Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | in rhetoric, pretending to refuse something |
1 accismus 2 cribriform 3 emmenology 4 lambent 5 aischrolatry | |
2 | of or relating to the chin |
1 needlecord 2 zarzuela 3 emmet 4 mental 5 truculent | |
3 | of or relating to gills |
1 ilke 2 optophobia 3 averruncator 4 branchial 5 scoria | |
4 | instrument drawing curves representing vibrations |
1 tabinet 2 wen 3 epexegesis 4 anthomania 5 harmonograph | |
5 | giving infamy, stigma or reproach, marked or branded |
1 cabas 2 stigmatic 3 layette 4 duenna 5 concordat | |
6 | thick foliage; woodland |
1 boscage 2 mammon 3 videlicet 4 excoriate 5 havier | |
7 | to intertwine |
1 heterodyne 2 rhapsodomancy 3 impleach 4 volumenometer 5 dactylography | |
8 | with digits joined together |
1 turnspit 2 trichology 3 imburse 4 syndactylic 5 skerry | |
9 | art or science of lying |
1 tocophobia 2 succinic 3 pseudology 4 epigamic 5 euchology | |
10 | comb-like structure |
1 ana 2 bionomics 3 henry 4 pectination 5 isocryme | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | truthful; exact |
1 veracious 2 labret 3 acerbate 4 puture 5 oniscoid | |
12 | belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future |
1 ambo 2 millenarianism 3 plutology 4 iatrochemistry 5 amoret | |
13 | street urchin; precocious imp |
1 gamin 2 translative 3 aniconic 4 rhematic 5 epinosic | |
14 | coarse woollen cloth |
1 autecology 2 roborant 3 kersey 4 anabiosis 5 cybernate | |
15 | person knowledgeable about the law |
1 cabas 2 demisang 3 quiddity 4 legist 5 psychogenesis | |
16 | photograph made by laying negative on sensitive paper |
1 rotograph 2 cyrenaic 3 lacuna 4 cruet 5 breviary | |
17 | weaving stitch that fills in a pattern |
1 estrapade 2 abra 3 lanate 4 wholestitch 5 ophiasis | |
18 | old term for someone who is of 1/16 black descent |
1 zinkiferous 2 amphimixis 3 aureole 4 pancyclopaedic 5 quintroon | |
19 | in layers |
1 apparitor 2 dioptric 3 zoster 4 syncrasy 5 stratous | |
20 | syllogism confirmed by an incidental proposition |
1 bonification 2 epicheirema 3 leucochroic 4 titrimetry 5 interamnian | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | rubber-soled canvas shoe |
1 watchglass 2 plimsoll 3 ventana 4 oscheal 5 coetaneous | |
22 | prickly; pointed; stinging; a stinging insect |
1 parage 2 abvolt 3 aculeate 4 cambist 5 mollipilose | |
23 | place where maggots are bred for sale to fishers |
1 xanthippe 2 ternary 3 immunogenic 4 calvous 5 maggotorium | |
24 | harness for humans to pull heavy loads |
1 cotehardie 2 bireme 3 musrol 4 bricole 5 asynartetic | |
25 | ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds |
1 rabic 2 souterrain 3 ptochocracy 4 redoubt 5 yardang | |
26 | one who plagiarises |
1 hebenon 2 campaniform 3 plagiary 4 taffeta 5 obliquation | |
27 | to separate by washing into finer portions |
1 gallize 2 quadriga 3 rhapsodomancy 4 judogi 5 elutriate | |
28 | instrument for examining the rectum |
1 hyetometrograph 2 pavage 3 tralaticious 4 proctoscope 5 pandation | |
29 | set of overlapping strips on armour skirt |
1 revanche 2 latidentate 3 admeasurement 4 tonlet 5 eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious | |
30 | shaped like a squirrel's tail |
1 schottische 2 rebarbative 3 propine 4 unigenous 5 sciuroid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | instrument for measuring magnifying power |
1 maniple 2 prosody 3 auxometer 4 meritocracy 5 toile | |
32 | congenital physical deformity |
1 cyllosis 2 chorology 3 septemfid 4 agowilt 5 naos | |
33 | moving through the pores |
