Quiz 36 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 Caribbean ballroom dance in which feet are frequently dragged 1 psilanthropism
2 merengue
3 murrhine
4 vinous
5 proscenium
2 preaching; predicating 1 monkery
2 kerasine
3 connate
4 predicant
5 muriatic
3 shaped like a whip 1 flagelliform
2 provenance
3 aborning
4 denehole
5 rangiferine
4 to pelt with stones; to kill by stoning 1 demonocracy
2 uprist
3 drapetomania
4 mazut
5 lapidate
5 killing of old men 1 hogmanay
2 senicide
3 quinquefarious
4 insectifuge
5 truculent
6 instrument for displaying changes in air humidity 1 coadunate
2 hygroscope
3 keraunoscopia
4 parthophobia
5 suffragan
7 self-castration 1 euhemerism
2 skoptsy
3 alveromancy
4 penniform
5 punalua
8 thin strip forming upright middle part of the back of a chair 1 carminative
2 largition
3 proceleusmatic
4 splat
5 hirundine
9 small anatomical cup or hollow, such as a sucker 1 acetabulum
2 silentiary
3 carnificial
4 bistre
5 technopole
10 sayings of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels 1 tarantella
2 seriocomic
3 stereochromy
4 agrapha
5 pomade
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 inner chamber of a classical temple 1 whitster
2 pandect
3 reviviscent
4 hederiferous
5 cella
12 lacking the power to perceive 1 imperseverant
2 baldachin
3 pannychis
4 moriform
5 blendure
13 head of a nunnery 1 immunopathology
2 cothurnal
3 hegumene
4 diptych
5 spiniform
14 like or pertaining to speech 1 lumbriciform
2 theomania
3 subtend
4 noctambulation
5 phemic
15 jeweled pendant worn round the neck; pendant microphone 1 terrella
2 papulation
3 miniaceous
4 mustelid
5 lavaliere
16 enclosed space at the front of a church 1 anapest
2 putrefaction
3 ejectamenta
4 parvis
5 noisette
17 saffron-coloured 1 palmar
2 pledget
3 porphyrogeniture
4 croceate
5 krimmer
18 instrument measuring sense of touch 1 filose
2 bibliopolist
3 complot
4 pam
5 tactometer
19 fruitful; fecund 1 lucubration
2 zootrophy
3 sabbulonarium
4 autoschediasm
5 feracious
20 flowing in opposite direction to original slope of land 1 drollery
2 toponymics
3 calorifics
4 mansworn
5 obsequent
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 compensation given as solace for suffering or loss 1 solatium
2 phonesis
3 isopolity
4 wagonette
5 octonocular
22 ornamental corner of a coat 1 wigan
2 carpology
3 nymphean
4 astrolatry
5 cevesaile
23 parts surrounding a door or window, especially the top 1 impudicity
2 anhidrosis
3 indwell
4 architrave
5 icterical
24 coarse plain-woven cotton or linen 1 panaesthesia
2 daphnomancy
3 bimetallism
4 antiblastic
5 holland
25 rich blue or reddish-blue colour 1 fossulate
2 parthenology
3 innoxious
4 mazarine
5 enuresis
26 greedy insatiable baby; a changeling 1 fructiferous
2 vermiculous
3 killcrop
4 lampyridine
5 gamophagia
27 pertaining to the nostrils 1 predicative
2 amanuensis
3 mycteric
4 cupuliferous
5 expergefacient
28 relating jointly to the moon and sun 1 monody
2 haemal
3 farrago
4 embrasure
5 lunisolar
29 funeral rites; procession 1 exequy
2 acropathy
3 soliterraneous
4 salpiform
5 excorticate
30 generation of offspring entirely unlike the parent 1 interciliary
2 scatomancy
3 xenogenesis
4 xenophilia
5 pantograph
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 like a bunch of grapes 1 miscegene
2 sessile
3 upcast
4 anacusic
5 staphyline
32 straw beehive 1 wilder
