Quiz 7 of 50 -- Shakespeare

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 Sprinkling; hence blessing, because before the, reformation benediction was generally accompanied by the sprinkling of holy water 1 Foison
2 Aspersion
3 Ounce
4 Intentively
5 Unstanched
2 Spilling 1 Spilth
2 Nourish
3 Pouncet-box
4 Cranking
5 Fartuous
3 Interviews 1 Guardage
2 Embowelled
3 Perfect
4 Entreatments
5 Luxurious
4 A place noted for brothels. merry wives of windsor 1 Pickt-hatch
2 Baccare
3 Wry
4 Spring
5 Wat
5 Retreat 1 Skilless
2 Inherit
3 Modern
4 Retire
5 Battle
6 Assay, taste, relish 1 Say
2 Neb
3 Spurs
4 Nighted
5 Appeared
7 Plague spots 1 Humorous
2 Chaudron
3 Heft
4 Tokens
5 Emulous
8 A shoal of fish 1 Unowed
2 Scull
3 State
4 Blench
5 Conveyance
9 Cough 1 Cataian
2 Chewit
3 Whoop
4 Quire
5 Appeared
10 The bat 1 Rear-mouse
2 Interessed
3 Main-course
4 Inly
5 Mete-yard
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 To describe you 1 Render
2 Condition
3 Cling
4 Paritor
5 Umbered
12 Succeeding 1 Counterfeit
2 Parted
3 Quiddity
4 Successive
5 Sot
13 To confess 1 Incorrect
2 Daff
3 Ouphe
4 Gaudy
5 Shrive
14 To cease 1 Leasing
2 Cozenage
3 Wilderness
4 Surcease
5 White
15 Undermined 1 Cock-shut-time
2 Record
3 Custard-coffin
4 Under-wrought
5 Unpregnant
16 A petticoat-front 1 Tasking
2 State
3 Placket
4 Strangeness
5 Roisting
17 To examine subtly 1 Port
2 Condolement
3 Scan
4 Chirurgeonly
5 Putter-on
18 To pocket 1 Impeticos
2 Frush
3 Pleached
4 Distraction
5 Poise
19 To salute 1 Roundure
2 Vail
3 Regreet
4 Statute-caps
5 Castilian
20 Feeble 1 Whip-stock
2 Argal
3 Single
4 Marchpane
5 Bezonian
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 To bind 1 Prig
2 Combine
3 Scotch
4 Momentany
5 Cittern
22 Part. hawking at partridges 1 Cullion
2 Sleave
3 Fond
4 Birding
5 Fico
23 Overpowered, vanquished, a doubtful word 1 Dearn
2 Ostentation
3 Convicted
4 Addition
5 Passant
24 To sound 1 Canakin
2 Engross
3 Continuate
4 Tang
5 Of the field
25 A native of castile; used as a cant term 1 Ensconce
2 Termagant
3 Sway
4 Castilian
5 Unbreathed
26 To forbid 1 Forfend
2 Morisco
3 Ronvon
4 Straight
5 Yaw
27 To destroy 1 Serpigo
2 White
3 Spill
4 Frush
5 Copy
28 Int. in faith, a euphemism 1 Wicked
2 I'fecks
3 Towards
4 Giglot
5 Tilth
29 Outward manner and appearance 1 Seeming
2 Serjeant
3 Exigent
4 Misprise
5 Ice-brook
30 Retaliation 1 Galliard
2 Sperr
3 Marry trap
4 Advertisement
5 Answer
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 A gate 1 Port
2 Collection
3 Paucas
4 Open
5 Digression
32 Wreck 1 Greasily
2 Subscribe
3 Hot-house
4 Rack
5 Buck-washing
33 A perfumed ball 1 Pickers
2 Greet
3 Allowance
4 Uncape
5 Pomander
34 To undo, destroy 1 Vie
2 Cry
3 Mallecho
4 Nuthook
5 Defeat
35 Conclude 1 Ch'ill
2 Corollary
3 Include
4 Scrimer
5 Station
36 Satire 1 Comparative
2 Hent
3 Taxing
4 Propertied
5 Defend
37 Attitude, act of standing 1 Prick-song
2 Gust
3 Station
4 Margent
5 Baccare
38 Attempt 1 Fire-drake
2 Varlet
3 Assay
4 Bootless
5 Ging
39 A term in fencing 1 Fullam
2 Fond
3 Hay
4 Od's body
5 Strain
40 Bushy 1 Busky
2 Provand
3 Propagate
4 Roynish
5 Clout
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 A thrust of a sword 1 Don
2 Argier
3 Breese
4 Broke
5 Stuck
42 A servant, valet 1 Varlet
2 Convicted
3 Jack
4 Draught
5 Cue
43 Opinion 1 Refer
2 Apprehension
3 Addition
4 Mow
5 Od's body
44 Lascivious 1 Character
2 Glut
3 Cony-catch
4 Siege
5 Saucy
45 Imposition 1 Daubery
2 Constancy
3 Unmanned
4 Priser
5 Kicksy wicksy
46 Comp. degree. more neatly 1 Feodary
2 Home
3 Termagant
4 Parle
5 Feater
47 Margin 1 Misery
2 Specially
3 Trol-my-dames
4 Cipher
5 Margent
48 A nestling of the musket or merlin, the smallest species of british hawk 1 Eyas-musket
2 Cracker
3 Quench
4 From
5 Birding
49 An aide-de-camp 1 Mean
2 Drollery
3 Having
4 Of the field
5 Treaties
50 To encroach 1 Cling
2 Kiln-hole
3 Jut
4 County
