Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | of or relating to the depths of the ocean |
1 benthic 2 resiniferous 3 confute 4 lordolatry 5 dactyliology | |
2 | Spanish percussion instrument |
1 zambomba 2 tropism 3 orology 4 laystall 5 spatilomancy | |
3 | belief that ideas originate solely in sensation |
1 pandiculation 2 drung 3 sensationalism 4 disquisition 5 tubicinate | |
4 | instrument for boring holes; gimlet; auger |
1 hyperpyrexia 2 purificator 3 revalescent 4 endeixis 5 wimble | |
5 | antidote to poison |
1 phallephoric 2 mithridate 3 vara 4 derrick 5 nostrum | |
6 | of nets; using nets as a weapon; catching insects in webs |
1 platitudinarian 2 pessimum 3 anabasis 4 retiary 5 proscenium | |
7 | metal pin or bearing connecting rudder to a boat |
1 biocide 2 gudgeon 3 bastinade 4 tragus 5 microbiology | |
8 | old unit of land area equal to 1/4 acre |
1 inculpate 2 lacustrine 3 scutal 4 rood 5 respirometer | |
9 | girdle or girdle-like structure; priest's belt |
1 lyophilization 2 thermograph 3 mandibuliform 4 gage 5 cingulum | |
10 | coarse earthenware pan |
1 hepteris 2 tondo 3 ilicic 4 frap 5 panchion | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | exhilarating; merry |
1 soleiform 2 internecine 3 heartsome 4 hospitate 5 sticharion | |
12 | carnivorous; flesh-eating |
1 sevum 2 creatophagous 3 phocine 4 hula 5 ceraunomancy | |
13 | short; abbreviated; curtailed; early form of the bassoon |
1 curtal 2 unction 3 protogenist 4 vivers 5 jack-block | |
14 | light seen when the eyeball is pressed |
1 metaphysis 2 bibliopolist 3 phosphene 4 passible 5 graphomania | |
15 | instrument for measuring electrical activity in the retina |
1 electroretinograph 2 ecophobia 3 ovarious 4 obstreperous 5 mathesis | |
16 | study of archery |
1 matricular 2 toxophily 3 ecclesiolatry 4 kerseymere 5 tantivy | |
17 | telepathic |
1 monophysitism 2 disgarnish 3 mentatiferous 4 frigorific 5 hypertrichologist | |
18 | redness of body part due to excess blood |
1 oneirodynia 2 rubor 3 abscissa 4 siccimeter 5 exarch | |
19 | like a lawyer; underhanded and legalistic |
1 rosarium 2 leguleian 3 anserine 4 pelology 5 pluriserial | |
20 | engraving designs on wood with hot poker |
1 poplin 2 xylopyrography 3 spissated 4 corbeil 5 diagraphics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | shaped like a sac |
1 psychiasis 2 jark 3 sacciform 4 tegmen 5 definiens | |
22 | nimble; strong; courageous |
1 pollard 2 monomorphic 3 wight 4 supercalender 5 sinciput | |
23 | like or composed of rings |
1 armillary 2 semasiology 3 balize 4 springald 5 bourdon | |
24 | valedictory |
1 urbacity 2 subitaneous 3 nugatory 4 apopemptic 5 astrionics | |
25 | field fortification with two parapets meeting at an angle |
1 redan 2 alopecia 3 vigorish 4 rimose 5 hieroscopy | |
26 | study of physiology of animals |
1 filipendulous 2 umbraculiform 3 zoophysiology 4 acidaemia 5 seminivorous | |
27 | pertaining to underground water supplying or wells |
1 cambium 2 coadunate 3 phreatic 4 tachymetry 5 ampelidious | |
28 | book of private devotions |
1 saginate 2 mycology 3 orarium 4 diffarreation 5 pantopragmatic | |
29 | completely deaf |
1 anacusic 2 epigenesis 3 falderal 4 adamantine 5 ondograph | |
30 | state of contentment |
1 heliotaxis 2 eupathy 3 puccoon 4 sutorian 5 jentacular | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | partly serious and partly humorous |
1 syneidesis 2 veridical 3 pedary 4 seriocomic 5 decomplex | |
32 | extrasensory knowledge of past events |
1 ligneous 2 ceramography 3 rumchunder 4 dulciloquy 5 retrocognition | |
