis
4 woggle
5 hora
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 study of ear, nose and throat 1 historiology
2 otorhinolaryngology
3 swipple
4 ingluvies
5 allotheism
22 shaped like seaweed 1 misocapnic
2 organoleptic
3 fucoid
4 anorchous
5 symbology
23 study of drawing symbols 1 orison
2 psellism
3 wagtail
4 crampon
5 iconography
24 swollen subterranean part of a stem 1 seahog
2 esculent
3 sporicide
4 corm
5 susurrus
25 fear or hatred of wine 1 oenophobia
2 lecithal
3 hypothecary
4 fanfaron
5 velitation
26 part of stage behind the scenery 1 postscenium
2 pectiniform
3 xanthochroia
4 ablative
5 tegulated
27 a cleft; a splitting; fissure; rupture 1 alcovinometer
2 mansworn
3 solecism
4 scissure
5 calodemon
28 concerning the training of trees into cone-like shape 1 quenouille
2 putative
3 centner
4 stomachous
5 metropolitan
29 musical instrument with two strings 1 bandolier
2 dichord
3 invictive
4 pardoner
5 sitiophobia
30 foot bath 1 draffish
2 pediluvium
3 algefacient
4 passible
5 pushful
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 plant that will not tolerate limy soil 1 calcifuge
2 ancon
3 satisfice
4 philematology
5 apotropaic
32 a boil or blister 1 sociobiology
2 blain
3 poundage
4 psychagogue
5 cratometer
33 stone naturally formed but thought to be manufactured 1 bisontine
2 pelmet
3 eolith
4 laitance
5 distichous
34 building having many columns 1 polystyle
2 odoriferous
3 trophobiosis
4 pourboire
5 paronym
35 chance meeting; encounter; casual combat 1 rencounter
2 secundum
3 ctetology
4 villanelle
5 patulous
36 exceptionally good and strong ale 1 wame
2 philately
3 nippitatum
4 eft
5 athanasy
37 filthy; difficult 1 epicede
2 cucullate
3 pedagogics
4 augean
5 acetimeter
38 study of gems and jewels 1 gemmology
2 coadunate
3 oenophobia
4 ossein
5 theomania
39 pertaining to the stick or cane; pertaining to flogging 1 baculine
2 spadix
3 stifle
4 chrysoaristocracy
5 thymopathy
40 study of cities 1 explement
2 valence
3 urbanology
4 malacology
5 mouill‚
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 expression of disgust or disapproval 1 fie
2 curie
3 indagate
4 acrotism
5 roseaceous
42 proceeding outward from a mental state 1 welter
2 stoss
3 liberticide
4 situla
5 psychofugal
43 religious office for a dead person 1 pulicide
2 obit
3 sialogogue
4 setigerous
5 carriwitchet
44 engaging in or pertaining to rhetorical questioning 1 erotetic
2 pyrrhotism
3 mammose
4 admanuensis
5 benthic
45 container for holding consecrated Communion wafers 1 lighter
2 inquirendo
3 ostensory
4 morphology
5 advehent
46 normal perspiration 1 molluscicide
2 haurient
3 xylology
4 marver
5 eudiaphoresis
47 study of fishes 1 rupestrian
2 piscatology
3 huckaback
4 cyanometer
5 wieldless
48 low public-house 1 clastic
2 anaudia
3 shantung
4 groggery
5 viviparous
49 government by one hundred people 1 lucifugous
2 hecatontarchy
3 frugiferous
4 psalligraphy
5 hirsuties
50 of or relating to winter 1 telic
2 coadjutor
3 fub
4 jurimetrics
5 hiemal
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 near or adjacent to the ear 1 parotic
2 ophthalmoscope
3 falcate
4 pendular
5 primiparous
52 part of ticket or cheque retained by giver 1 calcivorous
2 pismirism
3 counterfoil
4 hippophobe
5 pluralism
53 timber gallery on summit of castle tower 1 geromorphism
2 gulosity
3 blewit
4 troglodytic
5 hourd
54 scientific study of vines and winemaking 1 vinology
2 nemoricolous
3 fitch
4 umbraculiform
5 endeixis
55 luminous ring seen on a cloud opposite the sun 1 reticular
2 xanthous
3 dispread
4 anthelion
5 trophotropism
56 theory that humans derived from many separate origins 1 parabolist
2 oneiric
3 tachygraphy
4 harrier
5 polygenesis
57 study of motion 1 maquette
2 asterism
3 kinematics
4 obduracy
5 ergology
58 to bury 1 verbatim
2 yird
3 botryoidal
4 zucchetto
5 drapetomania
59 disfigured from weeping 1 lyophilization
2 belcher
3 endeixis
4 gavotte
5 beblubbered
60 cake-shaped 1 conation
2 placentiform
3 panpsychism
