Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | womanly; feminine |
1 herpetic 2 hyperbole 3 meristic 4 muliebrile 5 hauberk | |
2 | diminution of swelling |
1 perioeci 2 isobar 3 somatognosis 4 detumescence 5 clinomania | |
3 | second illness in addition to an initial one |
1 deuteropathy 2 sexology 3 telenergy 4 palmary 5 glottogonic | |
4 | knitted cotton fabric |
1 socle 2 foliferous 3 balbriggan 4 swallet 5 colonoscope | |
5 | like sleep or hypnosis |
1 palliasse 2 hypnoid 3 cleg 4 flounce 5 guttiferous | |
6 | disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God |
1 abodement 2 abseil 3 acosmism 4 pectination 5 animadvert | |
7 | pertaining to or resembling honey |
1 mellaginous 2 instructive 3 cottar 4 physagogue 5 gentilitian | |
8 | the collection and study of picture postcards |
1 deltiology 2 formicide 3 corybantic 4 titian 5 patination | |
9 | small flat moulding around a column |
1 frondiferous 2 bandelet 3 hypnagogic 4 paulopast 5 isostasy | |
10 | helplessness; lack of strength |
1 sudarium 2 cist 3 trabeculated 4 croquinole 5 adynamia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | turning to face the sun |
1 sporiferous 2 pogonology 3 athwart 4 eutropic 5 mucago | |
12 | kind of earthy fertiliser |
1 iconometer 2 terramara 3 eirenism 4 lenitive 5 fantassin | |
13 | place where all is as bad as possible |
1 telodynamic 2 dystopia 3 minium 4 chandelle 5 pridian | |
14 | baby's cry or wail |
1 bogan 2 mutualism 3 nihilism 4 vagitus 5 nivellate | |
15 | in the ratio of one to two |
1 larrup 2 dolabrate 3 unition 4 subduple 5 alack | |
16 | black; very dark |
1 volitation 2 aeruginous 3 theophagy 4 cupulate 5 melanic | |
17 | blowing strongly with a roaring sound |
1 mechanomorphic 2 wuthering 3 recaption 4 misogallic 5 tocsin | |
18 | wire trap for catching salmon |
1 pelasgic 2 adoxography 3 putcher 4 phrenic 5 morro | |
19 | doctrine of infant baptism |
1 anemophilous 2 paedobaptism 3 galimatias 4 drygulch 5 pinacotheca | |
20 | frightening |
1 ley 2 lenitive 3 iconolatry 4 affreux 5 percoct | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain |
1 patulous 2 fallibilism 3 voltmeter 4 somnial 5 archelogy | |
22 | study of victims |
1 strabismometer 2 psalligraphy 3 maieutic 4 postiche 5 victimology | |
23 | revival; rebirth |
1 risorgimento 2 burganet 3 ferroniŠre 4 bruxism 5 hyaloid | |
24 | fan-shaped |
1 aquamanile 2 palabra 3 simplism 4 Francophobia 5 rhipidate | |
25 | killing of one's own wife |
1 vulsella 2 smalt 3 uxoricide 4 thereology 5 wisket | |
26 | space between bed and wall |
1 agma 2 pellate 3 panegyricon 4 ruelle 5 gymnosophy | |
27 | ornamental container for storing Communion bread and wine |
1 tabernacle 2 monorhyme 3 funebral 4 malleiform 5 metalepsis | |
28 | sheepskin processed to look like the fur of another animal |
1 tegula 2 mouton 3 nundination 4 osphresis 5 pertinacity | |
29 | change in form; metamorphosis |
1 metaphysis 2 morro 3 leno 4 ingression 5 putanism | |
30 | inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God |
1 dulia 2 locomobile 3 emollient 4 epistrophe 5 acariasis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | sensation not accompanied by understanding of it |
1 agersia 2 extispicy 3 dulia 4 malacophonous 5 anoesis | |
32 | narrow vacant space between two bulkheads of a ship |
1 wallflower 2 azoth 3 mollescent 4 cofferdam 5 quillet | |
33 | divination using pearls |
1 precissive 2 grain 3 choreomania 4 margaritomancy 5 salutary | |