33 | inheritance by the last son |
1 thole 2 intercrural 3 oleiferous 4 mandriarch 5 ultimogeniture | |
34 | set of responses sung or said after liturgical reading |
1 projacient 2 burgee 3 eclogue 4 foul‚ 5 responsory | |
35 | myriad; ten thousand |
1 pedicle 2 toman 3 philology 4 solidum 5 bastion | |
36 | writer's cramp |
1 additament 2 pedary 3 vivarium 4 acaricide 5 graphospasm | |
37 | small lion used as a bearing |
1 lioncelle 2 obtruncate 3 pleonasm 4 hetairism 5 micturition | |
38 | structure on wing of airplane containing engine |
1 ailurophilia 2 aphologistic 3 nacelle 4 halieutics 5 aggrandize | |
39 | high birth or rank; equality of birth or status |
1 vendange 2 myriorama 3 arrogate 4 pusillanimous 5 parage | |
40 | artificer |
1 tubicornous 2 lias 3 imago 4 rhumb 5 opificer | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | lengthwise wooden or steel beam in ship for bearing stress |
1 keelson 2 ascham 3 tribuloid 4 macrography 5 anosmia | |
42 | tapered; pointed; to sharpen |
1 sciuroid 2 aphemia 3 pistology 4 acuminate 5 frescade | |
43 | use of a word to modify two or more words in different ways |
1 impacable 2 barrulet 3 zeugma 4 hypocorism 5 sparge | |
44 | piece of leather to protect a war horse's face |
1 purfle 2 holystone 3 accidence 4 urbicolous 5 chamfrain | |
45 | gout |
1 anencephalic 2 podagra 3 opisthograph 4 diastema 5 monochord | |
46 | complaining; peevish |
1 cyberphobia 2 phenogenesis 3 chevalet 4 querulous 5 rhizic | |
47 | anything spiral-shaped; twisted spirally |
1 cochlear 2 meritocracy 3 riffler 4 lurid 5 sedimentology | |
48 | plain white cotton |
1 calico 2 arachnology 3 personalia 4 splenetic 5 beestings | |
49 | in one line; in one row |
1 monostichous 2 versicoloured 3 dactyliomancy 4 radarscope 5 tromometer | |
50 | shaving |
1 calicular 2 omophagy 3 unisonous 4 azoth 5 pogonotomy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | having decayed spots concealed by healthy wood |
1 zorino 2 acinaciform 3 timenoguy 4 restiform 5 druxy | |
52 | instrument used for measuring specific gravity |
1 areometer 2 pareunia 3 topomancy 4 alow 5 splenitive | |
53 | bearing cones |
1 hypobole 2 vicarial 3 coniferous 4 agnosy 5 guignol | |
54 | loose overcoat |
1 colation 2 adenalgia 3 brisure 4 coterie 5 paletot | |
55 | sea-green; greyish-blue |
1 columbaceous 2 pleonectic 3 glaucous 4 synaesthesia 5 mel | |
56 | act of pulling or rendering apart or away |
1 stibialism 2 divulsion 3 popple 4 stichology 5 rebus | |
57 | prehistoric structure or tomb of unhewn stones |
1 epistoler 2 triforium 3 compendious 4 arrestant 5 dolmen | |
58 | prayer service held at 9 a.m. |
1 subrident 2 terce 3 monostylar 4 electroretinograph 5 amoret | |
59 | boy-servant |
1 flaught 2 parbuckle 3 fardel 4 gorsoon 5 nef | |
60 | of the nature of a plane; flat; plane-shaped |
1 homaloidal 2 quean 3 multipotent 4 paedogenesis 5 garbology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | pertaining to a grandparent |
1 aval 2 phemic 3 rath 4 wrawl 5 pauciloquent | |
62 | shaped like a net |
1 retiform 2 enantiodromia 3 paraselene 4 coenaesthesis 5 amende | |
63 | shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring |
1 mizzenmast 2 groundage 3 proband 4 telary 5 toroid | |
64 | sense of vision |
1 postexilic 2 photaesthesia 3 pelasgic 4 optology 5 sudor | |
65 | study of orchids |
1 heteronym 2 radioscope 3 orchidology 4 ossein 5 holoptic | |
66 | prefect of a school |
1 topaz 2 architrave 3 sciaphobia 4 notaphily 5 praepostor | |
67 | shaped like a leaf |
