Quiz 46 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions 1 gaff
2 cricoid
3 videlicet
4 crateriform
5 titanism
2 study of phrases 1 caducary
2 miscegene
3 quatrefoil
4 phraseology
5 immerge
3 bearing an axe 1 securigerous
2 Rabelaisian
3 cathetometer
4 moirologist
5 evanish
4 inability to speak 1 aphrasia
2 spado
3 scoria
4 periclinal
5 stiction
5 oath 1 serment
2 metachrosis
3 gawdelpus
4 forcipiform
5 relume
6 punched; pierced; slit 1 dendrolatry
2 sporogenesis
3 rhinogenous
4 pertuse
5 exponible
7 study of handwriting 1 eleutherian
2 graphology
3 cloison
4 cofferdam
5 fluorimeter
8 consenting to a course of action which requires risk 1 nosism
2 whittle
3 boman
4 porphyrogenitic
5 volens
9 to sparkle; to throw off flashes of light 1 astrogeology
2 skeletogenous
3 coruscate
4 pangram
5 arrendator
10 to pass through a chrysalis stage 1 proctor
2 pupate
3 hordeiform
4 sparge
5 dudgeon
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 incense-bearing 1 sororal
2 xenial
3 thuriferous
4 allemain
5 gangway
12 treatment with many medicines 1 tabefaction
2 viridian
3 captious
4 scud
5 polypharmacy
13 addition of a sound to end of word 1 purpresture
2 paragoge
3 quixotic
4 gaumless
5 flaught
14 boldness of speech 1 ondograph
2 zoopery
3 parrhesia
4 onomatous
5 anent
15 verisimilitude 1 postcenal
2 malleation
3 garner
4 contect
5 vraisemblance
16 pack horse; beast of burden 1 athymia
2 sumpter
3 corrigendum
4 loess
5 hippophobe
17 lying on one's front or one's belly 1 orthobiosis
2 ventricumbent
3 multifid
4 thermopile
5 quaquaversal
18 libertine 1 acedia
2 syncline
3 interamnian
4 thelemite
5 equipoise
19 seller of dry goods and chemicals 1 philosophaster
2 zoomimetic
3 funest
4 drysalter
5 telamon
20 jet black 1 bartisan
2 atrous
3 psychopathology
4 nummary
5 patible
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 picture-writing 1 arithmancy
2 semic
3 quadrireme
4 pogonology
5 curiology
22 to make a log spin by walking on it 1 calorifacient
2 stang
3 birl
4 vitriolic
5 hippometer
23 art of constructing sundials or clocks 1 auxology
2 vesuvian
3 carnification
4 catarolysis
5 horography
24 didactic; pertaining to education or teaching 1 biddery
2 pardoner
3 windthrow
4 bressummer
5 didascalic
25 collection of preserved plants and herbs 1 mulct
2 subserve
3 herbarium
4 reboant
5 geostrophic
26 hairiness 1 patible
2 prosopography
3 georgic
4 hirsuties
5 immortelle
27 named; called; to command or call 1 pratincolous
2 tucket
3 hight
4 neophrastic
5 unberufen
28 to decorate wood or metal with small dots or punctures 1 cribble
2 jollyboat
3 conchomancy
4 pauciloquent
5 bacillicide
29 a small wing 1 phygogalactic
2 linchpin
3 winglet
4 dal
5 clarence
30 soft fine sheer fabric 1 toparch
2 isohel
3 hexamerous
4 voile
5 circinate
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 basin which becomes a shallow lake after heavy rainfall 1 nacket
2 playa
3 pogonotrophy
4 lampadephore
5 retrovert
32 watery foul discharge from wounds or sores 1 sanies
2 kyle
3 insculp
4 caitiff
5 misoclere
33 subjected to excessive strain; overstrained 1 postliminary
2 hypodynamia
3 consentient
4 epitonic
5 mordent
34 conjunction 1 oxyblepsia
2 crystalomancy
3 morne
4 peristerophily
