Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | study of the sense of smell |
1 ecdemic 2 fremitus 3 trophotropism 4 olfactology 5 wastelot | |
2 | resistance to being penetrated |
1 pulvillar 2 antitypy 3 tractile 4 galop 5 wisket | |
3 | study of organisms as affected by climate |
1 fucivorous 2 dromestoners 3 phenology 4 cenacle 5 ailurophilia | |
4 | instrument for measuring variations in gravitational fields |
1 hygiology 2 facultative 3 radiciform 4 prosy 5 gravimeter | |
5 | careful guidance; leading by hand |
1 transuranic 2 senescent 3 filiopietistic 4 toroid 5 manuduction | |
6 | therapeutics |
1 roadster 2 thereology 3 flounce 4 bacciferous 5 equiponderate | |
7 | latent |
1 venireman 2 accosted 3 ambit 4 delitescent 5 petary | |
8 | giving laws; legislative |
1 eristic 2 saltant 3 radiesthesia 4 nomothetical 5 oroide | |
9 | making use of natural or social processes for a goal |
1 nootropics 2 telesis 3 anfractuous 4 sanative 5 peregal | |
10 | shaped like a mandible or jaw-bone |
1 scobiform 2 emacity 3 quadrifoliate 4 notitia 5 mandibuliform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | study of slugs |
1 limacology 2 claviform 3 beatster 4 demephitise 5 tetrachromatic | |
12 | second mowing of grass in the same season; aftermath |
1 rowen 2 intumesce 3 suicidology 4 fossulate 5 quenouille | |
13 | circular temple with one ring of columns |
1 lampion 2 monopteron 3 illinition 4 peregrinity 5 desquamate | |
14 | swimming on the back |
1 locomobile 2 revehent 3 svedberg 4 tacheometer 5 notonectal | |
15 | for preliminary deliberation |
1 mammiferous 2 probouleutic 3 purfle 4 sackbut 5 gnosticism | |
16 | glass display case |
1 mollescent 2 poliosis 3 lupicide 4 hydrospace 5 vitrine | |
17 | motion towards light |
1 photodromy 2 villeggiatura 3 sempiternal 4 cakewalk 5 cavernulous | |
18 | point at which any condition is least favourable |
1 murdrum 2 puckery 3 pessimum 4 trin 5 grisaille | |
19 | fish-eating |
1 doxastic 2 cimicide 3 minium 4 stretcher 5 piscivorous | |
20 | indecently erotic; lecherous |
1 woggle 2 salacious 3 vespacide 4 sederunt 5 benedict | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | paste for making false gems |
1 allicient 2 slumberous 3 metensomatosis 4 cacolet 5 strass | |
22 | cheer |
1 kenophobia 2 eclipsis 3 chirk 4 heliosciophyte 5 volucrine | |
23 | long thin branch or twig |
1 vimen 2 ruthful 3 columbaceous 4 proxemics 5 visive | |
24 | incubator for babies |
1 gaposis 2 couveuse 3 psychaesthesia 4 rou‚ 5 parodinia | |
25 | domestication of animals |
1 britska 2 zooculture 3 lecithal 4 jitterbug 5 opisometer | |
26 | moulding around a panel |
1 thurl 2 drepaniform 3 buccan 4 bolection 5 cardiograph | |
27 | ridge of sandy soil |
1 pharmacognosy 2 dolichocephalic 3 aethrioscope 4 esker 5 coronach | |
28 | undersurface of an arch or vault |
1 lugubrious 2 prepone 3 intrados 4 paroemia 5 pavonian | |
29 | a chamberpot |
1 gymnosophy 2 berceuse 3 paromology 4 jordan 5 uneath | |
30 | foretaste |
1 oratory 2 pregustation 3 epedaphic 4 deictic 5 columella | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | mezzanine |
1 entresol 2 telesis 3 vermicular 4 angstrom 5 septemfluous | |
32 | polecat |
1 foumart 2 cilice 3 weatherometer 4 monomachy 5 bore | |
33 | bath-sponge |
1 molossus 2 absolutory 3 necrotic 4 zimocca 5 perissosyllabic | |
34 | sanctuary; asylum |
1 ephectic 2 manqu‚ 3 metempsychosis 4 isometric 5 grith | |
