Quiz 10 of 50 -- Shakespeare

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 Affected, hypocritical 1 Vaunt
2 Pathetical
3 Preface
4 Luxury
5 Bond
2 A term of contempt applied to a woman 1 Sumpter
2 Gird
3 Ronvon
4 Quarrel
5 Travail
3 A breeder of debate, a fomenter of quarrels 1 Sneaped
2 Henchman
3 Breed-bate
4 Embowelled
5 Curb
4 To lower 1 Treachers
2 Prig
3 Misprise
4 Vail
5 Cue
5 To approve 1 Tricksy
2 Allow
3 Riggish
4 Inhabitable
5 Detect
6 The hedge-hog 1 Unhatched
2 Urchin
3 Cony-catching
4 Portable
5 Ice-brook
7 Curled, winding 1 Testern
2 Helm
3 Alder-liefest
4 Haggard
5 Crisp
8 A primer 1 Absey-book
2 Vulgarly
3 An
4 Vizament
5 Callet
9 A flute 1 Recorder
2 Portance
3 Forfend
4 Broker
5 Charge-house
10 Caesar, emperor 1 Keisar
2 Seeming
3 Assay
4 Demerit
5 Stomach
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 To acknowledge 1 Vaunt-couriers
2 Know
3 Sere
4 A-row
5 Likelihood
12 A paper of conditions 1 Potch
2 Plantation
3 Mort-du-vinaigre
4 Utis
5 Book
13 Inconstant 1 Humorous
2 Ballow
3 Moonish
4 Bob
5 Charge-house
14 A heaving 1 Forfend
2 Pretend
3 Curtal-axe
4 Heft
5 Kickshaw
15 A low contemptible fellow 1 Disappointed
2 Loon
3 Guinea-hen
4 Executor
5 Convert
16 Nimble, active 1 Round
2 Tight
3 Candle-wasters
4 Clip
5 Confect
17 To remind 1 Aglet-baby
2 Wot
3 Remember
4 Mean
5 Derogate
18 Weak 1 Festinately
2 Union
3 Dribbling
4 Compare
5 Charact
19 Slice 1 Deem
2 Ingraft
3 Shive
4 Xanthippe
5 Tickle
20 To steer, manage 1 Lunes
2 Calling
3 Abrook
4 Helm
5 Water-work
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 An effeminate man 1 Topless
2 Lay
3 Chamberer
4 Hit
5 Fire-drake
22 Countenance, complexion, quality 1 Uncape
2 Unpregnant
3 Favour
4 Regiment
5 Cox my passion
23 Counterfeit, feigned 1 Simular
2 Quintain
3 Rigol
4 Quiddit
5 Od's heartlings
24 To flutter, as a hawk 1 Bate
2 Executor
3 Incensed
4 Clack-dish
5 Fret
25 To disclose 1 Unbolt
2 Partizan
3 Calling
4 Trash
5 Image
26 The nest of a bird of prey 1 Wimpled
2 Aierie
3 Trenched
4 Passant
5 Awful
27 A kind of noose, or leash, a piece of base money 1 Disable
2 Intend
3 Slips
4 Unmanned
5 Self-bounty
28 Game played by sliding metal pieces along a board at a mark 1 Gilt
2 Shovel-board
3 Buck
4 Coystril
5 Tundish
29 Afraid 1 Afeared
2 Out-look
3 Dildo
4 Scrimer
5 Day-woman
30 A pan-cake 1 Flap-jack
2 Forked
3 Federary
4 Corinth
5 Tilly-vally
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 A familiar name for mary; hence a servant wench 1 Hot-house
2 Malkin
3 Cliff
4 Carbonado
5 Affect
32 Thickly intertwined 1 Dispute
2 Starkly
3 Thick-pleached
4 Neeld
5 Conveyance
33 To think 1 Ordinance
2 Eanling
3 Wee
4 Hag-seed
5 Misthink
34 Shrivelled 1 Shrift
