Quiz 41 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 basin-shaped 1 stalactiform
2 suppedaneum
3 pelviform
4 meconomancy
5 swallet
2 having had unfulfilled ambition; failing to achieve expectation 1 delactation
2 solidum
3 esculent
4 retrovert
5 manqu‚
3 to call down by prayer; to curse; to invoke evil on 1 vulsella
2 separatrix
3 imprecate
4 mazurka
5 pentagamist
4 cotton and wool blend 1 woolsey
2 mirific
3 nuncupate
4 hora
5 aubin
5 pig-iron used as ballast in ship's hold 1 ophiophagous
2 octamerous
3 peavey
4 albicant
5 kentledge
6 ambassador 1 peltastiform
2 ordonnance
3 elchee
4 aggerose
5 ziti
7 rainy; of or pertaining to rainfall 1 fulgural
2 hyetal
3 schw„rmerei
4 gastrosopher
5 solarism
8 musicians employed to play on ceremonial occasions 1 pother
2 helicon
3 anisothenic
4 waits
5 fretum
9 frame; pedestal 1 oose
2 moresco
3 postament
4 scyphiform
5 triticeous
10 old woollen cloth 1 ignavia
2 notabilia
3 loxodromy
4 deracinate
5 drap-de-Berry
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 bald 1 excarnate
2 calvous
3 fossorial
4 awn
5 intenible
12 shaped like a depression or pit 1 clysmian
2 hipped
3 libidinist
4 nepheloid
5 foveiform
13 presence in multiple places at one time 1 selenoscope
2 pluripresence
3 grain
4 rheotaxis
5 accidentalism
14 hinged painting with three panels 1 triptych
2 convicinity
3 jade
4 claque
5 kirking
15 early pear 1 jargonelle
2 feliform
3 psychognosy
4 therblig
5 tubulure
16 theory that total material explanation is impossible 1 neovitalism
2 plagium
3 gasconism
4 latration
5 tentigo
17 instrument for measuring pressure of a current 1 sympiesometer
2 stereochromy
3 intermure
4 thermantidote
5 telarian
18 polygon with nine sides 1 enneagon
2 hegumene
3 auscultation
4 phyllophagous
5 sideroscope
19 one who is initiated into mysteries 1 mnesic
2 sympatric
3 punctule
4 sastruga
5 epopt
20 to criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge 1 ultracrepidate
2 intussusception
3 bailivate
4 neuropsychology
5 hyetometrograph
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 shaped like a platter 1 olivary
2 susurrate
3 opinable
4 scutellate
5 tropism
22 of or relating to Lent; lasting forty days 1 panaceist
2 trireme
3 satinet
4 tabellion
5 quadragesimal
23 of equal value 1 hematology
2 wive
3 acerous
4 isorropic
5 inbeing
24 defense and proof of Christianity or other doctrine 1 antistrophe
2 apologetics
3 parablepsis
4 curtilage
5 naology
25 broken off; steep; abrupt 1 wortle
2 biobibliography
3 smeddum
4 prerupt
5 solacious
26 newly born child 1 tentamen
2 angary
3 neonate
4 anthorism
5 louvre
27 forbidden things 1 catogenic
2 vetanda
3 seric
4 rejoinder
5 nestitherapy
28 small can or drinking vessel 1 cannikin
2 acroteleutic
3 placet
4 mizzen
5 alphitomancy
29 relating to the power of mothers 1 lipomatosis
2 elance
3 dolichocephalic
4 matripotestal
5 renal
30 instrument for measuring and viewing the retina 1 retinoscope
2 verricule
3 unction
4 fossorial
5 negrophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 communicate motion to; cause 1 supersensible
2 furnicular
3 batrachophobia
4 mozzetta
5 actuate
32 shaped like a fan 1 wroth
2 flabelliform
3 dramaturgy
4 passepied
5 endarchy
33 ballet dancer who dances only in groups 1 figurant
2 chronobiology
3 baculum
4 panopticon
5 voussoir
34 sail on the mast nearest the stern of a square-rigged ship 1 technopole