5 Comparative
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 To suspect 1 Possess
2 Vantbrace
3 Filth
4 Misdoubt
5 Fox-ship
52 Seriousness 1 Validity
2 Bring
3 Sadness
4 Tainture
5 Government
53 A fencer 1 Charles' wain
2 Scrimer
3 Red-lattice
4 Bolting-hutch
5 Revolt
54 To follow the scent the wrong way 1 Canton
2 Hunt-counter
3 Argal
4 Purchase
5 Lozel
55 To balance, weigh down 1 Peize
2 Watch
3 Sith
4 Deem
5 Co-mart
56 The reckoning at an ale-house 1 Shot
2 Sacring-bell
3 Lifter
4 Seniory
5 Lewdly
57 To defend from the weather 1 Intendment
2 Weather-fend
3 Crack-hemp
4 Mehercle
5 Eld
58 Head 1 Palmer
2 Nowl
3 Good-den
4 Ave-mary
5 Burgonet
59 Pomp, state 1 Picked
2 Disappointed
3 Bilboes
4 Port
5 Sneck-up
60 Noble birth 1 Stomach
2 Thrid
3 Wee
4 Three-man-song-men
5 Generosity
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 Herbs 1 Journal
2 Deboshed
3 Sneck-up
4 Vegetives
5 Romage
62 To renovate, comfort 1 Repair
2 Jack
3 Unbreathed
4 Hoodman-blind
5 Cozen
63 To do out, quench 1 Whiffler
2 Dout
3 Natural
4 Utis
5 Aspect
64 To suffer 1 Pathetical
2 Priser
3 Passionate
4 Repeal
5 Yellows
65 Voice 1 Rivage
2 Bolting-hutch
3 Yaw
4 Nayword
5 Breast
66 Discretion 1 Loffe
2 Intending
3 Government
4 Fee-grief
5 Harry
67 A polecat 1 Affy
2 Pin
3 Aglet-baby
4 Breast
5 Fitchew
68 Ill-regulated 1 Fardel
2 Incorrect
3 Peer
4 Tundish
5 Frush
69 Dressed in motley 1 Unimproved
2 Suddenly
3 Patched
4 Without
5 Biggen
70 A nobleman composed of affectation 1 Leiger
2 Unpregnant
3 Whelk
4 Count confect
5 Retailed
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 Elegantly quaint 1 Tricksy
2 Livelihood
3 Out-look
4 Garboil
5 Instance
72 To decorate 1 Importance
2 Strappado
3 Swathling
4 Guard
5 Daff
73 Wanton 1 Varlet
2 Wax
3 Stricture
4 Generosity
5 Riggish
74 Forerunners 1 Statue
2 Vaunt-couriers
3 Dislimn
4 Pedascule
5 Successive
75 Fool 1 Sot
2 Sect
3 Jovial
4 Sumpter
5 Unbreathed
76 The redbreast 1 Tawdry-lace
2 Smirched
3 Ruddock
4 Pretence
5 Unhouseled
77 By our little lady: an oath 1 By'rlakin
2 Convince
3 Bolter
4 Pin
5 Gallimaufry
78 A euphemism for par dieu 1 Perdy
2 Hunts-up
3 Inward
4 Mate
5 Gast
79 Muffled 1 Detect
2 Novum
3 Ballow
4 Mobled
5 Woman-tired
80 Passion 1 Passion
2 Complexion
3 Fast
4 Receipt
5 Tire
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 The small figure engraved on a jewel 1 Mell
2 Bergomask
3 Aglet-baby
4 Nuthook
5 Progress
82 A drawer of liquor 1 Capricious
2 Swear over
3 Green
4 Respectively
5 Skinker
83 That which causes insanity 1 Trick
2 Writhled
3 Operant
4 Insane
5 Shrive
84 Fawn-coloured 1 Fallow
2 Generous
3 Moe
4 Parle
5 Pauca verba
85 To borrow money, or buy on credit, to make up a quarrel 1 Vaward
2 Take up
3 Successive
4 Sliver
5 Liking
86 Small, tiny 1 Defeature
2 Farced
3 Mate
4 Wee
5 Momentany
87 A brothel 1 Waft
2 Fester
3 Hot-house
4 Pay
5 Fain
88 Boastful 1 Disdained
2 Eager
3 Intrinsicate
4 Lethe
5 Thrasonical
89 Corruption of stoccata 1 Stuck in
2 Attend
3 Direction
4 Gout
5 Paid
90 A sheriff's officer 1 Yeoman
2 Mood
3 Home
4 Worm
5 Corollary
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 Fat, rank 1 Executor
2 Enseamed
3 Farced
4 Embossed
5 Derived
92 To uphold 1 Hunts-up
2 Woodman
3 Eyne
4 Constantly
5 Able
93 Instant, importunate 1 Factious
2 Loffe
3 Facinorous
4 Seniory
5 Gourd
94 To put in agonies 1 Napkin
2 Throe
3 Sway
4 Spleen
5 Suddenly
95 Obliged to live abroad 1 Foreign
2 Bolter
3 Uncharged
4 Continent
5 Witty
96 A phrase or passage in a melody 1 Division
2 Staggers
3 Wappened
4 Noddy
5 Knave
97 Roistering, violent 1 Gentry
2 Roisting
3 Impeachment
4 A-good
5 Espial
98 A short play 1 Untrue
2 Take up
3 Sith
4 Abridgement
5 Juvenal
99 To copy 1 Legerity
2 Take out
3 Several
4 Co-mart
5 Sepulchre
100 To lay the table for dinner 1 Mealed
2 Cover
3 Profane
4 Squandered
5 Roundure
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