2 Union
3 Writhled
4 Ice-brook
5 Front
35 An oath 1 Marry trap
2 Continent
3 Defence
4 Metaphysical
5 Round
36 A game played with cherrystones 1 Demerit
2 Cittern
3 Hurtle
4 Enkindle
5 Cherry-pit
37 The name of a fiend 1 Agnise
2 Demerit
3 Removed
4 Setebos
5 Pioned
38 A place 1 Audacious
2 Advance
3 Disposition
4 Christom
5 Where
39 A cant term for great, as we say fine, or pretty 1 Untrimmed
2 Old
3 Defensible
4 Once
5 Fordo
40 Suspicion 1 Suspect
2 Canstick
3 Unvalued
4 Charact
5 Successively
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 A dunghill cock 1 Craven
2 Simular
3 Pickt-hatch
4 Sliver
5 Grave
42 Widow's jointure 1 Haunt
2 Strange
3 Grossly
4 Venew
5 Widowhood
43 Mad 1 Greek
2 Wood
3 Leiger
4 Moiety
5 Prone
44 Weald 1 Wild
2 Path
3 Obsequious
4 Eminence
5 Down-gyved
45 To enhance the price of anything, to drive as clouds 1 Fret
2 Rack
3 Sadly
4 Lunes
5 Slubber
46 A nick-name applied to caliban 1 Moon-calf
2 Unready
3 Bravery
4 Ch'ill
5 Light o' love
47 To move on 1 Callet
2 Opposition
3 Estridge
4 Much
5 Sway
48 A manor court 1 When
2 Calculate
3 Emulation
4 Counterfeit
5 Leet
49 To reward, to report 1 Welkin
2 Yield
3 Betid
4 Procure
5 Perfect
50 A privy 1 Draught
2 Soil
3 Bona-roba
4 Dispark
5 Nourish
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 Chief 1 Degrees
2 Arch
3 Nobility
4 Stithy
5 Intrinse
52 A dolt 1 Fast
2 Noddy
3 Brock
4 Pin
5 Fleet
53 Penned up in hoops 1 Inhooped
2 Kicksy wicksy
3 Sith
4 Legerity
5 Canton
54 Wish, heart's desire 1 Dotant
2 A-hold
3 Neb
4 Ward
5 Bosom
55 To pay a man's reckoning, to maintain 1 Absolute
2 Sowter
3 Escot
4 Conduct
5 Sheen
56 Drunk, having taken a good draught 1 Drawn
2 Abysm
3 Bat-fowling
4 Gules
5 Ask
57 To reverse the sentence of exile. two, gentlemen of verona 1 Commodity
2 Repeal
3 Mandragora
4 Longly
5 Costard
58 More-important 1 Gimmal
2 Primer
3 Address
4 Curb
5 Pard
59 Used ironically 1 Ripe
2 Much
3 Tranect
4 Continent
5 Fast
60 Soul-terrifying 1 Strachy
2 Digressing
3 Union
4 Soul-fearing
5 Quiddity
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 To attend one on a journey 1 Bird-bolt
2 Bring
3 Cliff
4 Franklin
5 Vaunt
62 To drift on the sea like a wrecked ship 1 Jut
2 Hull
3 Removed
4 Bird-bolt
5 Gilder
63 Obtaining 1 Quicken
2 Lubber
3 Suppose
4 Propagation
5 Caitiff
64 To convene, summon to be convenient 1 Franklin
2 Bold
3 Design
4 Convent
5 Umbered
65 The gadfly 1 Cock-and-pie
2 Zany
3 Spleen
4 Breese
5 Danger
66 To employ as an agent, to perform by an agent 1 Attorney
2 Fire-drake
3 Bolted
4 Hair
5 Eyne
67 The lower part of a helmet 1 Good-den
2 Setebos
3 Beaver
4 O
5 Lewdly
68 Marking, note or manifestation 1 Denotement
2 Sconce
3 Franklin
4 Vie
5 Incensed