2 spanker
3 ophiasis
4 dyslogia
5 platitudinarian
35 lasting effect on memory 1 dol
2 temperative
3 tetralemma
4 engram
5 cockloft
36 bronze lustre 1 turtleback
2 blauwbok
3 schiller
4 occamy
5 rete
37 act of squirming along a smooth-walled narrow passage 1 aitchbone
2 eutexia
3 reptation
4 amorce
5 macrography
38 gross flattery; nonsense 1 skippet
2 prurient
3 flapdoodle
4 saurophagous
5 ostiolate
39 of a gloomy or surly disposition; sardonic 1 saturnine
2 forfend
3 punctal
4 inopinate
5 marcidity
40 flowering late 1 ultimogeniture
2 serotinous
3 technonomy
4 sinistration
5 evanish
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 shaped like an upsilon 1 urbanist
2 ypsiliform
3 flumen
4 alopecia
5 catogenic
42 a set of ornaments or jewels 1 succentor
2 lanate
3 parure
4 metrology
5 aegilops
43 to congeal; to cause to set 1 acceptilation
2 pectize
3 unasinous
4 dispone
5 almuce
44 relating to lakes 1 pushful
2 coercimeter
3 incivism
4 barbigerous
5 lacustrine
45 about; around 1 zibeline
2 circiter
3 anadromous
4 simpliste
5 titivate
46 plug in the mouthpiece of a wind instrument 1 coronagraph
2 jobation
3 fipple
4 concent
5 uranophobia
47 apparatus of which one end rises as the other sinks 1 coalize
2 bodement
3 hesternal
4 bascule
5 miasma
48 deposit from hot springs; iron dross 1 supersolid
2 pollard
3 sinter
4 zymotic
5 zootechnics
49 unruly; unmanageable; perverse; obstinate 1 zoonosis
2 ingurgitate
3 trypanocide
4 refractory
5 zetetic
50 to improve or ameliorate 1 delenda
2 dodger
3 bonify
4 ichnite
5 minuend
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 anthology of passages used in learning languages 1 arboricolous
2 chrestomathy
3 fimicolous
4 anemology
5 waldflute
52 floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks 1 trochlear
2 teasel
3 excrementitial
4 parquet
5 berline
53 poetic 1 Parnassian
2 malleation
3 adenology
4 koan
5 vendition
54 dissection of animals; comparative anatomy 1 misotheism
2 zootomy
3 advert
4 lienal
5 peignoir
55 money or provisions for journey; Eucharist for a dying person 1 dwile
2 jalouse
3 thlipsis
4 viaticum
5 ukase
56 lacking two syllables from end of a line of verse 1 brachycatalectic
2 xerophytic
3 interjaculate
4 pavis
5 nonage
57 coarsely looped or nubby fabric 1 morbilliform
2 thereon
3 jackstay
4 calender
5 poodle
58 shaped like a funnel 1 choanoid
2 narcose
3 spinney
4 periodontics
5 glandiferous
59 without money; penniless 1 bindle
2 reremouse
3 intercolline
4 impecunious
5 parasuicide
60 publisher's emblem or inscription in a book 1 eccaleobion
2 miniaceous
3 phlegmatic
4 colophon
5 hodometry
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 to bound about wildly 1 pellicule
2 lollop
3 nepotal
4 abattoir
5 cupuliferous
62 extraction of teeth 1 zoocephalic
2 crepance
3 umbriferous
4 exodontia
5 aerophilately
63 formation of cells 1 cytogenesis
2 vendible
3 surah
4 hoy
5 tranect
64 placing of major organs and bodily functions in the head 1 rebatement
2 ratihabition
3 cephaligation
4 synizesis
5 handlist
65 to moisten; to cause to become moist 1 ammeter
2 humect
3 whelky
4 indulgence
5 prolocutor
66 greedy; covetous 1 pleonectic
2 interdigitate
3 obtruncate
4 trierarchy
5 muriated
67 instrument for recording pulse 1 pheon
2 sphygmograph
3 zanze
4 forestay
5 pelage
