Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | the state of being a pupil |
1 potentiate 2 oread 3 flageolet 4 traditive 5 pupillarity | |
2 | instrument for drawing spirals on a plane |
1 manubrium 2 helicograph 3 zymosis 4 arcuate 5 pinchbeck | |
3 | broad-leafed plant yielding blue dye |
1 larvicide 2 tegmental 3 chock 4 woad 5 kantele | |
4 | assiduous; diligent |
1 spiraliform 2 vortical 3 entresol 4 gudgeon 5 sedulous | |
5 | separateness; separate ownership of property |
1 tophaceous 2 interim 3 feracious 4 barognosis 5 severalty | |
6 | in flocks |
1 albicant 2 paraselene 3 gregatim 4 hippophobe 5 strobic | |
7 | writer or actor of tragedy |
1 indult 2 bradawl 3 carriwitchet 4 hirsute 5 tragedian | |
8 | a short, instructive saying or formula |
1 metalepsis 2 siderate 3 suctorial 4 apothegm 5 carboy | |
9 | cheap gold-coloured alloy of zinc and copper |
1 acerbate 2 photophile 3 frugiferous 4 phalacrosis 5 tombac | |
10 | tactile bristle such as cat's whisker; bristly hair |
1 stigmatic 2 consistory 3 vibrissa 4 paralalia 5 lactescent | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | stout linen |
1 appropinquity 2 hogshead 3 tulipomania 4 dornick 5 protistology | |
12 | the production or ripening of fruit underground |
1 monoliteral 2 dissentient 3 jargoon 4 stelliferous 5 geocarpy | |
13 | necking |
1 gemel 2 paizogony 3 antinomy 4 arctoid 5 megachiropteran | |
14 | single-masted, square-sailed ship with raised stern |
1 loranthaceous 2 cog 3 quinquefarious 4 camber 5 quercetum | |
15 | of or related to the skin |
1 morphew 2 argentiferous 3 cutaneous 4 velour 5 grough | |
16 | turning hand and forearm so that palm faces downward |
1 misocapnic 2 aurigation 3 pronation 4 diaphanous 5 obloquy | |
17 | to pay close attention; to listen |
1 dicephalous 2 plexiform 3 irenic 4 umbriferous 5 hark | |
18 | an external covering or coating |
1 integument 2 arcanna 3 calenture 4 velocipede 5 postmundane | |
19 | unit of pressure equal to 1/760 of standard atmospheric pressure |
1 labrose 2 tore 3 hypothecate 4 albugineous 5 torr | |
20 | opposed to monarchic principle |
1 antibasilican 2 anacamptic 3 plangency 4 insidiate 5 geocentrism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | dietetics |
1 acidulous 2 sitology 3 monoideism 4 chorology 5 biverbal | |
22 | not subject to a superior |
1 surcingle 2 rosmarine 3 allodic 4 jarta 5 galimatias | |
23 | pertaining to kitchen vegetables |
1 olitory 2 ballottement 3 dragoman 4 cellaret 5 juvenal | |
24 | lately |
1 hippophobe 2 playa 3 alate 4 yuft 5 polystichous | |
25 | relating to coverings or outer shells |
1 infumate 2 tegmental 3 protensive 4 janiform 5 obmutescent | |
26 | line connecting points of equal winter temperature |
1 mazurka 2 alalia 3 isocryme 4 mileometer 5 intercostal | |
27 | to decamp; to squat |
1 virescent 2 tumultuary 3 deoppilate 4 absquatulate 5 alate | |
28 | study of aging or individual decline after maturity |
1 idioticon 2 urticant 3 clinology 4 gabardine 5 illude | |
29 | ringed; composed of rings |
1 hydrogeology 2 sough 3 piceous 4 abord 5 annulose | |
30 | pertaining to the back |
1 deleterious 2 afterguard 3 hygrograph 4 tergal 5 masticate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | of or like fungus; soft; spongy |
1 fungous 2 dipsetic 3 planchet 4 colonnade 5 desacralise | |
32 | to run away from a debt |
1 papeterie 2 vernition 3 punctate 4 accrementition 5 levant | |
33 | act of smelling |