35 | drink of black currant syrup and white wine |
1 kir 2 transumption 3 cardophagus 4 perfervid 5 misogallic | |
36 | boastful; bragging |
1 siderognost 2 thrasonic 3 declinometer 4 emunctory 5 contranatant | |
37 | producing greenness |
1 misoneism 2 decession 3 ratihabition 4 doxastic 5 viridigenous | |
38 | pertaining to sea creatures who spend time in fresh water |
1 siserary 2 obturate 3 solifidianism 4 virason 5 halolimnic | |
39 | to give birth to piglets |
1 sabot 2 farrow 3 unzymotic 4 formicate 5 dedans | |
40 | a crash |
1 bolection 2 phanic 3 bathykolpian 4 strophosis 5 fragor | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | becoming gradually less |
1 decrescent 2 psychogenetics 3 morganatic 4 aplanatic 5 undeify | |
42 | very cold |
1 paranymph 2 lasher 3 subboreal 4 vicennial 5 puce | |
43 | grooved; pitted |
1 exility 2 fossulate 3 tropophyte 4 improvident 5 procellous | |
44 | pertaining to the spleen |
1 splenic 2 hylomorphism 3 lugubrious 4 forisfamiliate 5 macular | |
45 | collection of gratuities to be divided out later |
1 immission 2 tronc 3 isogloss 4 utricle 5 floromancy | |
46 | beatified man |
1 phrontistery 2 beatus 3 zoopery 4 photodromy 5 araneiform | |
47 | healing wounds |
1 fanfaronade 2 haussmannize 3 vulnerary 4 chelonian 5 exgorgitation | |
48 | accidental omission of letter or syllable in wrting |
1 causerie 2 humectation 3 lipography 4 tabescent 5 sialic | |
49 | fixed state; stability; permanence |
1 thecate 2 upbuilding 3 fixity 4 dornick 5 hydrokinetics | |
50 | bearing cells |
1 superhumeral 2 bourdon 3 isodynamic 4 sederunt 5 celliferous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | revenge; policy directed towards recovery of territory |
1 cipolin 2 revanche 3 apsidal 4 entryism 5 camerated | |
52 | to rain in small drops |
1 seiche 2 mizzle 3 intercipient 4 supra 5 prore | |
53 | instrument for finding size of object by measuring its image |
1 iconometer 2 revanche 3 drysalter 4 aby 5 assiduity | |
54 | dog-like; canine |
1 interactionism 2 cynoid 3 lupiform 4 jaculiferous 5 coliform | |
55 | part of an anchor that fastens in the ground |
1 aubade 2 phylactic 3 apparitor 4 hiemal 5 fluke | |
56 | twinkling |
1 renal 2 nightpiece 3 arbrolatry 4 scintillescent 5 calyx | |
57 | of the form or shape of gas; gaseous |
1 photophile 2 telespectroscope 3 sordor 4 aeriform 5 ormolu | |
58 | to block up; to stop up |
1 oppilate 2 chancel 3 iceblink 4 merdivorous 5 chersonese | |
59 | to desanctify; to deprive of sacred status |
1 exaugurate 2 laveer 3 uranophobia 4 primage 5 misbeseem | |
60 | tumult |
1 erubescent 2 aerobe 3 presentient 4 romage 5 classis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | marked by fullness and clarity of sound; pompous |
1 cruet 2 orotund 3 bibelot 4 frith 5 hortatory | |
62 | deduction; conclusion or corollary; consequent |
1 contraposition 2 consectary 3 tegulated 4 occlusion 5 antigalactic | |
63 | indicating causation by |
1 mimetic 2 fictile 3 causative 4 portreeve 5 dextroduction | |
64 | ferry |
1 achromatopsia 2 atimy 3 quaestor 4 tranect 5 sulcal | |
65 | public esteem; honour |
1 izzat 2 patten 3 bisontine 4 apical 5 inaurate | |
66 | having only one horn |
1 monocerous 2 expostulate 3 clithridiate 4 ichthyoid 5 rhinocerial | |
67 | metal point attached to a lace or string |
1 cabotage 2 linsey 3 aglet 4 lethe 5 joss | |
68 | exuberant; abundant |
