Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | to disseminate by blowing; to breathe upon |
1 uprist 2 insufflate 3 factious 4 mucroniform 5 acosmism | |
2 | thin piece of wood which holds book spine while trimmed |
1 demisang 2 prosodemic 3 naturism 4 trindle 5 assocative | |
3 | one who invents fables |
1 psychodynamic 2 fabulist 3 gar 4 rheophile 5 aspergilliform | |
4 | yellowness of the skin |
1 latifundia 2 embracery 3 xanthochroia 4 algid 5 filiciform | |
5 | bluish-grey |
1 yonderly 2 arithmancy 3 phonendoscope 4 cesious 5 zelophobia | |
6 | bearing; carriage; manner of dress |
1 tenue 2 kidology 3 scarfskin 4 bis 5 glumiferous | |
7 | transparent; translucent |
1 diplomatology 2 terret 3 sabulous 4 dolichocephalic 5 diaphanous | |
8 | old unit of length equal to 45 inches |
1 psychogenetics 2 projacient 3 partim 4 ell 5 loxodograph | |
9 | to lampoon; a lampoon |
1 pasquinade 2 coralligenous 3 cosset 4 pelmet 5 appose | |
10 | poor or wrong pronunciation |
1 wrongous 2 callisteia 3 allogamy 4 cacoepy 5 acrophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | feudal noble who is both a liege and a vassal |
1 riffler 2 cafard 3 proleptics 4 saccular 5 vavasour | |
12 | teller of parables |
1 scriniary 2 corium 3 mansionary 4 parabolist 5 sialogogue | |
13 | egg white used as medium for binding paint |
1 neonomianism 2 multanimous 3 glair 4 raniform 5 dentiologist | |
14 | to prance; to cause a horse to prance |
1 semiology 2 cachet 3 jaunce 4 tesseratomy 5 hexaemeron | |
15 | flat unleavened loaf of bread |
1 bannock 2 lithoglyph 3 kymatology 4 defluvium 5 panomphaean | |
16 | to thrust downward or outward |
1 aurulent 2 phytogenesis 3 neuroid 4 vallecula 5 detrude | |
17 | of or relating to a lobe |
1 mow 2 metasthenic 3 lobar 4 radiosonde 5 accismus | |
18 | middle of navigable waterway used as boundary line |
1 thalweg 2 infra 3 epicede 4 tmesis 5 accoucheuse | |
19 | relating to the stage or actors |
1 tyrannicide 2 histrionic 3 byssine 4 methomania 5 leptosome | |
20 | house with land and auxiliary buildings |
1 messuage 2 effodient 3 xyloid 4 immortelle 5 dilettante | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | heat per unit mass |
1 nomiatrist 2 cryptarchy 3 frumentaceous 4 nostomania 5 enthalpy | |
22 | divination using fire |
1 umbraculum 2 kilobase 3 pyromancy 4 tessera 5 potamology | |
23 | pertaining to yew trees |
1 jawhole 2 dipsetic 3 argentiferous 4 scapulomancy 5 taxaceous | |
24 | cup-shaped |
1 objuration 2 poculiform 3 spodogenous 4 icterical 5 heterism | |
25 | wolf-hound |
1 astrobolism 2 transhumant 3 borzoi 4 privatism 5 comose | |
26 | rod-shaped |
1 bluepeter 2 stegnosis 3 baculiform 4 picine 5 isotach | |
27 | instrument for measuring and recording respiration |
1 theurgy 2 hieratical 3 metempsychosis 4 peirastic 5 pneumograph | |
28 | unit of 1/1000 inch used for measuring thickness of wire |
1 deism 2 mil 3 graphospasm 4 suaveolent 5 prepollence | |
29 | old unit of weight equal to about 110 pounds |
1 parvis 2 montgolfier 3 opeidoscope 4 resile 5 centner | |
30 | instrument for viewing distant objects stereoscopically |
1 emolument 2 canescent 3 prosyllogism 4 ketch 5 telestereoscope | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | assembly for granting awards to Welsh bards |
1 redshort 2 lithology 3 gorsedd 4 poodle 5 seismicity | |
32 | aiding hearing |
1 maenadic 2 otacoustic 3 subfusc 4 decretal 5 responsory | |
33 | stalk of an animal organ |
1 turbary 2 intumesce 3 pedicel 4 immarcescible 5 draconites | |