1 moleskin 2 osmesis 3 salamandroid 4 epagomenal 5 cambist | |
34 | round window, especially over main door in church |
1 interclude 2 oculus 3 proemial 4 collogue 5 phallocrat | |
35 | government by harlots |
1 bar 2 psilosis 3 pornocracy 4 shabrack 5 maunder | |
36 | of the form or shape of gas |
1 alamort 2 gasiform 3 armillary 4 quisguillous 5 paronomasia | |
37 | medicine mixed with honey or syrup |
1 harpagon 2 urticate 3 electuary 4 isopach 5 pseudopsia | |
38 | moral of a story or work of literature |
1 seron 2 hyperosmia 3 dimity 4 epimyth 5 generalate | |
39 | pertaining to the front of the head |
1 procephalic 2 hagiology 3 pismirism 4 opuscule 5 mesnalty | |
40 | rudimentary treatise |
1 lampadephore 2 lazar 3 amyous 4 hornbook 5 larboard | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | a small belt or girdle |
1 waqf 2 zonulet 3 dubitate 4 nidamental 5 osteophone | |
42 | bank of terracing at a football field |
1 polytocous 2 chirography 3 boning 4 kissel 5 kop | |
43 | medieval leather coat worn as armour |
1 wiseacre 2 orarion 3 xylotomous 4 jack 5 amanous | |
44 | animal with both lungs and gills |
1 patelliform 2 croche 3 harmonometer 4 vivat 5 amphipneust | |
45 | to destroy; to quell; to confound |
1 spiflicate 2 gadzooks 3 lentiginose 4 amphisbaena 5 grapholagnia | |
46 | state of being all; allness |
1 omneity 2 cymophanous 3 scagliola 4 arpenteur 5 nectopod | |
47 | shaped like a small fibre |
1 corbeau 2 lability 3 fibrilliform 4 wordbound 5 pogrom | |
48 | doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best |
1 retrenchment 2 struthious 3 primitivism 4 sederunt 5 putlock | |
49 | honeycombed |
1 utriform 2 roturier 3 hyetometer 4 acequia 5 faveolate | |
50 | very keen sense of smell |
1 empressment 2 hyperosmia 3 ecbolic 4 emendation 5 crepe | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | letter-writing |
1 gavage 2 latrant 3 epistolography 4 saltire 5 estrapade | |
52 | having a veil; veiled |
1 whistler 2 janker 3 hackle 4 velate 5 arefy | |
53 | devouring |
1 piscine 2 algicide 3 quitrent 4 vorant 5 yare | |
54 | steplike excavation in mining |
1 fagin 2 herbose 3 stope 4 bioecology 5 apotropaic | |
55 | study of words and their meanings |
1 pole 2 mileometer 3 lexicology 4 archology 5 tralatition | |
56 | out of one's element or natural environment |
1 bathophobia 2 kenspeckle 3 sororal 4 depays‚ 5 agamogenesis | |
57 | two-wheeled carriage |
1 endysis 2 exogenous 3 incipient 4 qanat 5 cabriolet | |
58 | surgical instrument |
1 textuary 2 fleam 3 teramorphous 4 gnomonics 5 verticillated | |
59 | fear of thunder and lightning |
1 pyroscope 2 loxodograph 3 brontophobia 4 culvertage 5 beloid | |
60 | small headless shoemakers' nail |
1 caliology 2 morigerous 3 sparable 4 perioeci 5 cepaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | heavy napped cotton flannel |
1 aerogenesis 2 lapidary 3 morphallaxis 4 swansdown 5 pastance | |
62 | to flatter and coax; to cajole |
1 calcographer 2 elance 3 blandish 4 polygoneutic 5 philippic | |
63 | to divide; to separate |
1 sciaphobia 2 cleithral 3 pellate 4 reticulate 5 portesse | |
64 | device for making multiple copies of written text |
1 paedophage 2 hypsography 3 cyclostyle 4 invination 5 glomerate | |
65 | fine brown |
1 culverin 2 neophile 3 stomatology 4 saliniform 5 sepia | |
66 | drawbridge |
1 pontlevis 2 veloutine 3 pulmonic 4 lobar 5 thurl | |
67 | dentist |
1 archelogy 2 passalorynchite 3 odontist 4 vitalism 5 oblivescence | |
