Quiz 37 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 drooping of the upper eyelid 1 lychnobite
2 videlicet
3 zygosis
4 ptosis
5 cynoid
2 censorship of lewd and salacious material 1 comstockery
2 astromancy
3 thermantidote
4 progeria
5 camsteary
3 to make numb or torpid; to paralyze 1 torpefy
2 oneirodynia
3 aguardiente
4 sneap
5 washboard
4 granting of money in aid 1 claudication
2 acerous
3 glossophagine
4 subvention
5 cuddy
5 ballroom dance marked by quick walking steps 1 teknonymy
2 one-step
3 embonpoint
4 subternatural
5 triticism
6 capable of suffering or being acted on; passible 1 catastasis
2 quiddany
3 schizotrichia
4 metagraphy
5 patible
7 narrow fissure 1 rom
2 theophobia
3 outfling
4 stevedore
5 rima
8 an effeminate man 1 privity
2 panegyric
3 coralliferous
4 mollycoddle
5 piend
9 doctrine that all knowledge is subjective 1 erotetic
2 petrogenesis
3 subjectivism
4 trireme
5 metagnomy
10 highest degree of veneration, assigned to God over saints 1 magadis
2 latria
3 quire
4 afterwil
5 pizzle
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 earth-worship 1 mistetch
2 biserial
3 tenendum
4 profligate
5 geolatry
12 hatred of reason or knowledge 1 impedimentary
2 misology
3 telesis
4 dijudicate
5 hypnagogic
13 making parallel; adjusting to put into line 1 collimation
2 forsooth
3 scible
4 sententia
5 entomology
14 congratulatory 1 hedonism
2 lysimeter
3 holocryptic
4 tesla
5 gratulatory
15 idling; strolling about aimlessly 1 whithersoever
2 tropology
3 orthotomic
4 viridity
5 flƒnerie
16 soapstone 1 dendrochronology
2 mezzotint
3 steatite
4 grallatory
5 churchism
17 photograph of clouds 1 unction
2 nephogram
3 fluxional
4 crumenal
5 ana
18 rule of law; government based on legal system 1 cumuliform
2 geostrophic
3 ceraunograph
4 nomocracy
5 tentigo
19 use of fire in combat 1 sovenance
2 pyromachy
3 clowder
4 valence
5 scopophilia
20 wallet or leather bag 1 hierophant
2 alforge
3 inumbrate
4 bifilar
5 psaltery
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 of or relating to the hip 1 dicaeology
2 abiotrophy
3 interlunation
4 choragus
5 sciatic
22 a portion of land covered with grass 1 homophyly
2 lavabo
3 hordeiform
4 sward
5 ailurophobia
23 instrument for making arterial pulsations visible 1 sphygmoscope
2 whereagainst
3 enallage
4 ichthyolatry
5 grassing
24 moving away from the sun 1 taximeter
2 heliofugal
3 cephalophore
4 breastsummer
5 abolla
25 faking of works of art 1 moniliform
2 maturescent
3 politicaster
4 areology
5 trucage
26 to oppose; to attack by words or arguments 1 impugn
2 percoct
3 backstay
4 paparchy
5 caliginous
27 largest part of church where congregation sits 1 anbury
2 homeomerous
3 nave
4 cleithral
5 subfocal
28 provincial; rural 1 cerumen
2 mofussil
3 panduriform
4 hoyden
5 logodaedaly
29 the discharging of urine 1 nudation
2 rosin
3 eolith
4 sealine
5 emiction
30 polka-like Polish dance 1 morne
2 extensometer
3 mammose
4 representationalism
5 varsovienne
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 relating to a register 1 anhidrosis
2 swape
3 sudatory
4 matricular
5 tucket
32 official shipping seal; customs clearance form 1 maremma
2 cocket
3 langlauf
4 xoanon
5 katharometer
33 of or relating to the jaws 1 anagnorisis
2 subternatural
3 depurate
4 gnathal
5 ginglymus