1 profluent 2 palmary 3 zoophagy 4 diesis 5 policlinic | |
69 | over-refined |
1 zaftig 2 nubiform 3 alembicated 4 gnosis 5 raptus | |
70 | bearing zinc |
1 zinkiferous 2 pseudoautochiria 3 polythalamous 4 simony 5 forfaiting | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | obliqueness |
1 abaculus 2 obliquation 3 pulverous 4 potichomania 5 terrine | |
72 | part of the stage in front of the curtain |
1 worcester 2 lollop 3 orpiment 4 pasquinade 5 proscenium | |
73 | good order |
1 eutaxy 2 equilibrist 3 proprioception 4 ventana 5 suede | |
74 | instrument for cleaning the ear |
1 jongleur 2 aurilave 3 canoness 4 cimelia 5 sciuroid | |
75 | to decorate with rubrics; to illuminate a manuscript |
1 malfeasance 2 columbaceous 3 vinaceous 4 primogenous 5 miniate | |
76 | devotion to church rules over religious precepts |
1 ophiolatry 2 aurulent 3 odontalgia 4 gallet 5 churchism | |
77 | emitting a usually pleasant smell |
1 inflorescence 2 scholion 3 odoriferous 4 gigantomachy 5 mediagenic | |
78 | omission of sound or letter from a word |
1 lollop 2 instructive 3 steen 4 tempestive 5 hyphaeresis | |
79 | a simpleton |
1 febrifuge 2 scutage 3 acidulous 4 juggins 5 vervelle | |
80 | act of cutting a leech to increase its suction |
1 substratose 2 thearchy 3 bdellotomy 4 technopole 5 planigraph | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of excrement or obscene literature |
1 radiology 2 scatology 3 ophism 4 hydromania 5 simplism | |
82 | rolled back at the edges |
1 paradoxology 2 plash 3 scalpeliform 4 revolute 5 purlieu | |
83 | small token or ticket; block of stone used in mosaic; password |
1 penial 2 setline 3 hagiarchy 4 tessera 5 ineluctable | |
84 | soft cheese made from skim milk |
1 quark 2 malm 3 clinophilia 4 trucidation 5 paraphasia | |
85 | curved cut in edge of sail for preventing chafing |
1 somnipathy 2 biens‚ance 3 attainder 4 numismatics 5 roach | |
86 | study of the feet |
1 podology 2 porosis 3 procacity 4 thereon 5 bonify | |
87 | crescent-shaped |
1 lunate 2 chauffer 3 intempestive 4 hepatic 5 chronomancy | |
88 | instrument for measuring viscosity |
1 keraunoscopia 2 kentledge 3 indiscerptible 4 viscometer 5 zymotic | |
89 | person who has no particular belief |
1 quenelle 2 circumfuse 3 nothingarian 4 bavardage 5 pregustation | |
90 | surrounding a centre or central body |
1 cynegetic 2 diptote 3 systatic 4 pericentral 5 tunicle | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | place where frogs are kept |
1 wherry 2 futurition 3 matutinal 4 ranarium 5 revest | |
92 | study of watercourses |
1 gaff-topsail 2 autosoterism 3 quatint 4 trepanation 5 fluviology | |
93 | bearing gum |
1 perlocution 2 lubricity 3 gummiferous 4 adnascent 5 credence | |
94 | chess blockade |
1 attingent 2 limoniad 3 runagate 4 zugzwang 5 pastance | |
95 | to decide; to award |
1 provenance 2 adjudge 3 ala 4 conglutinate 5 dyslogia | |
96 | producing or causing a sensation |
1 aesthesiogenic 2 retrenchment 3 xylocarp 4 athanor 5 amyous | |
97 | study of gums |
1 brocken 2 procatalectic 3 periodontics 4 orography 5 parodinia | |
98 | pertaining to virgins |
1 acritochromacy 2 chandelle 3 galericulate 4 symptomatology 5 parthenian | |
99 | study of investigating bodies of water |
1 hydrography 2 spectrohelioscope 3 atelier 4 postulant 5 counterphobic | |
100 | producing live young |
1 viviparous 2 bidenticulate 3 sanbenito 4 slade 5 astriction |