Quiz 45 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 compass point 1 timbal
2 outr‚
3 rhumb
4 acrotism
5 nephrolith
2 brownish silk fabric 1 fipple
2 ideophone
3 podoscaph
4 mutative
5 tussah
3 extensive in time or length 1 trabecula
2 coprostatis
3 protensive
4 caboched
5 prelibation
4 divination by inspecting fish entrails 1 cancerophobia
2 xanthodont
3 amniomancy
4 ichthyomancy
5 antimony
5 room where the Last Supper was eaten 1 prestriction
2 cenacle
3 polarimeter
4 oscillometer
5 nomothetical
6 sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling 1 gray
2 scobiform
3 lacunar
4 rhinal
5 weatherometer
7 to reason falsely 1 paralogise
2 rufous
3 scutiger
4 mammothrept
5 bicorn
8 having both male and female reproductive organs 1 gantline
2 foursquare
3 monoecious
4 geophyte
5 deipotent
9 doctrine that nothing can be known 1 quadrat
2 siderization
3 dinomania
4 academicism
5 steen
10 agricultural labourer 1 bywoner
2 truculent
3 orthopraxis
4 sapid
5 woolage
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 freckle 1 ismatic
2 kennebecker
3 skean
4 lentigo
5 aphologistic
12 crimson 1 costive
2 eructate
3 plerophory
4 modena
5 tessellation
13 curve traced by a fixed point in plane of a circle 1 locutory
2 trochoid
3 habilatory
4 anthropolatry
5 serratic
14 continuation of the sense of a verse without pause 1 hercogamy
2 intercalary
3 afforce
4 enjambment
5 perficient
15 clamorous 1 excalation
2 promachos
3 vociferant
4 lithomancy
5 limosis
16 tomb consisting of stone chest covered with stone slabs 1 gleet
2 opsomania
3 cathexis
4 pandemic
5 cist
17 occuring in both hemispheres of the brain or body 1 lutose
2 amphigean
3 appersonation
4 quiddany
5 filemot
18 clouded or tinged with brown; obscured; cloudy brown colour 1 hansom
2 infuscate
3 sphygmodic
4 halitus
5 exactor
19 things to be kept hidden 1 luminiferous
2 nectarivorous
3 amyous
4 languescent
5 cryptadia
20 to press or urge with repeated requests 1 proemptosis
2 importune
3 saltationism
4 seel
5 omnism
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs 1 groundage
2 comiphorous
3 navette
4 ocarina
5 panspermatism
22 creating; formative 1 splenium
2 soign‚
3 billon
4 creant
5 chrism
23 verse foot of three long syllables 1 molossus
2 diorthosis
3 sericulture
4 stentorian
5 intervolve
24 pocket notecase or wallet 1 pochette
2 catalactics
3 malmsey
4 situla
5 apositia
25 groove in window pane into which glass is set 1 coleopterology
2 tranchet
3 psychognosy
4 manometer
5 fillister
26 stone passing through a wall from face to face 1 culver
2 obtundent
3 photogyric
4 perscrutation
5 papren
27 resemblance due to convergent evolution 1 perruquier
2 lucifugous
3 almoner
4 homoplasty
5 tussock
28 having borne only one child 1 casefy
2 killas
3 bellarmine
4 mogadore
5 primiparous
29 cutting open the skull 1 kinetics
2 trepanation
3 storge
4 mechanolatry
5 embayment
30 intermittent spring of water 1 saxicolous
2 stifle
3 paracoitus
4 morne
5 winterbourne
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 rice-eating 1 oryzivorous
2 berge
3 incondite
4 captation
5 pyrognomic
32 the act of giving figure or form 1 flagellantism
2 figuration
3 whang
4 occamy
5 carfax
33 academic introduction to a subject 1 teletactor
2 isagoge
3 radiosonde
4 indign
5 splenium
34 the pulse 1 ideogram