2 beeskep
3 botanomancy
4 microseismograph
5 sticharion
33 resounding with noises of battle or weapons 1 tragedian
2 armisonant
3 balistraria
4 acanaceous
5 planigraph
34 study of towers 1 mathesis
2 pyrgology
3 perliginous
4 bigential
5 keister
35 web-footed 1 palmiped
2 tachymetry
3 foliform
4 crithomancy
5 couveuse
36 espousals 1 sponsalia
2 scarpetti
3 piscicapturist
4 lineament
5 extispicy
37 building for the reception of strangers 1 hydrotaxis
2 xenodochium
3 planetogeny
4 esemplasy
5 risorial
38 fear of staying single 1 reglementation
2 mucronate
3 subtrude
4 laryngology
5 anuptaphobia
39 of or pertaining to silkworms 1 bombic
2 evanish
3 padrone
4 demiurge
5 ulatrophy
40 interpolated; inserted between other things 1 juratory
2 horripilation
3 intercalary
4 lacis
5 platiniferous
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 divination using the human form 1 pycnometer
2 cryobiology
3 seersucker
4 phreatic
5 schematomancy
42 ending abruptly as if bitten off 1 dextrogyratory
2 inchoate
3 adonise
4 oleraceous
5 premorse
43 packaged fancy stationery; stationery-case 1 papeterie
2 visive
3 fallibilism
4 strabotomy
5 discarnate
44 dwarf or shrub-like tree 1 hyperdulia
2 skaw
3 tother
4 arbuscle
5 herpetology
45 study of freshwater ecosystems 1 assot
2 limnobiology
3 parviscient
4 neatherd
5 murine
46 mean; ungracious 1 mesquin
2 keelson
3 scop
4 bar
5 oxford
47 having no inclination or magnetic dip 1 aclinic
2 tubiform
3 outremer
4 dwile
5 supercherie
48 vital 1 rosmarine
2 sabulous
3 teleorganic
4 centner
5 brumous
49 pertaining to fat or fats in general 1 aliphatic
2 pudor
3 lockstep
4 hemianopsia
5 diremption
50 extremist or radical in politics 1 moucharaby
2 propugnation
3 jacobin
4 lychnoscope
5 numenism
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 like salt 1 hylotheism
2 percaline
3 micaceous
4 mulctuary
5 saliniform
52 semicircular bench beside episcopal throne; outdoor bench or recess 1 proleptics
2 necrologue
3 quartziferous
4 advowson
5 exedra
53 unit of luminance of a surface emitting one lumen per square foot 1 scupper
2 strabometer
3 parabasis
4 cohibit
5 footlambert
54 bitter oily liquid obtained from tar 1 proemial
2 vestiary
3 bis
4 chirograph
5 picamar
55 calf's skin set beside a cow to make her give milk freely 1 tulchan
2 instauration
3 strathspey
4 metagraphy
5 tuberiform
56 lover of the past 1 bletherskate
2 apricate
3 reprography
4 jaconet
5 preterist
57 long-winded; garrulous; dwelling too long on particulars 1 strickle
2 erythrochroism
3 wallflower
4 prolix
5 wanhope
58 co-heirship 1 parcenary
2 longe
3 nomographer
4 yu
5 hoyden
59 wavy-haired 1 mensal
2 aphidicide
3 testudinal
4 alveary
5 cymotrichous
60 dark red apple 1 kiddle
2 lenitive
3 quarender
4 cacogenics
5 superfetation
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 to kiss fervently or heartily 1 calcariform
2 osteophone
3 colorimeter
4 skewbald
5 exosculate
62 wandering in the night 1 Panglossian
2 brigantine
3 gravid
4 noctivagant
5 irascent
63 divination using entrails 1 smeddum
2 retable
3 kep
4 hieroscopy
5 calipace
64 strong; like an oak 1 sortition
2 eidetic
3 roborean
4 interrex
5 spinneret
65 laterally flattened 1 sericieous
2 pleurotropous
3 harmoniphone
4 fibriform
5 floruit
66 a despondent or ill-tempered mood 1 mulligrubs
2 sabbulonarium
3 algetic
4 waterage