5 unition
35 unit of magnetic flux density equal to 1/10000 tesla 1 sarment
2 gauss
3 r‚clame
4 erg
5 whitherward
36 work stoppage or slump 1 ch“mage
2 tachyscope
3 irrefrangible
4 adversative
5 knackish
37 of an army or armies 1 penetralia
2 kakorrhaphiophobia
3 cliometrics
4 rostelliform
5 stratonic
38 pathologically great appetite 1 wistly
2 smegmatic
3 maltster
4 cerements
5 acoria
39 bearing a shield 1 turophile
2 peltiferous
3 nidus
4 spirograph
5 araneous
40 neighbour whose house is on fire 1 ucalegon
2 pennate
3 thersitical
4 briarean
5 shag
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 bearing tubers 1 sycosis
2 deasil
3 cavernicolous
4 pyroballogy
5 tuberiferous
42 sounding of the earth by boring 1 anagnorisis
2 pseudologue
3 bordure
4 sondation
5 roturier
43 unit of length equal to one quadrillionth of a metre 1 stockinette
2 caecity
3 fermi
4 pneumatophany
5 matrical
44 drawing up of legal documents 1 poleyn
2 muliebrile
3 symbolaeography
4 lief
5 clavigerous
45 living on only one host or source of food 1 batrachivorous
2 univorous
3 tetramorph
4 tentation
5 strephosymbolia
46 not well put together; poorly constructed 1 consenescence
2 piceous
3 roach
4 incondite
5 guidon
47 indifference; apathy 1 insouciance
2 sealine
3 scepsis
4 viameter
5 palmarian
48 doctrine that we live in an irrational universe 1 sadogue
2 devall
3 lienal
4 absurdism
5 cyanotype
49 sleeveless jacket worn beneath a hauberk 1 erotopathy
2 udometer
3 jupon
4 definiens
5 peripteral
50 concise but comprehensive 1 compendious
2 acuminate
3 weatherly
4 mamelon
5 deferrise
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 lie; falsehood; nonsense; fib 1 batology
2 delenda
3 panchion
4 circumvallate
5 tarradiddle
52 flamelike marking 1 wergild
2 grosgrain
3 autophobia
4 flammulation
5 acinaciform
53 garden laid out in a decorative way 1 williwaw
2 potager
3 pucelage
4 nankeen
5 sacerdotal
54 gall stone 1 dragoon
2 dramaturgy
3 chololith
4 bathysmal
5 ventage
55 edict; proclamation by an autocratic government 1 synaloepha
2 decurrent
3 postiche
4 pterospermous
5 ukase
56 instrument for measuring specific gravity 1 stereometer
2 genesic
3 cephalonomancy
4 absolutive
5 tog
57 between the eyebrows 1 interciliary
2 cybernate
3 menstruum
4 iatrology
5 polyaemia
58 flameless 1 aphologistic
2 sord
3 rufous
4 synastry
5 commination
59 intercepting 1 intercipient
2 factitive
3 parapraxis
4 coaming
5 mentatiferous
60 having no gravity; relating to the condition of zero-gravity 1 sitiophobia
2 palmate
3 braccate
4 pannage
5 agravic
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 unit of magnetomotive force 1 gilbert
2 monopolylogue
3 monology
4 subboreal
5 horometry
62 of next month 1 cervicorn
2 tritical
3 revie
4 proximo
5 truculent
63 wash-basin for washing bodies of newly dead; room where lavabo kept 1 lavatory
2 obitual
3 bossa-nova
4 treenail
5 inapt
64 revolving movement; convolution; whorl 1 volution
2 isoseismal
3 excorticate
4 delope
5 trigonometer
65 condensation trail 1 triticeous
2 scobiform
3 kitthoge
4 contrail
5 potamic
66 superfluous; redundant; futile; useless; functionless; idle 1 notalgia
2 thereoid
3 otiose
4 stonk
5 carceral