68 church official in charge of vessels and the sacristy 1 gonfalonier
2 gigue
3 aborning
4 posigrade
5 sacristan
69 animal with separated toes 1 fissiped
2 vicereine
3 subungual
4 hippodamist
5 pomiferous
70 science of pure being; the nature of things 1 ontology
2 monoideism
3 inscenation
4 linonophobia
5 nostopathy
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 a cool walk; cool or shady place 1 hydrometeorology
2 frescade
3 turrical
4 inculcate
5 quaternity
72 shaped like a girdle or ring 1 coaptation
2 cingular
3 spirograph
4 jocoserious
5 scriptorium
73 movement of plants towards sunlight 1 diffident
2 quantulum
3 pastose
4 heliotropism
5 canities
74 sawdust and other wood waste used as industrial filler 1 pyrography
2 strahl
3 woodmeal
4 agalloch
5 plurinominal
75 stairs from upper deck of ship to lower deck 1 theocentrism
2 paromoeon
3 younker
4 eirenicon
5 companionway
76 bearing, containing or infested with worms 1 xylomancy
2 pandect
3 cruciferous
4 obit
5 vermigerous
77 to discontinue meetings of a group without dissolving it 1 lectrice
2 pyrogenous
3 cloison
4 prorogue
5 postconnubial
78 subject to or having strong sexual desires 1 scabious
2 typography
3 lacertiform
4 positivism
5 blissom
79 lamentation; grief 1 pycnosis
2 wayment
3 hierography
4 vorticity
5 fossorial
80 blacking; ink; black dye 1 lipothymy
2 crinoline
3 atrament
4 scarfskin
5 elance
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 of or relating to the hare 1 avicide
2 leporine
3 monocerous
4 chronostichon
5 evirate
82 to pamper; to indulge 1 geothermometer
2 mammiferous
3 comprecation
4 cocker
5 bonification
83 small metal cup 1 dilettante
2 venery
3 sententia
4 pannikin
5 clevis
84 place of prayer; oratory 1 waterman
2 achloropsia
3 fanfaron
4 percaline
5 proseuche
85 relating to wading birds 1 siderization
2 tombola
3 grallatory
4 chevon
5 hitherside
86 cutting down on; reduction in amount of 1 verst
2 accrementition
3 absorptiometer
4 slipe
5 retrenchment
87 periodic gathering to evaluate readiness of men for combat 1 atrous
2 parvis
3 internuncio
4 bubonalgia
5 wapenshaw
88 incoherence 1 totemism
2 lampion
3 monochroic
4 pararthria
5 retable
89 on this or the near side of a bridge 1 oscillometer
2 cispontine
3 cucurbit
4 hermeneutic
5 exanimate
90 quandary with four alternatives 1 tetralemma
2 mirific
3 mnemon
4 farouche
5 rhizophagous
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 local; confined to one region 1 indumentum
2 aglet
3 agrypnia
4 hominiform
5 parochial
92 study of motion of heat 1 thermokinematics
2 postliminary
3 maxixe
4 sematography
5 telary
93 of or pertaining to hops 1 dree
2 gallimaufry
3 lupulic
4 cancrizans
5 geomorphogeny
94 like or resembling a womb 1 jordan
2 hysteroid
3 gladiate
4 parergon
5 narial
95 forgetfulness; forgetting 1 ceramography
2 squamate
3 scree
4 oblivescence
5 herbose
96 work done while the boss is watching 1 cantillate
2 eyeservice
3 misology
4 denehole
5 matricular
97 substance or person who kills wasps 1 dentirostral
2 vespacide
3 psychogony
4 stegophilist
5 enounce
98 divination using a crystal globe 1 crystalomancy
2 scepsis
3 frugivorous
4 polyopia
5 arrosive
99 having large feet 1 inquiline
2 beblubbered
3 pluriparous
4 harrier
5 sciapodous
100 grouped 1 agminate
2 solipsism
3 precatory
4 forestay
5 alforge
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