34 | to caterwaul |
1 thalweg 2 astrogony 3 wrawl 4 gamomania 5 factotum | |
35 | a resurgence after a period of abatement |
1 recrudescence 2 caple 3 photolysis 4 punctatim 5 intercolline | |
36 | thus |
1 sic 2 catastasis 3 stupe 4 protanopia 5 circumlittoral | |
37 | iridescent or metallic lustre |
1 wicket 2 pulvilli 3 reflet 4 polylemma 5 tranship | |
38 | sharp lateral movement of the eye as it changes fixation |
1 saccade 2 hieroscopy 3 adynamia 4 perioeci 5 achroous | |
39 | eating in a series of small portions |
1 mantissa 2 degustation 3 noology 4 idolum 5 mambo | |
40 | natural covering of an animal or plant body |
1 tegument 2 anapest 3 epipastic 4 halitous 5 drail | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | rounded swelling; lowest moulding of a column |
1 sputative 2 warren 3 chrisomalis 4 pipkin 5 torus | |
42 | in an indiscriminate manner |
1 bibliology 2 haplology 3 luff 4 swoopstake 5 xerodermia | |
43 | study of drugs of animal and plant origin |
1 anamnesis 2 akinesia 3 pharmacognosy 4 contradistinguish 5 tumefacient | |
44 | laughing; merry |
1 canophilist 2 fillister 3 cnemis 4 nundinal 5 riant | |
45 | small chapel for private prayer; lectern for prayer |
1 oratory 2 somniate 3 isobath 4 wankle 5 sporiferous | |
46 | single sign standing for word or phrase |
1 arithmomania 2 trochilic 3 sharkskin 4 serratic 5 logogram | |
47 | of or relating to ostriches |
1 chiffonier 2 struthious 3 bindle 4 funicular 5 astrolatry | |
48 | sterile; not bearing fruit |
1 echard 2 theomachy 3 acarpous 4 pyromancy 5 laquearia | |
49 | sexual pleasure derived from inflicting pain |
1 qintar 2 algolagnia 3 extravasate 4 parvenu 5 piscivorous | |
50 | writing-desk |
1 pachynsis 2 mogilalia 3 traumatropism 4 mycosis 5 escritoire | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | of loose morals; debauched |
1 dissolute 2 trig 3 dichord 4 drill 5 anguine | |
52 | hardness of hearing during old age |
1 tachometer 2 achroous 3 presbycousis 4 pantology 5 hamate | |
53 | to surrender |
1 swipple 2 clientage 3 gentilitian 4 kamerad 5 dol | |
54 | a lover, sweetheart or paramour |
1 protogenic 2 religate 3 guignol 4 leman 5 darraign | |
55 | resembling or yielding flour |
1 farinose 2 ingravescent 3 forficate 4 gramercy 5 frigorific | |
56 | attribution of soul to inanimate objects |
1 animism 2 recision 3 pentad 4 entropion 5 cynegetic | |
57 | ascription of human feelings to inanimate object |
1 goliard 2 deemster 3 depurate 4 anthropopathy 5 noogenesis | |
58 | embodied in bread |
1 impanate 2 neurobiology 3 diablerie 4 whifflery 5 vimineous | |
59 | of the fields; rural; unpolished |
1 agraffe 2 outhaul 3 agrestic 4 athermic 5 apostrophe | |
60 | writing alternating left-right then right-left |
1 scrutator 2 morgue 3 osmology 4 funicular 5 boustrophedon | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | of or pertaining to siegecraft or besiegement |
1 voiturier 2 poliorcectic 3 odorimetry 4 raniform 5 unberufen | |
62 | instrument for measuring and determining color |
1 colorimeter 2 adytum 3 diplopia 4 Laodicean 5 stoichiology | |
63 | producing only one offspring at birth |
1 psychroaesthesia 2 uniparous 3 scintillometer 4 circumaviate 5 clathrose | |
64 | against which |
1 whereagainst 2 incoronate 3 keloid 4 ligyrophobia 5 lugsail | |
65 | to steep or soak; to break up; to emaciate |
1 pollard 2 ultion 3 scortation 4 macerate 5 grabble | |
66 | preventing the secretion of milk |
1 illation 2 spatchcock 3 wisket 4 antigalactic 5 flaught | |