67 device transforming light into sound 1 prescind
2 nacarat
3 optophone
4 bismer
5 hypotrichosis
68 vessel for holy oil or wine for coronations or rituals 1 fusillation
2 fagottist
3 xenodocheionology
4 choanoid
5 ampulla
69 irrational number 1 surd
2 indehiscent
3 teinoscope
4 gantline
5 culet
70 succession by previously elected relative 1 wellaway
2 tanistry
3 abthane
4 scoptophobia
5 ophiomormous
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 soft velvety hair or fur 1 ambustion
2 pyrgeometer
3 barbigerous
4 tabanid
5 villus
72 trading privilege, monopoly or concession granted to a town 1 succursal
2 octroi
3 novercal
4 knubble
5 kazatzka
73 shaped like a honeycomb 1 faviform
2 ommateum
3 toponymics
4 floristry
5 averruncator
74 vigorous rhythmic Proven‡al stamping dance 1 ejectamenta
2 estampie
3 annectent
4 mugwump
5 aisling
75 irritable 1 vesta
2 sphagnology
3 tercel
4 tetchy
5 cannikin
76 fear of the dark 1 malaxate
2 delitescent
3 pennaceous
4 hendiadys
5 scotophobia
77 extreme sweating 1 satisfice
2 columbaceous
3 rowen
4 agriology
5 desudation
78 boat-shaped 1 fulgour
2 procumbent
3 parine
4 cuddy
5 scaphoid
79 lack of appetite 1 rhizogenic
2 succursal
3 asitia
4 macromancy
5 taxeme
80 terminal; ending 1 protogenic
2 gigot
3 wrackful
4 desinent
5 volution
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 haircloth shirt worn as penance 1 cilice
2 paraph
3 recidivism
4 speciocide
5 cenote
82 fear of food 1 turrical
2 necropsy
3 coemption
4 sitiophobia
5 retinaculum
83 shaped like a scale 1 cremnophobia
2 aneuria
3 squamiform
4 curvet
5 oviferous
84 fungus poisoning 1 reglet
2 mycetism
3 radular
4 pavane
5 tabinet
85 instrument for hearing the pulse 1 sphygmophone
2 brail
3 sapiential
4 pabouche
5 unition
86 self-taught person 1 facinorous
2 barbula
3 pelvimeter
4 petrogenesis
5 autodidact
87 mustang or wild horse 1 wright
2 supra
3 bangtail
4 cavatina
5 groundprox
88 producing eggs; oviparous 1 pentateuch
2 ootocous
3 nocuous
4 rhinoscope
5 mariculture
89 theory of the origin of the universe 1 personalty
2 estaminet
3 cosmogony
4 lacuscular
5 scopic
90 folded fanwise; pleated 1 saprogenous
2 metempsychosis
3 metagrobolize
4 biblioklept
5 plicated
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 bearing thickly matted hair or fur 1 synchroscope
2 talaric
3 bacciform
4 tomentose
5 libellant
92 comprising one day and one night 1 hypodynamia
2 dentiologist
3 noctidiurnal
4 pterospermous
5 feckless
93 pregnancy 1 utilitarianism
2 cyesis
3 naevus
4 glossology
5 marver
94 moulded glass ornament attached to a larger glass object 1 oncometer
2 anemograph
3 virgule
4 yelm
5 prunt
95 rich embroidered silk and gold fabric 1 stagiary
2 insculp
3 baldachin
4 pertuse
5 anemology
96 to purify by sacrifice 1 lustrate
2 nesiote
3 tinchel
4 aggrandize
5 sphingal
97 rounded off; orbicular 1 zarf
2 edentate
3 bismer
4 rotundate
5 scepsis
98 square three-ridged cap worn by Catholic clergy 1 sillograph
2 biretta
3 theophobia
4 chrestomathic
5 flapdoodle
99 cross-shaped opening in wall for firing arrows 1 guarish
2 jockteleg
3 adoptionism
4 balistraria
5 garbology
100 expressing desire or permission 1 volitive
2 henotic
3 megascopic
4 pilliwinks
5 marcella
  by Mosh   Suggestions?