1 diastomatic 2 refluent 3 udometer 4 scansorial 5 koine | |
34 | embossed decoration or fluting on silverware |
1 dysteleology 2 gamogenesis 3 roturier 4 gadroon 5 scilicet | |
35 | of, on or near the eyebrow |
1 ornithon 2 gerendum 3 sable 4 superciliary 5 tegmental | |
36 | cardigan or jacket buttoned at neck and wrists |
1 lexis 2 clastic 3 omnism 4 zymotic 5 wamus | |
37 | hindering; obstructing |
1 impedimentary 2 costive 3 legatine 4 effulge 5 liturgist | |
38 | watered; wet; irrigating |
1 colubriform 2 probang 3 pernicious 4 pinacotheca 5 irriguous | |
39 | to free from blame |
1 holoptic 2 disculpate 3 ecclesiarchy 4 multivious 5 ambulophobia | |
40 | instrument for measuring melting points of substances |
1 negrophobia 2 woodshedding 3 frontal 4 meldometer 5 verdure | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | a pupil in a gymnasium |
1 squamoid 2 zingaro 3 gymnasiast 4 dittology 5 numenism | |
42 | like a woodlouse |
1 anthelion 2 foraminate 3 skippet 4 hackney 5 oniscoid | |
43 | knob or knot in wood |
1 ligger 2 drabble 3 knur 4 palaestra 5 pathomania | |
44 | instrument for measuring apparent diameter of the sun |
1 inboard 2 neorama 3 guidon 4 pervicacious 5 heliometer | |
45 | nodding or moving of the head |
1 alnager 2 annuent 3 equiponderate 4 polariscope 5 abigeus | |
46 | theory that moral statements are inherently biased |
1 wherethrough 2 foliform 3 theomancy 4 lepidopterology 5 emotivism | |
47 | returning to an infantile state or character in old age |
1 splat 2 terret 3 maxillary 4 vexillary 5 ontocyclic | |
48 | churchwomen who live platonically with celibate men |
1 deltiology 2 chock 3 agapetae 4 waldflute 5 regalism | |
49 | cite as proof or instance |
1 anthropobiology 2 plosion 3 sanguivorous 4 adduce 5 nonpareil | |
50 | vaulted or arched |
1 ligyrophobia 2 caesious 3 fornicate 4 potichomania 5 klendusic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | having sword-shaped leaves |
1 tauriform 2 xiphophyllous 3 oxyacaesthesia 4 subluxation 5 celeste | |
52 | twilled worsted and cloth |
1 gambroon 2 caenogenesis 3 bullock 4 manumission 5 theopathy | |
53 | producing offspring through laying eggs |
1 anoesis 2 oviparous 3 zanella 4 oriform 5 venose | |
54 | belief that individual interests and rights are paramount |
1 kirsch 2 parricide 3 kismet 4 individualism 5 contraterrene | |
55 | immature; in process of birth |
1 whippy 2 calorifacient 3 whinstone 4 nascent 5 undern | |
56 | change of colour |
1 vagility 2 tinctumutation 3 constuprate 4 obsequent 5 scelotyrbe | |
57 | turmoil |
1 tracasserie 2 toroid 3 telespectroscope 4 monandry 5 leptometer | |
58 | turning to the right |
1 ontography 2 dextrogyratory 3 heliosciophyte 4 maggotorium 5 flƒnerie | |
59 | public walkway between rows of poplar trees |
1 eremite 2 spiraliform 3 intaglio 4 kippage 5 alameda | |
60 | small boat kept hoisted at ship's stern |
1 lincrusta 2 jollyboat 3 citrine 4 philhippic 5 solivagant | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | flesh-coloured |
1 planetesimal 2 minacious 3 basiation 4 astatic 5 sarcoline | |
62 | shaped like a point |
1 punctiform 2 petrous 3 epicede 4 obtund 5 subsultive | |
63 | divination by means of a finger |
1 phycology 2 theriolatry 3 sabbulonarium 4 dactyliomancy 5 companionway | |
64 | unit of solar radiation |
1 nowise 2 tabernacle 3 langley 4 pyroscope 5 tallage | |
65 | study of truth |
1 ambo 2 exigible 3 aristology 4 emmetropia 5 alethiology | |
66 | of or relating to a siege |
1 scalpeliform 2 saxatile 3 orgulous 4 obsidional 5 psittacism | |
67 | to blast or strike |