4 cellaret
5 eisegesis
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 pertaining to mills or grinding 1 steatopygous
2 molinary
3 symphoric
4 audiometer
5 rabble
62 indicating place where or proximity to 1 acerate
2 adessive
3 vespal
4 radiology
5 chondroid
63 of last month 1 terrazzo
2 haurient
3 flowmeter
4 vitrage
5 ultimo
64 ancient Greek musical instrument like a lyre 1 cotillion
2 cithara
3 agriology
4 parvenu
5 cardialgia
65 sleep-inducing 1 overslaugh
2 somnifacient
3 snobocracy
4 terremotive
5 geolatry
66 divination by means of smoke 1 methomania
2 asperse
3 capnomancy
4 warble
5 Panglossian
67 study of peat moss 1 ebriection
2 latticinio
3 damnification
4 sphagnology
5 neurogenesis
68 sap or resin from turpentine trees 1 enoptromancy
2 alk
3 onymy
4 presbycousis
5 chrismatory
69 evaluation of the value or price of a thing 1 panegyry
2 ornithopter
3 lea
4 rhema
5 preciation
70 bearing spines 1 mellification
2 spinigerous
3 bistoury
4 tracasserie
5 psychurgy
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 doctrine of purposelessness 1 dysteleology
2 regorge
3 paradromic
4 retinaculum
5 alb
72 wine kept at room temperature 1 genesic
2 diotic
3 fungiform
4 wrawl
5 chambr‚
73 having difficulty speaking 1 radiogenic
2 baryphonic
3 astraphobia
4 dyslogia
5 sagittary
74 effect produced when a particular word is uttered 1 morigerous
2 humify
3 retrocognition
4 galeated
5 perlocution
75 instrument for measuring light intensity 1 photometer
2 belemnoid
3 semiology
4 cordwainer
5 talpa
76 watering a plant with discharge of a sick person 1 spasmatomancy
2 irroration
3 abra
4 volupty
5 trierarchy
77 having a wavy edge or margin; winding; sinuous 1 cachalot
2 lactometer
3 avulse
4 splanchnic
5 sinuate
78 cultivation 1 tuberiferous
2 sapsago
3 manurance
4 uneath
5 chirospasm
79 squire 1 chirk
2 tenne
3 isotach
4 scutiger
5 pubigerous
80 green algae that floats on surface of stagnant water 1 congener
2 toxicophobia
3 conferva
4 natron
5 eidograph
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 doctrine that all matter is endowed with life 1 cancriform
2 hylozoism
3 pyrolatry
4 microphyllous
5 foin
82 pure; undefiled 1 symphoric
2 helminthoid
3 stack
4 intemerate
5 scutage
83 causing death; carrying or bearing death 1 electuary
2 lethiferous
3 deictic
4 cadastre
5 strathspey
84 compulsive repetition of an act until it is perfect 1 comport
2 furfuraceous
3 palinola
4 harry
5 psychrophilic
85 to flog; to scourge 1 indumentum
2 pycnomorphous
3 knout
4 logogram
5 micropyle
86 gallows 1 gibbet
2 pectize
3 emmetropia
4 agatewear
5 xylography
87 the study of menstruation 1 emmenology
2 uncial
3 gemmeous
4 lour
5 horal
88 shaped like a wart; wartlike 1 polysarcous
2 bathyorographical
3 verruciform
4 acinaciform
5 thuriferous
89 to thicken or condense 1 supercargo
2 accidie
3 inspissate
4 vermeology
5 retrad
90 beam with which water is raised to irrigation ditches 1 swape
2 monanthous
3 ecclesiastry
4 parrel
5 pentarchy
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 two-year-old stag 1 brocken
2 seta
3 tordion
4 grum
5 quarterlight
92 movement of soul into new body before or after death 1 boyg
2 larrup
3 inescatory
4 pseudolatry
5 metensomatosis
93 figure such that a half-turn gives the same figure 1 proctology
2 maculation
3 vivisepulture
4 papilliferous
5 digonal
94 equal political power 1 suede
2 adit
3 coburg
4 inboard
5 isocracy
95 measurement of strength and persistence of odours 1 ultion
2 undate
3 odorimetry
4 maieutics
5 ensiform
96 strong vibration in an aircraft 1 judder
2 forcipate
3 similitive
4 stapediform
5 frith
97 a weakening decay; overthrow 1 nephoscope
2 oligosyllable
3 newel
4 labefactation
5 flambeau
98 belief or doctrine 1 sexton
2 osophy
3 vicinal
4 auriscope
5 sphenogram
99 fear of nudity 1 gymnophobia
2 aculeate
3 tetrapod
4 attrite
5 aquarelle
100 writing room; room used by monastic scribes 1 liber
2 advehent
3 scriptorium
4 basial
5 hora
  by Mosh   Suggestions?