68 | waiter or valet |
1 sociocracy 2 inglenook 3 cosset 4 cameriere 5 lido | |
69 | light medieval drum buckled onto the player's chest |
1 ait 2 tabor 3 cog 4 hypnomogia 5 bibliolatry | |
70 | like or resembling a finger |
1 prehensor 2 rood 3 rheology 4 dactyloid 5 melopoeia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | delay in pleading for amicable adjustment |
1 belomancy 2 illiquation 3 imparlance 4 agger 5 writative | |
72 | with long flexible shoots |
1 nephrolith 2 vimineous 3 sconce 4 gynocentric 5 congelation | |
73 | parthenogenetic production of females only |
1 alliaceous 2 xiphophyllous 3 barodynamics 4 collectic 5 thelytoky | |
74 | of or pertaining to the honeysuckle plant |
1 fustilarian 2 pavonian 3 caprifoliaceous 4 pharisaic 5 viridigenous | |
75 | optional; incidental; conferring privilege |
1 facultative 2 freeboard 3 jebel 4 infarction 5 verism | |
76 | fear of change |
1 theroid 2 histrionic 3 kainotophobia 4 heliolatry 5 albion | |
77 | cobbler |
1 antilogy 2 euphonym 3 sutor 4 vitrine 5 scud | |
78 | to borrow |
1 witwanton 2 apprompt 3 stomachous 4 gliriform 5 sendal | |
79 | to hiccup, belch or spit |
1 judder 2 endogenous 3 fungous 4 yex 5 magniloquent | |
80 | attached to; hanging from; adjunct |
1 edaphic 2 appendant 3 pyromancy 4 vetanda 5 echopraxia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | fleshy spike of flowers |
1 estafette 2 spadix 3 hypnogeny 4 daw 5 jarta | |
82 | point for point |
1 cryometer 2 seminivorous 3 punctatim 4 hypaethral 5 spermatic | |
83 | to sift through cloth; to examine by sifting |
1 scutigerous 2 boult 3 vulpine 4 rideau 5 quiddity | |
84 | under clouds |
1 subnubilar 2 viticulture 3 philosophaster 4 bower 5 diriment | |
85 | contention about words or in words |
1 logomachy 2 vitiferous 3 gyrograph 4 pyrrhous 5 rorulent | |
86 | doctrine that knowledge depends on faith over reason |
1 chirography 2 fideism 3 rictal 4 echoism 5 nymphean | |
87 | belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed |
1 mancipation 2 laxism 3 soup‡on 4 astatic 5 motte | |
88 | large jug with rounded belly and narrow neck |
1 bellarmine 2 subinfeudate 3 trabeculated 4 aristarch 5 oenophilist | |
89 | instrument for measuring solar radiation |
1 nychthemeron 2 approbation 3 solarimeter 4 limpid 5 dilatometer | |
90 | divination using burning incense |
1 nobilitate 2 electroretinograph 3 dyogram 4 tulle 5 knissomancy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | one who promises miracles |
1 kylin 2 immaterialism 3 wondermonger 4 agnomen 5 taction | |
92 | shock absorber |
1 pediculophobia 2 rhema 3 pembroke 4 croceate 5 dashpot | |
93 | rejuvenation of an old man by a young woman |
1 shunamitism 2 nullity 3 precatory 4 autogenesis 5 leguleian | |
94 | shaped like a delta or triangle |
1 orgulous 2 gatefold 3 deltoid 4 abomasum 5 attollent | |
95 | addition of a final n in the declension of nouns |
1 decumbent 2 cantillate 3 schola 4 zoograft 5 nunnation | |
96 | mummy-wrapping fabric |
1 toman 2 Priapean 3 ratiocinate 4 tore 5 byssus | |
97 | line connecting points of equal magnetic declination |
1 faille 2 urbacity 3 commonition 4 pedagoguery 5 isogonal | |
98 | sacred part of a temple or church; church chancel |
1 alectormancy 2 paroemiographer 3 epitonic 4 epicene 5 adytum | |
99 | lawful; legal |
1 ennomic 2 verger 3 nuptiality 4 wallydrag 5 ridgeling | |
100 | wool of the undercoat of a musk-ox |
1 psychograph 2 modena 3 meliphagous 4 qiviut 5 vallecula |