2 bassinet
3 sphygmus
4 decession
5 alow
35 sugary candy used in medicine 1 alphenic
2 graphomania
3 decumbent
4 chanticleer
5 rectitudinous
36 to dream 1 bilge
2 amphimixis
3 somniate
4 animastic
5 contumacious
37 instrument for spreading ink in printing 1 thelitis
2 theca
3 castophrenia
4 brayer
5 gramercy
38 waning sexual desire due to age 1 shimmy
2 timbrology
3 pavid
4 terrine
5 obsolagnium
39 love of darkness 1 waterwork
2 thalassometer
3 lygophilia
4 orphrey
5 xylomancy
40 having breasts 1 mammiferous
2 splenic
3 ophiasis
4 howbeit
5 coniaker
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 not easily fused 1 dystectic
2 ferulaceous
3 doppio
4 procathedral
5 prosodic
42 striped earthworm used as fishing bait 1 salpiform
2 neolagnium
3 unberufen
4 brandling
5 bracciale
43 hiccuping; suffering from hiccups 1 rheometer
2 setiferous
3 fustilarian
4 entomical
5 singultous
44 love of archery; archery 1 toxophily
2 punctule
3 vitilitigation
4 oscillometer
5 textuary
45 doctrine of the miraculous origin of life 1 thaumatogeny
2 syllabatim
3 cephalophore
4 glomerate
5 tribology
46 instrument for measuring reflectance of radiant energy 1 rhinocerial
2 comminute
3 lithoglyph
4 grith
5 reflectometer
47 sleeveless ecclesiastical garment 1 plethysmograph
2 chasuble
3 lethologica
4 assoil
5 agrize
48 bright yellow 1 vitellary
2 orangery
3 diplomatics
4 domal
5 thermoplagia
49 study of symptoms of illness 1 electrodynamometer
2 pappus
3 servilism
4 symptomatology
5 lunarist
50 preaching of the Christian gospel 1 pomander
2 kerygma
3 pieta
4 aquamanile
5 agnize
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 shaped like the letter S 1 anthropolith
2 annodated
3 ergophobia
4 cismontane
5 isagogic
52 household gods of a Roman family 1 acceptilation
2 infra
3 penates
4 pinder
5 matins
53 shaped like a net or lattice 1 leiotrichous
2 zabaglione
3 clathrate
4 phanic
5 milleflori
54 magic wand 1 ashlar
2 rhabdos
3 anoesis
4 armomancy
5 serein
55 wearing a toga; dignified 1 afflated
2 togated
3 klaxon
4 binnacle
5 bacciform
56 of or relating to gestures 1 montre
2 bickern
3 nemoral
4 gestic
5 nutarian
57 group of four cities 1 cariole
2 layette
3 impedimentary
4 tetrapolis
5 phosphene
58 excessive zeal for action or activity 1 fuji
2 paleaceous
3 dioptric
4 poimenic
5 hyperbulia
59 to expose to moisture; to soak; to soften by soaking 1 encephalograph
2 oscillograph
3 ret
4 etymon
5 harridan
60 sooty; dusky 1 damoiseau
2 fossick
3 antevenient
4 lancinate
5 fuliginous
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 woody coal 1 formicate
2 nutricial
3 diffident
4 lignite
5 alexipharmic
62 waxing 1 topsail
2 diamant‚
3 purline
4 demisang
5 increscent
63 knapsack 1 tapinosis
2 kennebecker
3 barbate
4 misoneism
5 pyrgology
64 lying flat on the back 1 supine
2 grandiloquent
3 peccancy
4 cadastre
5 taeniate
65 posterior; behind 1 dactylogram
2 dulcifluous
3 hypostasis
4 postjacent
5 spinigerous
66 unit of work for quantifying industrial operations 1 therblig
2 altarage
3 tremulous
4 tetrarchy
5 gromatic
67 divination from the movements of mice 1 pavane
2 crinoline
3 neomorphic
4 hypsiloid
5 myomancy
68 ring of dots around edge of a coin 1 stillion
2 sertule
3 telenergy
4 engrailment
5 salamandroid
69 straight-necked distillation vessel or flask 1 surplice