69 The chief magistrate at venice 1 Magnifico
2 Canvas
3 Brach
4 Bully-rook
5 Twangling
70 Ornament 1 Viewless
2 Tricking
3 Prick-song
4 Fee-grief
5 Mephistophilus
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 Incontinent 1 Unstanched
2 Skinker
3 Canakin
4 Beteem
5 Weet
72 Disembowelled, emptied 1 Embowelled
2 Peer
3 Side-sleeves
4 Commonty
5 Prank
73 Furnished with a handle: hence, metaphorically, finished off, delicately formed 1 Stuck in
2 Address
3 Strain
4 Heft
5 Pack
74 Rank, order 1 Fear
2 Ordinance
3 Practisant
4 Vantbrace
5 Widowhood
75 Lawn 1 Weigh out
2 Embossed
3 Mincing
4 Jutty
5 Laund
76 To starve 1 Semblably
2 Swathling
3 Cling
4 Jovial
5 Deck
77 Formerly 1 Buck-basket
2 Quench
3 Misthink
4 Sometimes
5 Taking up
78 Literally, velvet trimmings; applied metaphorically to the citizens who wore them 1 Trick
2 Horn-mad
3 Velvet-guards
4 Control
5 Distraction
79 A post at the door of a sheriff, to which royal proclamations were fixed 1 Lewd
2 Receipt
3 Sheriff's-post
4 Line
5 Princox
80 A trull 1 Square
2 Libbard
3 Virtue
4 Callet
5 Wafture
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 Time for confession 1 Guardage
2 Prevent
3 Longly
4 Shriving-time
5 Consort
82 In the field of battle 1 Sear
2 Stark
3 Lockram
4 Fielded
5 Couplement
83 A light arrow for shooting at a target 1 Fleet
2 Foison
3 Beteem
4 Unrespective
5 Butt-shaft
84 Portrait, a piece of base coin 1 Counterfeit
2 Curb
3 Clip
4 Water-work
5 Sith
85 To unravel, undo 1 Too too
2 Lockram
3 Fox-ship
4 Od's heartlings
5 Unclew
86 A fish so called 1 Sere
2 Scan
3 Loach
4 Motion
5 Vastidity
87 To bend, truckle 1 Margent
2 Jess
3 Sneap
4 Curb
5 Seniory
88 To compel to serve 1 Ceremony
2 Impress
3 Widow
4 Three-man beetle
5 Peat
89 To make gross or fat 1 Biding
2 Espial
3 Bravery
4 Stranger
5 Engross
90 Handed down 1 Little
2 Capricio
3 Retailed
4 Cue
5 Bilberry
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 A particular mode of practising archery 1 Starkly
2 Flight
3 Red-lattice
4 Speed
5 Balm
92 Temper, quality 1 Ging
2 Project
3 Boot
4 Degrees
5 Condition
93 Recital 1 Cital
2 Untented
3 Handsaw
4 Mistempered
5 Use
94 To bring forth young; used only of beasts 1 Lifter
2 Gib
3 Palmer
4 Kindle
5 Viewless
95 To confute 1 Weed
2 Denotement
3 Yellows
4 Seam
5 Control
96 A small portion 1 Avoid
2 Upspring reel
3 Blood-boltered
4 Scantling
5 Generous
97 Used ridiculously for pinioned 1 Intrinse
2 Opinioned
3 Complexion
4 Scall
5 Attach
98 A ridiculous medley 1 Prick
2 Sufferance
3 Ephesian
4 Gallimaufry
5 Gird
99 A little can 1 Canakin
2 Cornuto
3 Untented
4 Address
5 Utterance
100 Freighted 1 Fraught
2 Featly
3 Bestraught
4 Tightly
5 Flewed
  by Mosh   Suggestions?