34 nourishing 1 piscine
2 alible
3 suaveolent
4 riem
5 tabefaction
35 something of the same kind or nature 1 teg
2 gavage
3 congener
4 solivagant
5 poikilothermic
36 to intimidate by bluster, pomp or arrogance 1 zanella
2 hector
3 dithyrambic
4 leman
5 gummiferous
37 auction 1 jack-block
2 outroop
3 epitimesis
4 guilloche
5 terricolous
38 courtly baroque dance in which the arms are interlaced 1 coquelicot
2 circumpose
3 calando
4 allemande
5 vug
39 long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains 1 bitts
2 sastruga
3 isopsephic
4 silvics
5 catastrophism
40 medical negligence 1 minify
2 iatramelia
3 yean
4 lagostoma
5 solander
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 large clasp knife 1 tamis
2 kohl
3 hederated
4 skean
5 jockteleg
42 blood-coloured 1 kurtosis
2 psychrophobia
3 syntexis
4 blunge
5 haematic
43 ancient bridged stringed instrument 1 patibulate
2 creatophagous
3 zouk
4 magadis
5 episemon
44 hardness 1 durity
2 misprise
3 tritanopia
4 semasiology
5 etiology
45 to ride through on horseback 1 perequitate
2 arguria
3 hadeharia
4 knickerbockers
5 poimenic
46 fuddled; perplexed 1 tosticated
2 marabout
3 petary
4 prolate
5 circumlittoral
47 to make springlike; to freshen 1 succentor
2 tirocinium
3 paranymph
4 coronach
5 vernalize
48 grey; dapple-grey 1 pluripresence
2 polyommatous
3 oculus
4 nematology
5 liard
49 critical appreciation for literature 1 epicrisis
2 ditheletism
3 puncheon
4 onomatophobia
5 brumal
50 a salt tax 1 cauligenous
2 gabelle
3 zollverein
4 constative
5 ticking
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 scientific study of oneself 1 countenance
2 otology
3 intervallum
4 deglutition
5 autology
52 number dividing into another without leaving a remainder 1 telary
2 cingulum
3 canescent
4 olio
5 aliquot
53 causing or producing pain 1 risible
2 algetic
3 stope
4 anastasic
5 enantiomorph
54 the utmost extremity; the bitter end 1 ciconene
2 welkin
3 clithridiate
4 outrance
5 whipstall
55 done or applied through the skin 1 jorum
2 percutaneous
3 supernal
4 jobbery
5 epagomenal
56 nest-building 1 terraqueous
2 nidulation
3 hoggin
4 microtome
5 omnifarious
57 rejection of morality 1 selvage
2 omphalos
3 inusitation
4 immoralism
5 appurtenance
58 rough limestone country with underground drainage 1 rundle
2 iterum
3 auceps
4 yarpha
5 karst
59 retributive; like for like 1 haplography
2 frieze
3 metrophobia
4 talionic
5 tontine
60 card player on dealer's right responsible for cutting cards 1 fossick
2 pone
3 taxeme
4 hebephrenia
5 brayer
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 having a quilted ornamentation 1 matelass‚
2 oikology
3 carphology
4 muciferous
5 holism
62 mirror; reflector; coloured patch on a bird's wing 1 guyot
2 speculum
3 bonbonniŠre
4 amplexus
5 jebel
63 fond of dining; relishing food; especially suppers 1 mendacity
2 coenaculous
3 rectigrade
4 liard
5 morsal
64 porch in front of church 1 topology
2 purpureal
3 galilee
4 voraginous
5 rencounter
65 thickened fruit pur‚e dessert 1 colostrum
2 kissel
3 araphorostic
4 perissosyllabic
5 steen
66 inability to perform purposive movements properly 1 hemerology
2 tasimeter
3 indoles
4 constative
5 paraphraxis
67 albino; having fair or pale hair or complexion 1 madarosis
2 leucous
3 melaniferous
4 noxal