2 orthography
3 polymythy
4 bolthead
5 atpatruus
70 a trifle or minor thing 1 scytodepsic
2 doit
3 cinerarium
4 infructuous
5 abraid
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 column shaped like female figure 1 caryatid
2 nainsook
3 tectonic
4 votive
5 encaustic
72 of or near the midriff 1 radicle
2 neophrastic
3 aphthong
4 redolent
5 phrenic
73 letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops 1 burlap
2 oculus
3 encyclical
4 evulse
5 umbraculiform
74 study of or treatise concerning opium 1 altricial
2 metasthenic
3 saurophagous
4 meconology
5 discinct
75 upward throw; material thrown up 1 rhabdomancy
2 h‚riss‚
3 octamerous
4 upcast
5 anticryptic
76 provisioner; quartermaster 1 kep
2 wurst
3 acatour
4 quadrivium
5 keffel
77 ingrown nail 1 iamatology
2 onyxis
3 esurient
4 figuline
5 arborescent
78 one who is neutral politically 1 afflated
2 mugwump
3 amasthenic
4 physiurgic
5 yarpha
79 mixed wool and silk or mohair and cotton fabric 1 cavernulous
2 revie
3 alepine
4 emissile
5 catachresis
80 writing supposedly produced under influence of spirits 1 psychogram
2 uliginous
3 applanate
4 synallagmatic
5 oleograph
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 to quiver 1 warray
2 bolar
3 jeremiad
4 tressilate
5 tinction
82 shaped like the nostrils 1 nariform
2 pestology
3 jaunce
4 rident
5 escapology
83 of or relating to a nychthemeron or 24-hour period 1 staysail
2 stabile
3 nychthemeral
4 verbid
5 geoscopy
84 focusing light rays to a single point 1 baragouin
2 antibromic
3 deuteropathy
4 amasthenic
5 gibbet
85 sweet-sounding 1 bletherskate
2 triduum
3 mellisonant
4 asseveration
5 solidary
86 fear of homosexuals 1 homophobia
2 orant
3 grobianism
4 vasculature
5 vulnerose
87 alliteration 1 resipiscence
2 farinose
3 venireman
4 crepon
5 paromoeon
88 ship's customs warrant for clearing goods 1 turnverein
2 strigate
3 transire
4 theomastix
5 iconoclasm
89 instrument measuring amount of substance released in electrolysis 1 jural
2 coulometer
3 salacious
4 hora
5 secus
90 negligence or undue delay in fulfilling legal duty 1 laches
2 muliebrile
3 metallogeny
4 lyophilization
5 munting
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 to comment critically on; to censure 1 zarzuela
2 animadvert
3 frontogenesis
4 ophiuran
5 serment
92 irresistible desire to repeat certain words 1 onomatomania
2 horripilation
3 naissant
4 matrical
5 exanimate
93 church office dealing with legal matters and archives 1 chancery
2 ossiferous
3 synesis
4 gemmation
5 gallipot
94 to gird or surround; belt worn around ecclesiastical vestment 1 hyetal
2 cincture
3 coprophemia
4 metaphysics
5 decalescence
95 commentator; writer of marginal notes 1 subhastation
2 scholiast
3 aspergillum
4 glossoid
5 aculeiform
96 pendant, dependency or appendage 1 oriform
2 querent
3 bathykolpian
4 pendicle
5 vivat
97 pertaining to period between sleep and wakefulness 1 phacochoerine
2 zoolatry
3 hypnopompic
4 partim
5 sporicide
98 legally competent in all matters 1 pejorate
2 omnicompetent
3 catoptric
4 whichsoever
5 traduce
99 book containing religious rites, especially for ordination 1 ordinal
2 raticide
3 percoct
4 interrex
5 hypotrichosis
100 admission of sin or guilt 1 acronyx
2 rosin
3 tog
4 summate
5 peccavi
  by Mosh   Suggestions?