67 | cutting away a part of; especially the end |
1 hyperacusis 2 rhinology 3 resection 4 luctation 5 cabrie | |
68 | shaped like an oval or egg |
1 resorb 2 leister 3 oviform 4 oniomania 5 styliform | |
69 | instrument used to measure slopes and elevations |
1 clinometer 2 colloid 3 baculus 4 deicide 5 maschalephidrosis | |
70 | of or pertaining to the gallows |
1 buhl 2 sociable 3 patibulary 4 plumbiferous 5 osteoid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | womanhood |
1 whipstaff 2 pencilliform 3 graphomania 4 conticent 5 muliebrity | |
72 | condition of seeing all colour as red |
1 erythropsia 2 gambroon 3 accentor 4 hyoid 5 geophagy | |
73 | nut-like fruit |
1 lanai 2 diaspora 3 macerate 4 wanchancy 5 tryma | |
74 | expression of elation or wonder |
1 mansionary 2 heyday 3 adduce 4 vair 5 seral | |
75 | pertaining to sperm |
1 orthopter 2 spermatic 3 arthrology 4 precative 5 lactarium | |
76 | facing or bending all ways |
1 regreet 2 ciplinarian 3 quaquaversal 4 pogonology 5 iliac | |
77 | soft fine sheer cotton or silk fabric |
1 cleithral 2 trilith 3 mull 4 hedonism 5 sonification | |
78 | vote of assent in a governing body |
1 placet 2 perfervid 3 loranthaceous 4 cepivorous 5 tufthunter | |
79 | divination by means of wax drippings |
1 ceromancy 2 perscrutation 3 morgan 4 neuroid 5 polyarchy | |
80 | connecting band; means of retention |
1 homoplasty 2 protanopia 3 kakorrhaphiophobia 4 retinaculum 5 luciferous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | tune; melodic embellishment; ornamentation |
1 floriferous 2 hypnoid 3 caschrom 4 melisma 5 viduous | |
82 | old leaping dance |
1 byssus 2 monture 3 immix 4 volta 5 alate | |
83 | in threes; having three components; having three as a base |
1 ternary 2 prorogue 3 oblation 4 psychrophilic 5 geminiform | |
84 | altar curtain |
1 duenna 2 boyg 3 soliform 4 adunc 5 ridel | |
85 | of or relating to classification by phenotype |
1 phenetic 2 belonoid 3 organonomy 4 lampyridine 5 interamnian | |
86 | pertaining to the anus or rectum |
1 perlustrate 2 troat 3 proctal 4 countenance 5 photoglyph | |
87 | concluding note added to end of written work |
1 variola 2 chronomancy 3 postface 4 burke 5 padrone | |
88 | onion-eating |
1 cepivorous 2 tesseract 3 hieromancy 4 ascian 5 bummel | |
89 | stroke, oblique or slash "/" |
1 morigerous 2 solidus 3 aniconic 4 empasm 5 jorum | |
90 | gangrene; necrosis; state imitating death |
1 periotic 2 thanatosis 3 scapple 4 procidence 5 heriot | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | mask |
1 hesternopothia 2 vizard 3 barathea 4 epulotic 5 pedagoguery | |
92 | destruction of one gamete by another |
1 stodge 2 abirritate 3 coniferous 4 gamophagia 5 taligrade | |
93 | allopathy; sympathy with one's opposite |
1 eparchy 2 ustulation 3 enantiopathy 4 provand 5 pyrolatry | |
94 | to moisten |
1 allonge 2 hydrargyrism 3 humify 4 vitilitigation 5 ablative | |
95 | rumination |
1 dicerous 2 lithophilous 3 schesis 4 windcheater 5 merycism | |
96 | bearing diamonds |
1 saponaceous 2 osteology 3 pruritus 4 pentateuch 5 diamantiferous | |
97 | inferior; lowest; of least account |
1 jeton 2 carking 3 keelhaul 4 monergism 5 paravail | |
98 | lasting long |
1 diutiurnal 2 trindle 3 dobhash 4 breedbate 5 mulm | |
99 | soft lightweight plain-woven or twilled silk fabric |
1 whin 2 therianthropic 3 foulard 4 geogenous 5 brodequin | |
100 | using pictures to represent sounds of words |
1 sertule 2 potamic 3 titanism 4 pollent 5 iconomatic |