5 tachometer
68 satchel suspended from cavalry officer's belt 1 sabretache
2 hetaerocracy
3 tremulous
4 antilogy
5 ligniform
69 descriptive astronomy and mapping 1 latitant
2 eloign
3 thermopile
4 pluriliteral
5 uranography
70 having four wings 1 tetrapteran
2 semiography
3 whiss
4 resiniferous
5 caprifoliaceous
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 pointed oval shape; jewel cut in this shape 1 forinsecal
2 diptych
3 melologue
4 navette
5 petrean
72 network or net; stylized star-map of an astrolabe 1 rete
2 topophilia
3 kine
4 cinerarium
5 laver
73 doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation 1 wheelhouse
2 cometology
3 homotaxic
4 solifidianism
5 bolero
74 fixing attention on subject by pretending to neglect it 1 scotophobia
2 orismology
3 brevet
4 paralipsis
5 photophile
75 shorthand 1 dynamogenesis
2 logan
3 surbate
4 attemper
5 tachygraphy
76 living in ponds or marshes 1 limnophilous
2 crosstrees
3 quaestor
4 macular
5 delubrum
77 illusory vision of light 1 arval
2 contrist
3 photism
4 feague
5 noetics
78 one who meditates by gazing at the navel 1 incarnadine
2 omphalopsychite
3 retrovert
4 mansuetude
5 glozing
79 geological effects of the wind 1 tarantella
2 habilatory
3 eolation
4 decrescent
5 antiblastic
80 pertaining to the mouth or to kissing 1 panpsychism
2 jeton
3 oscular
4 poral
5 theophagy
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 pertaining to an inch or an ounce 1 uncial
2 primo
3 therewithal
4 novenary
5 tinchel
82 instrument for measuring frequency of electrical waves 1 yomp
2 handlist
3 optophone
4 brodequin
5 cymometer
83 an indication 1 endeixis
2 phellem
3 koniscope
4 slatternly
5 ogee
84 refined irony 1 pharmacopolist
2 foursquare
3 comitatus
4 asteism
5 helcoid
85 unit of electrical inductance 1 lateritious
2 atrabilious
3 puericulture
4 henry
5 dipsosis
86 study of fruit-growing 1 torchon
2 icterine
3 pomology
4 capric
5 pedological
87 perfect setting for the antics of pornography 1 notalgia
2 averruncate
3 macerator
4 woning
5 pornotopia
88 entering 1 miter
2 liquifacient
3 ineunt
4 myringoscope
5 zymometer
89 lack of congruousness or proportion 1 bullock
2 paroemiology
3 inconcinnity
4 alible
5 cafard
90 origin and development of plants 1 phytogenesis
2 sacciferous
3 gramineous
4 dactylology
5 humectation
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 shaped like a turnip 1 himation
2 ilicic
3 crambo
4 napiform
5 maltha
92 a child 1 exsiccate
2 kinchin
3 puriform
4 assart
5 geogenous
93 inmate of prison labour camp 1 radiogoniometer
2 zek
3 oxyacanthous
4 exanimate
5 nunciative
94 lighthearted and unconcerned 1 implex
2 subinfeudate
3 scuttles
4 cimelia
5 insouciant
95 featherless; wingless 1 logomachy
2 anhelation
3 strigilation
4 rummer
5 impennate
96 to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder 1 uneath
2 whemmle
3 ophiophilist
4 neolagnium
5 clavate
97 the study of peace 1 functionalism
2 gadoid
3 colubrine
4 doucet
5 irenology
98 northern; of or pertaining to the north 1 fantod
2 bromidrosis
3 rejoinder
4 ephidrosis
5 septentrional
99 to move impatiently or abruptly 1 herpetoid
2 cerebration
3 ordo
4 flounce
5 epibole
100 triangular-shaped object 1 ramulus
2 zibeline
3 sigillography
4 triquetra
5 revalorize
  by Mosh   Suggestions?