34 | fear of foreigners |
1 thrum 2 saltant 3 xenophobia 4 aeolotropy 5 paludose | |
35 | to draw a sail tight with ropes or cables |
1 frap 2 calcariform 3 soniferous 4 viticulture 5 whiff | |
36 | like a point |
1 groggery 2 oppidan 3 punctal 4 sinistrorse 5 kir | |
37 | tomboy |
1 menstruum 2 poromeric 3 decastich 4 hoyden 5 wamus | |
38 | doctrine of direct worker control of capital |
1 glutition 2 syndicalism 3 equitation 4 postmundane 5 lambent | |
39 | mark (^) used to note an omission |
1 yperite 2 handspike 3 pollard 4 caret 5 intenible | |
40 | having scattered soft or moderately stiff hairs |
1 heliosis 2 pilose 3 tristachyous 4 synastry 5 respirometer | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | line connecting points of equal frequency of aurorae |
1 bavin 2 querent 3 individualism 4 coggage 5 isochasm | |
42 | process when a thing is replaced by its opposite |
1 enantiodromia 2 pendent 3 scapulomancy 4 scansorial 5 synarchy | |
43 | circuitous movement; indirect action |
1 stirk 2 windlass 3 atrament 4 poplin 5 quaesitum | |
44 | blood clot |
1 thrombus 2 afterguard 3 oenometer 4 koine 5 ubiquitarianism | |
45 | adapted for digging |
1 forecastle 2 balneology 3 foursquare 4 fossorial 5 selliform | |
46 | ashen; ash-grey |
1 cinerious 2 renverse 3 lorimer 4 lordolatry 5 stereotaxis | |
47 | to corrupt or defile |
1 advehent 2 stichology 3 inquinate 4 atrabilious 5 satisfice | |
48 | lower point of inner hull of a ship |
1 whodunitry 2 bilge 3 eyeservice 4 anomphalous 5 monoecious | |
49 | projection near the bow of a ship to which anchor is secured |
1 chilopod 2 permeameter 3 cathead 4 esker 5 lazaretto | |
50 | slow and seductive Cuban dance |
1 penelopize 2 taphephobia 3 habanera 4 psaltery 5 druxy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | murder disguised as suicide |
1 debel 2 pseudoautochiria 3 sudatory 4 kasha 5 taupe | |
52 | champion or defender; tutelary god |
1 lamelliform 2 lactarium 3 promachos 4 sward 5 hylomorphism | |
53 | a small tank |
1 revehent 2 patriolatry 3 lithodomous 4 whippet 5 boyau | |
54 | pimply; bearing or relating to pimples |
1 balistraria 2 floromancy 3 oblocutor 4 papuliferous 5 syneidesis | |
55 | organ mutation stop |
1 nasard 2 remiform 3 flibbertigibbet 4 passade 5 swallet | |
56 | surveying instrument for measuring angles |
1 pupillarity 2 paulopast 3 theodolite 4 chimere 5 epergne | |
57 | bristled; barbed |
1 meatus 2 glochidiate 3 nomistic 4 preceptive 5 psychagogic | |
58 | in a blowing state |
1 binnacle 2 dimissory 3 ablow 4 antenniferous 5 incede | |
59 | predominance |
1 internecine 2 hachure 3 prepollence 4 eponym 5 selvage | |
60 | muddy; slimy |
1 floristry 2 verger 3 tiara 4 limous 5 cynanthropy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | a shepherd's crook |
1 fanfaronade 2 cultch 3 pignorate 4 kebbie 5 catholicon | |
62 | to exceed in dress or ornament |
1 outmantle 2 tectiform 3 porogamy 4 circumfuse 5 vitrescent | |
63 | to blame; to incriminate |
1 torchier 2 inculpate 3 rhotacism 4 neritic 5 tulchan | |
64 | someone looking for an argument |
1 metalepsis 2 capripede 3 profluent 4 breedbate 5 vituline | |
65 | prayer of confession of sins |
1 confiteor 2 frontal 3 ted 4 basiation 5 thrum | |
66 | fashionable beach |
1 zoism 2 arrosive 3 plage 4 primatology 5 picaroon | |
67 | study of handwriting or penmanship |
1 nates 2 catoptromancy 3 zootheism 4 planipennate 5 chirography | |
68 | schoolmastering; teaching |