1 sigla 2 treenail 3 phylliform 4 relƒche 5 isogloss | |
68 | to line with stone |
1 hyetal 2 parous 3 aurifex 4 pupate 5 steen | |
69 | woman living in a community under a religious rule |
1 beloid 2 sigmoid 3 cacology 4 canoness 5 alphenic | |
70 | fear of being dirty |
1 automysophobia 2 cosmotheism 3 deuteroscopy 4 noosphere 5 winglet | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | short ecclesiastical vestment worn by bishop or subdeacon |
1 predacean 2 lanyard 3 helminth 4 lineament 5 tunicle | |
72 | fear of the night or darkness |
1 cometology 2 decaudate 3 d‚sobligeante 4 duenna 5 nyctophobia | |
73 | reddish brown |
1 pangamy 2 bradyseism 3 fanion 4 russet 5 marigenous | |
74 | marsh; miasma |
1 ratten 2 maremma 3 thermometrograph 4 sciaphobia 5 replevin | |
75 | instrument for examining interior of the stomach |
1 radiology 2 gastroscope 3 urogenous 4 scalariform 5 steen | |
76 | unlucky; ill-omened |
1 dirigent 2 infaust 3 martyrolatry 4 urd‚ 5 undinism | |
77 | a font, a temple or shrine having a font |
1 piscine 2 metallogenic 3 knick-knackatory 4 introrse 5 delubrum | |
78 | thin and tough |
1 quetzal 2 surquedry 3 odontograph 4 glirine 5 scarious | |
79 | an eavesdropper |
1 umbriferous 2 gouache 3 insectifuge 4 burrole 5 parvipotent | |
80 | forked |
1 pluviograph 2 abature 3 furcate 4 psychosophy 5 quersprung | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of systems of writing |
1 grammatology 2 psilanthropism 3 solatium 4 laicisation 5 favonian | |
82 | soft woollen or wool and cotton cloth |
1 pleonectic 2 gilliver 3 merino 4 magianism 5 philoxenia | |
83 | forked; with two branches |
1 biramous 2 anosmia 3 molimen 4 bdelloid 5 malleiform | |
84 | one to whom property is bequeathed in a will |
1 agamogenesis 2 constate 3 ochlocracy 4 protervity 5 devisee | |
85 | able to turn both backwards and forwards; double-jointed |
1 scaphoid 2 amphibolic 3 epitoga 4 reduit 5 pandemic | |
86 | of the colour of rust; impregnated with iron |
1 ferruginous 2 barnard 3 uletic 4 necrographer 5 tumultuary | |
87 | blindness |
1 lugubrious 2 beldam 3 coadunate 4 cecity 5 unguiform | |
88 | study of war |
1 insouciance 2 acarpous 3 passivate 4 baryphonic 5 polemology | |
89 | thickened |
1 embase 2 adventive 3 nutricial 4 discinct 5 spissated | |
90 | paramour; prostitute; concubine |
1 cosmism 2 zorino 3 d‚gringolade 4 hetaera 5 manumission | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | repetition of a word at beginning of successive phrases for emphasis |
1 inaurate 2 impignorate 3 doomster 4 whang 5 anaphora | |
92 | made of or pertaining to nickel |
1 triphibious 2 niccolic 3 complicant 4 objicient 5 preconize | |
93 | conical pile of hay in a field |
1 haycock 2 fluorimeter 3 somatotrophic 4 psychroaesthesia 5 malgr‚ | |
94 | like a sickle |
1 nonpareil 2 drepanoid 3 chimerical 4 thurible 5 colubrine | |
95 | short-tailed, long-haired monkey |
1 stigmatic 2 promachos 3 gauss 4 uakari 5 vespoid | |
96 | to send into the country; to banish to rural areas |
1 rusticate 2 isostasy 3 pediform 4 seismoscope 5 aurantiaceous | |
97 | enwrapping; curved downward or inward |
1 paranymph 2 obvolvent 3 illiquation 4 austringer 5 nigricant | |
98 | to add extra sugar to wine to raise alcohol content |
1 nacket 2 equiparate 3 chaptalize 4 cupel 5 sporicide | |
99 | numbness experienced upon awakening |
1 phonendoscope 2 voltameter 3 acropodium 4 narcohypnia 5 scurriour | |
100 | jacket and trousers worn by practitioner of judo |
1 judogi 2 casern 3 bight 4 poltroon 5 cotyliform |