1 spadiceous 2 dag 3 wordbreak 4 wear 5 siderate | |
68 | hawker or bird-tender |
1 crepon 2 coggage 3 picaresque 4 proplasm 5 auceps | |
69 | ewer in the form of a human or animal figure for ceremonial handwashing |
1 minimism 2 aquamanile 3 stiver 4 dosimetry 5 stomatiferous | |
70 | first feces of a newborn child |
1 audiology 2 narcolepsy 3 regrede 4 postern 5 meconium | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | descendant or successor |
1 hansom 2 epigon 3 nosocomium 4 obnubilate 5 saturnism | |
72 | stone-swallowing; rock-boring; eating rock |
1 tessaraglot 2 lithophagous 3 pendular 4 zymosis 5 abuna | |
73 | to uncurl through the use of steam or moisture |
1 lubricity 2 electrostatics 3 necrogenic 4 decatise 5 chronopher | |
74 | pertaining to iron-working and blacksmiths |
1 polypsychic 2 fiberscope 3 hephaestic 4 praepostor 5 affiance | |
75 | application of scientific methods to legal problems |
1 seismotherapy 2 circumincession 3 crachoir 4 abyssopelagic 5 jurimetrics | |
76 | one who nibbles on women's earlobes |
1 lea 2 forcipate 3 fossarian 4 zoonic 5 gynotikolobomassophile | |
77 | study of correct pronunciation |
1 paludicolous 2 nemorous 3 noegenesis 4 orthoepy 5 metaphrast | |
78 | sense of shame |
1 sprag 2 buccula 3 tactual 4 magnetometer 5 pudor | |
79 | telling fortunes using playing cards |
1 pica 2 electroretinograph 3 ziti 4 cartomancy 5 atelier | |
80 | instrument for comparing molecular weights of gases |
1 breviped 2 effusiometer 3 heliophilous 4 nares 5 uretic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | extremely poor |
1 morbus 2 obolary 3 karyokinesis 4 calk 5 soliform | |
82 | something that removes an obstacle |
1 weatherly 2 indulgence 3 deobstruent 4 urtext 5 cucullate | |
83 | berry which grows in clusters |
1 volary 2 stythe 3 sponson 4 subjoin 5 acinus | |
84 | iron basket for burning oil to provide light |
1 zoster 2 exoteric 3 cresset 4 theomancy 5 havelock | |
85 | raging; furious |
1 hamate 2 bodge 3 furibund 4 hydropathy 5 theftuous | |
86 | state of disuse |
1 gibbet 2 desuetude 3 thermokinematics 4 hygrograph 5 acatalectic | |
87 | a striking against something |
1 unwithdrawing 2 papyraceous 3 darby 4 fascicle 5 appulse | |
88 | pertaining to suburbs |
1 slatternly 2 titanomachy 3 geotaxis 4 seraglio 5 suburbicarian | |
89 | yellow or red-haired |
1 cavesson 2 dimerous 3 cheliform 4 teratism 5 xanthous | |
90 | code or body of laws; a constitution |
1 erewhile 2 novenary 3 fuero 4 wayment 5 cramoisy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | fee payed for weighing goods |
1 weighage 2 machairodont 3 melisma 4 fitch 5 agnail | |
92 | garment of camel or goat hair; camel or goat-hair fabric |
1 silvics 2 suicidology 3 alack 4 aught 5 aba | |
93 | fractional |
1 meromorphic 2 ravelin 3 bradyseism 4 farinose 5 myoxine | |
94 | fold or flap on a garment or headdress worn by priest |
1 scapigerous 2 potamic 3 lappet 4 sulphureous 5 organicism | |
95 | prophetic; having the power to foretell the future |
1 phonendoscope 2 fatidical 3 solarism 4 edulcorate 5 rota | |
96 | inner part of a door jamb or window frame |
1 lamella 2 scuncheon 3 pisiform 4 antithesis 5 dodger | |
97 | related to excessive drinking |
1 potatory 2 badigeon 3 pedicel 4 ophidiomancy 5 kenspeckle | |
98 | image, phantom or apparition; confusing reflected image |
1 sexenary 2 ombrology 3 anomphalous 4 eidolon 5 bibliophagist | |
99 | shaped like a parallelogram |
1 rhomboid 2 lingual 3 noetics 4 sporiferous 5 nomology | |
100 | knobby; rounded |
1 bakelite 2 maliferous 3 ostiolate 4 barognosis 5 whelky |