1 imbrute 2 advenient 3 pedagoguery 4 chark 5 mesquin | |
69 | freckle or mole |
1 wheaten 2 quilling 3 hetaerocracy 4 goatish 5 ephelis | |
70 | emblem on airplane's wing indicating its nationality |
1 cocarde 2 passim 3 empiecement 4 culicino 5 balisaur | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | cutting edge of a bird's bill |
1 tomium 2 morbus 3 padrone 4 ecliptic 5 lardaceous | |
72 | private mark; trademark |
1 asynartetic 2 oecodomic 3 leguleian 4 idiograph 5 nepheloid | |
73 | large single stone in form of monument, obelisk or column |
1 telic 2 mazzard 3 multeity 4 monolith 5 glandiferous | |
74 | muscular weakness or debility |
1 lychnobite 2 myasthenia 3 brodequin 4 clonic 5 grimoire | |
75 | truck; trolley |
1 didelphous 2 molochize 3 tumulus 4 sycomancy 5 rolly | |
76 | exchange of nutriment in symbiotic relationship |
1 trophobiosis 2 boult 3 labarum 4 decumbent 5 lupulic | |
77 | instrument for measuring permeability |
1 mammiform 2 anzactile 3 nebulize 4 permeameter 5 distaff | |
78 | form of Oriental cymbal |
1 geoponic 2 eclogue 3 ailuromancy 4 zel 5 allantoid | |
79 | energetically or aggressively enterprising |
1 pushful 2 fossor 3 venatic 4 limner 5 storge | |
80 | riddle in which word is found from other words' letters |
1 cloque 2 writative 3 ostiolate 4 pernoctate 5 logogriph | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | divination using sleep |
1 cosmetology 2 narcomancy 3 geology 4 bridewell 5 indiscerptible | |
82 | holding or maintaining paradoxes |
1 decelerometer 2 paradoxology 3 hydrotaxis 4 tetramorph 5 dashpot | |
83 | shield on which coat of arms is represented |
1 carpal 2 subtend 3 diamant‚ 4 escutcheon 5 thermogenesis | |
84 | adit; draining-shaft |
1 stulm 2 amoretto 3 comity 4 mucedinous 5 foudroyant | |
85 | instrument for describing arcs of circles without compasses |
1 sibylline 2 matripotestal 3 cyclograph 4 plumigerous 5 balmorality | |
86 | one with a long shadow; one who inhabits polar regions |
1 apsidal 2 repetend 3 macroscian 4 zanze 5 fenestella | |
87 | person who takes care of horses at an inn and/or sells oats |
1 epistoler 2 ostler 3 epinician 4 geoponics 5 homonym | |
88 | headland |
1 housel 2 nigricant 3 malvaceous 4 ras 5 criticaster | |
89 | viewing an object with the naked eye |
1 macrography 2 radicle 3 aliphatic 4 sparable 5 toman | |
90 | science of commercial exchange |
1 feuilleton 2 catalactics 3 appersonation 4 stratocracy 5 sesquiplicate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | level |
1 complanate 2 eldritch 3 plectrum 4 hebetate 5 telson | |
92 | study of early Christianity |
1 patrology 2 gangue 3 outr‚ 4 heterogenesis 5 mollescent | |
93 | slovenly boorishness |
1 discommodious 2 fungous 3 xerodermia 4 grobianism 5 omniferous | |
94 | one who believes that the moon affects the weather |
1 autocracy 2 lunarist 3 entablature 4 dirigent 5 mazurka | |
95 | vigorous |
1 aberdevine 2 waldgrave 3 vegete 4 casern 5 archimime | |
96 | the act of buying; purchase |
1 emption 2 spoliative 3 brontology 4 marquisette 5 mulm | |
97 | instrument for measuring specific gravity or density |
1 isorropic 2 giganticide 3 predacean 4 pycnometer 5 prestigiator | |
98 | two short metrical syllables followed by one long one |
1 iconolagny 2 discission 3 saprodontia 4 undern 5 anapest | |
99 | sloping upwards |
1 cimier 2 geogenous 3 eremite 4 acclinate 5 drygulch | |
100 | excessive pride in one's city |
1 urbacity 2 immanent 3 pancyclopaedic 4 absolutism 5 digitate |