5 librate
67 local god of a house 1 quaestor
2 scarious
3 traditive
4 lar
5 technopole
68 electrical instrument for transmitting time signals 1 paedobaptism
2 unifarious
3 aftergame
4 victualler
5 chronopher
69 bag worn over the shoulder for carrying provisions 1 magisterium
2 haversack
3 skean
4 zapata
5 siriasis
70 unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meter 1 gar‡onniere
2 morris
3 materialism
4 superfuse
5 tesla
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 dotted; pitted 1 punctate
2 simillimum
3 pettifogger
4 gynaecocracy
5 couloir
72 arm of the cross-guard of a sword handle 1 puncheon
2 settee
3 quillon
4 connumerate
5 exodontia
73 separation into two; disjunction 1 zufolo
2 wontless
3 agersia
4 diremption
5 scranch
74 of or pertaining to headmasters 1 amygdaloid
2 archididascalian
3 broch
4 dearticulate
5 aesc
75 of necessity; necessarily 1 filatory
2 needs
3 latidentate
4 minacious
5 proplasm
76 bearing spirally coiled organs 1 jark
2 fescennine
3 strombuliferous
4 experientialism
5 pilcrow
77 to cram, stuff or gorge with food 1 ahimsa
2 mineralogy
3 stodge
4 hippomania
5 baldaquin
78 brooch in the shape of a safety pin 1 fibula
2 quietus
3 knobber
4 sphygmic
5 windlass
79 pair of pictures on hinged panels; register of bishops and saints 1 overflush
2 girasol
3 diptych
4 dearticulate
5 photopia
80 study of fishing 1 nephelometer
2 lectrice
3 halieutics
4 fenestella
5 petricolous
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 dependent construction 1 pingo
2 hypotaxis
3 xylometer
4 smectic
5 clastic
82 obsequious or deferent 1 tracasserie
2 scutellate
3 dilogy
4 tempera
5 morigerous
83 leaping; dancing 1 saltant
2 ostler
3 tentiginous
4 prothalamion
5 stelliform
84 unit of yarn fineness 1 assoil
2 izzat
3 denier
4 conurbation
5 polyhidrosis
85 dusty or powder 1 polysarcous
2 olid
3 pulverous
4 maturescent
5 eviscerate
86 indicating a state rather than an action 1 serigraphy
2 troilism
3 tensimeter
4 stative
5 anomphalous
87 coloured lights on side of a ship under way at night 1 stupe
2 perse
3 pusillanimous
4 sidelight
5 toxophilite
88 dark yellow 1 galvanoscope
2 ratin‚
3 claque
4 topaz
5 allonge
89 available money; funds 1 cabotage
2 spondulicks
3 hyperope
4 macropterous
5 sympiesometer
90 producing flame 1 flammiferous
2 umbriferous
3 patrimony
4 synaposematism
5 sulphorous
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 sealed; with seal-like impressions 1 sigillate
2 ratemeter
3 qoph
4 emulge
5 grattoir
92 alleviating or relieving pain 1 antalgic
2 umbriferous
3 manciple
4 balneology
5 scapulomancy
93 the rank or office of a cannon 1 parclose
2 mesotherm
3 costal
4 helicon
5 canonicate
94 study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits 1 diactinal
2 rhinology
3 cortege
4 metallogeny
5 nephograph
95 professed but false doubt of what to say or choose 1 nubilate
2 heuristic
3 phatic
4 aporia
5 euchology
96 ribbed 1 dyschromatopic
2 brigue
3 groggery
4 costellate
5 cyesis
97 fear of birds 1 termagant
2 nates
3 caulotaxy
4 ornithophobia
5 nigricant
98 having a goatlike smell 1 nidify
2 prelate
3 capric
4 dimissory
5 aquifer
99 unglazed earthenware casserole 1 toxicophagous
2 somniate
3 monandry
4 diable
5 guerdon
100 word representing a class of words or things 1 consectary
2 apotropaic
3 phylliform
4 hypernym
5 aglet
  by Mosh   Suggestions?